2015秋牛津上海版英语九上Uint 4《Problems and advice》word教案.doc

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1、深圳牛津英语九年级上 Unit4 Problems and advice 讲解及练习 Reading 1.online adj.在线的;在网上 /adv.在线;在网上 This online article is very interesting.这篇在线文章很有趣。 2.model n.模特儿 Sally is going to be a model because she thinks she is good-looking .Sally 自以为相貌出众,所以想当模特。 提示: model 还有以下的含义: a. (依照实物按比例制成的)模型。 a model plane b. 样式;设计

2、;型。 The latest model will be on display at the car show. c. 模范;典型 a model student 3.diet n. 规定饮食(为健康或减肥等目的) Ive only lost two pounds since I started this diet.从这次 节食开始到现在我只减了 2 磅。 4.though conj. 虽然;尽管 Aunt Anna likes Tim though he often annoys her. 提示:though 和 although 常用于引导让步状语从句。 5.awful adj.很坏的;极

3、讨厌的 awfully adv.非常;极其 The weather last summer was awful.去年夏季天气很糟糕。 Theres an awful smell in here. 6.regret v.懊悔 提示:regret 的常见用法有: A.regret+名词/代词 eg:She immediately regretted her decision. B.regret+that/wh-从句 eg:I regret that I was unable to accept your kind invitation. deeply regret what I said. C.r

4、egret +动词不定式,表示“很遗憾地做某事” eg:I regret to say you failed the exam. D.regret +动名词,意为“后悔做了某事”,表示对已经发生的事 情感到后悔。 eg:I regret taking his advice at that time. 7.shamed adj.惭愧;羞愧 近义词 embarrassed adj.羞愧的; 难为情的 :eg:She was ashamed that she looked so shabby她因为自己的 衣衫褴褛而感到无地自容。 8.situation n.情况;状况 ;eg:The situati

5、on was under the control.局面得到了控制。 Shes in a very difficult situation. 9.braces n.(pl.)儿童牙箍 Today more and more children wears braces. 10.hate v. 憎恶;厌恶 近义词:dislike 提示:hate 的常见用法有: A.hate+名词/代词/动名词 .eg:I hate spinach.我讨厌菠菜。 She hates making mistakes. B.hate+不定式 .eg:He hated to be away from his family.

6、 11.advantage n.优势 反义词 disadvantage n.缺点;劣势 eg: In his eyes,the schools only advantage was its location. 12.embarrassed adj.窘迫的;尴尬的 embarrassment n.窘迫;尴 尬 embarrass v. 使窘迫;使尴尬 embarrassing adj.令人害羞的;令人尴尬的 eg: I thought about shouting but I was embarrassed. 13.suggest v. 建议;提议 suggestion n.建议 提示:sugg

7、est 表示“建议;提议”时,其主要用法有: A.接名词作宾语。 .eg:We suggested a visit to the museum the next day. B.接动名词作宾语。 .eg:I suggested putting off the sports meeting. C.接 that 引导的宾语从句,tha 从句中用 should+动词原形,that ,should 可省略。 .eg:We suggested (that) he (should) g0 and apologize to his teacher. 此外,suggest 还可意为“暗示;表明” The sim

8、ple house suggested a small income. 其后亦可接宾语从句,从句用陈述语气。 .eg:The expression on his face suggested that he was very angry. 14.mad adj.很生气;气愤 madly adv. 生气地;愤怒地 madness n.疯狂;愤怒 .eg:She was afraid of going mad.她担心自己会疯掉。 15.mess n.杂乱;不整洁 in a mess 一团糟;杂乱无章 messy adj.杂乱的 .eg:Oh,m goodness!Your room is real

9、ly a mess! 16.annoying adj.使恼怒的;使生气的 annoy v.使生气;使不耐烦 annoyed adj.生气的;恼怒的 eg:His attitude is annoying.他的态度令人讨厌。 The annoying thing about the plan is that its confusing. 这项计划让人讨厌的地方是它让人一头雾水。 B. 1.Im worried about my friend Jolin. be worried about 为担心 ;为担忧 =worry about She was worried about his safety

10、 and went along with him. 她十分担心他的安全,于是与他一同前往。 不必为 John 担心,他很快就会回来的。 _ 2.Shes always on a diet. On a diet 节食 .eg:Helen has been on a diet for two weeks. 我曾经节食过,但后来放弃了。 _ 3.Shes getting too thin ,but whenever I talk to her about this ,she gets angry. whenever 在本句中用以引导时间状语从句,表示“每当一 就”, 其用法与 when 相似,但语气

11、更强。 The roof leaks whenever it rains.这屋顶一下雨就漏。 我一跟他提踢足球的事,他就说忙。 _ Talk to sb.about sth.和某人说某事,跟某人提及某事,与 mention sth.to sb.意思相近。ody Did you _ _him _the recent case?你跟他提及最 近的案子了吗? 4.We saw a lady lying in the street. See somebody doing something 看到某人正在做某事,表示看到了 事情的片段。而 see somebody do something 意为看到某人

