2015秋冀教版英语七上Unit 6《Let’s Go》(Lessons 33-34)导学案.doc

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1、Lesson 33 Lets go to the zoo 备课时间:2012.11.21 主备人: 集体备课:七年级英语教师 审核签字 _ 教学目标:掌握现在进行时的用法和本课重点短语 巩固练习:译下列短语 1 去动物园_2 吵闹_3 当然 _ 词性转换:1,it(复数)_ 2,that(复数)_ 3,he( 宾格) _4happy(反 义词) _ 一、写出下列动词的现在分词。 1.write_ 2.eat _ 3.play_4.dance _ 5.put_6.wave_7.get _8.smile _ 9.talk_10.laugh_11.sing_12.sit_ _ 13.dream_14

2、.swim_15.listen_16.run_ _ 17.go_18.shop_19.begin_ 20.set_ 21.sleep_22.miss_23. see_24. make_ 二用动词的适当形式填空。 (画出标志词) 1.Look, my mother _(cook) supper in the kitchen. 2.Listen, his parents _(sing) in the room. 3.Tom and Jim _(do) their homework now 4.Its six .The students _(run) on the playground. 5.Be

3、quiet, my father _(sleep) in the room. 6.The dogs _(run) over there. 9.My sister _(do) my homework now 三、句型转换 1. He is eating dinner. (对划线部分提问) 2.The tiger is eating meat (改为一般疑问句并作肯 定回答) _ is he _? _ the tiger _ meat ? Yes, _ _ 37. They are reading in the library . (改为否定句) They _ _ in the library.

4、38. Im doing my homework. (改为一般疑问句) _ _doing _ homework? 三、改错。(划出错处,再改正错处) 1. I doing my homework now. ( )2.My parents is cooking dinner now. ( ) 3.We often going shopping on the weekend. ( ) 4.Do you running now? ( ) 5.Is his friend listen to music now? ( ) 6.Does your sister often plays the piano

5、in the evening? ( ) 7.Its ten. We dont having English class. We are having Chinese class. ( ) Lesson 34: On the farm 备课时间:2012.11.21 主备人: 集体备课:七年级英语教师 审核签字 _ 教学目标: 1.掌握本课出现的新单词和重点短语 2.区分现在进行时和一般现在时的用 法 3.熟悉对话内容,并能运用所学语言点进行对话练习。 课前预习:教师根据自己的需要布置预习任务。 课内检测:一翻译短语: 1,在农场_ 2,远离_3,来吧_4 安静_ 5 喜欢做 _ 6,害怕_7,

6、别担心_8,做得很好_9,pick apples_ 二、词性转换 1,friend(形容词) _ 2,quick (副词) _3,answer(现在分词 ) _4,city(复数) _ 5,eat(现在分 词)_6,feed( 现在分词 ) _ 三教师根据自己的需要检查单词的背诵情况 合作探究 一朗读课文,根据课文内容判断正误: 1. Li Ming is visiting his uncles market.( ) 2. The farm is near the city. ( ) 3. The countryside is so nice and noise.( ) 4. Li Ming

7、likes to feed the animals. ( ) 5. Jack is afraid of cows very much.( ) 二、对话练习(教师示范学生表演): A: Where are you going? B: I would like to go to the countryside A: How about the countryside? B: It is so nice and quiet, and I love the farm. A: What do you like to do here? B: I like to feed the animals and p

8、ick fruit. 三精讲点拨:小组合作完成以下内容, 教师根据学生情况进行知识点的补充。 1, Li Ming takes Jack to supermarket. 判断此句时态 _构成_ 2,Li Ming is visiting his uncles farm 判断此句时态 _构成_. 3,区分现在进行时的标志词_一般现在时的标志词_ 巩固训练:一、单项选择: 1,Our school is _ my home. So I have to take a bus to go to school. A. far away B, near C. far from D near to 2. M

9、y father walks very _. I cant follow him. A quick B slow C quickly D careful 3. Tom, you are doing _ good job. A, a B an C the D / 4. I like_. _ are very friendly. A, sheep; They B, sheeps; They C sheep; Them D sheep; Them 5._ is this shirt? 82 yuan. A How many B How far C How much D How old 6._ cow

10、s are there? There are twenty cows. A How many B What colour C How much 二、适当形式填空: 1. He _(read) English every day. 2I usually _(set) the table before supper. But My sister _ (set) the talbe 3. Look! Tom _ (sing) and _(dance) 4. My parents often _ (sit) in a chair. But now they _ (sit) on the sofa. 5. Jenny usually _ (talk) with his friends on the phone. But now he _ (write) 6. Lily often _(walk) to school. But now he _ (ride) his bicycle 7.Mike_(go)to school at seven in the morning.


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