2015秋北师大版英语七上Get Ready《D your classroom》word教案2.doc

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1、 授课日期 课型 Grammar 授课教师 教学课题 总课时:4 第 2 课时 教 学 目 标 在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 1. 能听,说,读,写地点介词(in, on, under, next to, between and)的词汇及意义。 2. 能运用地点介词 in, on, under, next to, betweenand 完成句子。 3. 能运用地点介词 in, on, under, next to, betweenand 猜出物品。 4. 能运用地点介词 in, on, under, next to, betweenand 完成描述自己教室的小短 文。 5. 积极参与课堂活动

2、21 世纪教育网 教学重点 地点介词 in, on, under, next to, betweenand 教学难点 如何引领学生掌握地点介词 教学方法 发现法 教学准备 P pt studentssheet 教师活动设计 学生活动 设计 设计意图 时间安排 教 学 过 程 Step1 revision Ask Ss to work in pairs to check their homework about a list of school things. Monitor and make note of any errors in pronunciation or spelling of

3、the key words and their plurals. Do an anonymous feedback session at the end of the activity. Step2 exercise6 Bring in a box and a small ball. Put the ball in the box and ask “Where is the ball?” Elicit “The ball is in the box.” And have the students repeat after you several times. Then do the same

4、things with “on, under, next to and between and” Then show the pictures in exercise 6 without the sentences, ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer like this: Wheres A? A is in B. work in pairs to check their homework about a list of school things. Correct their mistakes with the teachers or part

5、ners help. Follow the teacher to listen, look and answer to learn prepositions of place. work in pairs to ask and answer like this: Wheres A? A is in B. 复习上节课的 重要词汇及复 数构成方式 通过实物让学 生直 观感受地 点介词的意义 和用法 让学生在对话 中进一步熟悉 地点介词 6 :21 世纪教育网 10 9 Step 3 Direct Ss to page16. Ask “Wheres the ruler? Elicit “Its on

6、 the desk or Its next to the eraser.” Then say: look at the pictures of the classroom. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. Monitor as the students complete the sentences. Then have Ss compare their answers with a partner, then check in class by asking several students read the sent

7、ences. Step4 exercise 8 Say : lets do a guessing game. Everybody thinks of a thing in the classroom and write the name of the thing on a small piece of paper, dont let anyone else see. Then give an example : T: Is it on the teachers desk? S: No, it isnt. T: Is it on the wall? S: Yes, it is.T: Its a

8、window. S: Yes, youre right. Then ask Ss to work in groups of three. Then ask two groups to act out in class. They have a match. Take turns to ask and guess. The group with fewer questions wins. Step5 Ask the students to finish a text with some missing words about describing their Listen to the teac

9、her. Then look at the pictures of the classroom, Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. Then compare their answers with a partner, then check in class Think of a thing in the classroom and write the name of the thing on a small piece of paper, dont let anyone else see. Then work in gr

10、oups of three to ask questions and guessing what it is. Two groups act out in class. They have a match. Take turns to ask and guess. The group with fewer questions wins. Finish a text with some missing words about describing their classroom by using prepositions of place. Then check in pairs, then i

11、n class. 培养看图选 用正确地点介 词完成句子意 思表达的能力, 同时检测学生 对介词的掌握 情况。 21 世纪教育网 让学生在喜欢 的游戏当中自 然而然地练习 掌握地点介词。 给学生提供灵 活运用地点介 词的机会。 巩固所学 9 10 1 classroom by using prepositions of place. Then check in pairs, then in class. Step6 homework 写一篇描述自己房间的小短文, 其中必须要用到今天学的地点介 词。 Finish the homework 板 书 设 计 课 后 反 思 通过实物让学生直观感受地点介词的意义和用法环节和游戏环节,调动了课堂气氛,目标基本达 成


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