12、做某事, 往往强调看到了事件的全过程。 I saw her clean the classroom.强调做过某事 I saw her cleaning the classroom.强调正在做某事 In the street 在马路上;在街道上 正在马路上走,突然有人叫我。 _ 5.My friends made jokes about her and laughed.我的朋友们取 笑她,还哈哈大笑。 Make jokes about somebody 意为“取笑某人;开某人的玩笑”, 与“laugh at somebody”意思相近. .eg:They sang and danced arou

13、nd the horse and made jokes about the stupid Greeks. 6.Though I wanted to help her ,my friends told me not to. 尽管我想帮她,但我的朋友们却叫我不要那么做。 本句中由于 wanted to 后出现了 help her,told me not to 后便省 略了相同的内容。 tell somebody not to do something 是 tell somebody to do something 的否定形式。 I told him not to go ,but he would

14、not listen. 7.It was awful of them to laugh at her,and I regret not saying anything. 他们这样取笑她是很可耻的行为,而我却为自己什么话都没说而感 到后悔。 在“It is +形容词+不定式”的结构中,我们常常可以在形容词后 加上 of/for 的短语。现将两者的区别简述如下: A.of somebody 的句型一般用来表示人物性格品德的形容词,如 kind.nice,clever,foolish 等。 .eg:Its very nice of you to help me. B.for somebody 的句型

15、中,形容词一般表示对做这件事情的评价 。如 easy,hard,difficult,interesting,impossible 等。 .eg:Its very hard for him to learn two languages. regret doing something 意为“后悔做了某事”,强调为已经做 过的事情感到后悔;而 regret to do something 则表示“很遗憾 地做某事”,强调事情还未做。 .eg:He regrets not learning English well before. I regret to tell you that you didnt

16、 pss the examination. 8.I feel ashamed of my self.我对自己感到羞愧。 .feel ashamed of 意为“对感到羞愧” .eg:He felt ashamed of his mistakes. 9.What should I do in this situation?遇到这样的情形我该怎么 办? in this situation 在这种情况下 How can I keep happy when I am in this situation? 10,Ive just started wearing braces,but I hate the

17、m.我刚开 始戴牙箍,但我很讨厌这东西。 Start doing something=start to do something 开始做某事;着 手做某事 .eg:As soon as they sit down beside a boy,they started making /to make fun of him.他们刚在一男孩子身边坐下来,就开 始 拿他开玩笑。 但在如下情况下要注意: A.start 用于进行时时,后接不定式 to do .eg:I was starting to get angry.我开始生气起来。 B.后接 know,understand,realize 这类动词时

18、常用不定式。 .eg:I started to understand the truth .我开始 明白了真相。 11.I dont see any advantage in wearing them.我看不到戴它 们有任何好处。 表示“某一方面的好处”时,advantage 后需跟介词 in. .eg:Is there any advantage in getting there early?早到那里 是否有好处 ? 12.My friends all laugh at me and say bad things about me . 我的朋友们嘲笑我,还说我的坏话。 ay bad thin

19、gs about somebody 意为“说某人坏话” .eg:Dont say bad things about him when he is not around. 13. I have to share a room with my seven-year-old sister,and shes driving me mad.我不得不和我七岁的妹妹合住一个房间, 而她真让我受不了。 share a room with somebody 与某人分享某物 share a room with 与 合住一个房间 .eg:I often share my lunch with my best fri

20、end. seven-year-old 是一个复合形容词,意为“七岁大的”,用作定语, 修饰一词。复合形容词是指由两个或两个以上的单词构成的形容词。 复合形容词一般作定语,往往由连字符连接,复合形容词中若包含 有名词,则该名词一般有单数。 .eg:This is a 30-metre-wide river. I have a three-year-old brother. drive somebody mad 让某人受不了 .eg:Whenever I chat with him,he always drives me mad. 每次跟他聊天,他都会让我发疯。 14.She has a hab

21、it of playing the piano when I am studying,and she always takes my things without tell me.我 一学习她就开始弹钢琴,而且总是不告诉我一声就拿我的东西。 have a habit of doing something 有。的习惯 .eg:Some people have a habit of interrupting others in a conversation.有些人有在谈话中打断别人的习惯。 15.I try to keep my room tidy,but she always makes a m

22、ess. 我尽力保持房间的整洁,她却总是弄得一团糟。 Try to do something 尽力做某事 try doing something 尝试做 某事 比较: She tries to work out the problem.她尽力做出这道题。 She tried working out the problem.她试着做出这道题。 Make a mess 弄得一团糟 .eg:If you make a mess ,you will clean it up yourself.如果 你弄乱了,就得自己收拾。 比较 none,no one /nobody ,nothing no one/n

23、obody 常用来指人,作主语时谓语动词 要用单数形式。 Nothing 常用来指物,作主语时谓语动词 也要用单数形式。 None 既可指人也可指物,作主语时,如果和 of 连用指不可数名 词时,谓语动词要用单数形式;指可数名词时,谓语动词用单,复 数形式均可。 No one likes a person with bad manners. Nothing is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it. None of the work is done by Bob. None of them has/have seen me

24、before. 注意: A.none 与 of 连用表示范围,而 no one/nobody 和 nothing 则不可 以。 B.none 用来回答 How many/much .?的特殊疑问句,而 no one/nobody 和 nothing 则分别用来回答 who?和 What.?的 特殊疑问句 .eg:1.How many birds are there in the tree? -None 2.Who is in the classroom? - -No one./Nobody 3.What is in the box? -Nothing. C.none 可以用来回答“any+名词

25、”构成的一般疑问句,而 nobody 和 nothing 则分别用来回答 nobody 和 nothing 构成的特殊疑问句 Is there any bread left? -No,none at all. Is there anything in the sky? - No,nothing. 1.shout at .对某人大叫 2.be polite to 对无礼 3.None of your business.不关你的事 4.hear from 收到的来信 5.keep doing sth.不停地做某事 6.give sth.back 归还某物 7.Stay/go on a diet 8

26、.Get sb.to do sth. 语法部分:句子的成分 1、主语:是一句的主体,是全句诉说的对象,常用名词、数词或代 词担任(是全句谈论的中心话题) 。例: (1) Students syudy.(名词) (2)We are fridends.(代词) (3)To go to good university is his first goal.(不定式) (4)Doing morning exercise is good for your health.(动名词) (5)What he has said is true. 2、谓语:是对主语加以陈述,表示主语的行为或状态,常用动词或 动词词

27、组担任,放在主语的后面(主语做什么了、怎么了) 。例: (1)Students study.(实意动词) (2)We are friends.(be 动词) (3)We love China. (4)We have finished reading this book. (5)He can speak English.(复合谓语) (6)She seems tired. (7)I saw the flag on the top of the hill. (8)He looked after two orphans. 3、宾语:表示行为的对象,常由名词或代词担任,放在及物动词或 代词之后(动作的

28、对象,目标;位于及物动词之后) 。宾语分为间接 宾语和直接宾语。直接宾语指物,间接宾语指人。例: (a)He gave me some books. 间接宾语 直接宾语 (b)Please pass me the book. (c)He bought me some flowers. 注:位于介词之后的成分也称之为宾语。 4、宾语补足语:是对宾语进行补充说明,宾语和宾语补足语一起构 成复合宾语。例: (1)I found the book interesting. (2)Do you smell something burning? (3)He made himself known to th

29、em. 主动语态变成被动语态后,宾语补足语变成主补。例: (1)I last saw him playing near the river.He was last seen playing near the river. (2)The teacher caught the student cheating in the exam. The student was caught cheating in the exam. (3)We made him monitor.He was made monitor. (4)He pushed the door open.The door was push

30、ed open. 5、定语:是用来说明或者限制名词的成分,常用形容词或者相当于 形容词的短语或从句担任(是用来说明名词或代词性质特点的词) 。 形容词放在名词前,相当于形容词的短语或从句放在名词之后。例: (1)This is a red sun. (2)The black bike is mine. (3)He is a tall boy. 6、状语:是用来说明动词,形容词,副词、介词短语或整个句子的 成分,常由副词担任。修饰动词的可以放在动词之前,也可以放在 动词之后;修饰形容词或副词的放在它们之前。例: (1)The students study hard. (2)I often wri

31、te to him. (3)The bag is too heavy. (4)I will be back in a while. 7、表语:系动词后的部分就是表语,表语是用来说明主语的性质或 状态。一般由名词或者形容词担任。 常见的系动词有: be(am,is,are,were,was),aapear,look,seem feel,smell,taste,sound,keep,turn,become,get,grow,come,go etc.系动词不用于被动语态。例: (1) This table is long. (2) The apple tastes sweet. (3) The wa

32、r was over. They seem to know the trut。 通常情况下,主语和宾语前的成分是定语,谓语前的成分是状语, 时间作状语放在句子的后面。 (定语)主语(状语)谓语(定语)宾语(状语) 。 (1)(The tall)boy(often)go(to the big)zoo. (2)(The happy)child-went(his)home yesterday. 英语句子成分歌: 英语句子八呀八大块, 主谓宾表真呀真实在; 补语跟着宾语标语跑, 定语同位(语)专把名词 踹。 状语的位置它自由自在,忽右忽左随心所欲摆。 浑身的毛病真呀真不少,前后乱窜它还会加塞。 英语五种基本句型: 基本句型一:S+V (主+谓) 基本句型二:S+V+P (主+系+表) 基本句型三:S+V+O (主+谓+宾) 基本句型四:S+V+o+O (主+谓+间宾+直宾) 基本句型五:S+V+O+P (主+谓+宾+宾补)


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