2015秋牛津译林版英语八上Unit 7《Seasons》(integrated skills)word导学案1.doc

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1、年级:初二 主备:吴蕴 审核:施海燕 时间:2013.12. 6 课题:Unit7 Integrated skills& study skills 课型: 新授 课时安排:一课时 学生姓名_ 家长签名 _ 【学习目标】 1.听录音,获取信息。 2.根据从录音中获取的信息完成记录。 3.学会谈论不同地方的天气。 4.学习一些名词加上-y后缀来转换成形容词的方法。 5.运用适当的形容词来描述天气或事物的特性。 【课前热身】 一、背诵并默写以下单词和词组:(P87-89) 1暴风雪(n) snowstorm 2.风(n) wind (adj windy) 3.大约(adv)around 4阳光(n)

2、 sunshine(不 可数) 5.其余的部分(人)(n ) rest 6.度数(n)degree (可数) 7.一点,少量(n)bit 有一 点 a bit 8.吹、刮(v)blow (过去式 blew) 9.大声地(adv)loud 10.给打电话,响起铃声 (v) ring (过去式 rang) 11.雾(n)fog (adj foggy) 12. 困倦的,瞌睡的( adj)sleepy 13光亮、光泽 (n) shine 14. 光亮的、反光的(adj)shiny 15.突然的(adj)sudden (adv suddenly) 16.雪球(n) snowball 17.打战(架) (

3、n) fight (可数) 1. 不同季节不同地方的天气 weather in different seasons and places 2. 听收音机中的天气 预报 listen to the weather report on the radio 3. 傍晚来到 arrive in the late afternoon 4. 降到零度以下,达到零下10度 drop below zero, to -10 5. 今天主要会干旱,阳光充 足。 It will be mainly dry and sunny today. 6. 但晚上会变得比较多 云 But it will turn more c

4、loudy in the evening. 7.白天在9度左右,晚上为4度左 右 be around 9 during the day and 4 at night. 8. 今天又将是美妙、炎热的一天,气温达到 30多度 It will be a beautiful, hot day again today, with temperatures in the thirties 9. 这周剩下来的几天 for the rest of the week 10这周剩下来的几天,阳光与蓝天将陪伴着 我们。 Sunshine and blue skies will stay with us for th

5、e rest of the week 11.来自北方的暴风雪傍晚就要 来了。 Snowstorms from the north will arrive in the late afternoon. 12.风会更大。 The wind will be stronger. 13. 今天将会有一些阵雨。 There will be a few showers today. 14. 天气将会温暖,白天气温在18度或19度附近 It will be warm, with daytime temperatures around 18 or 19 degrees. 15.不同的地方天气差别是如此之大。 T

6、he weather can be so different in different places. 16.明天北京将会有暴风雪。 There will be a snowstorm in Beijing tomorrow. 17.最低/最高气温the lowest/ the highest temperature 18.保持在零度以上stay above zero 19. 在9 度到5度之间 between 9 and 5 20.在零度以下,为零下一度 be below zero, at -1 21. 每年的这段时间 during this time of year. 22. 每年的这段时

7、间,北京总是多雪并且 寒冷的。 It is always so snowy and cold in Beijing during this time of year. 23.明天悉尼将会有阵雨。 There will be showers in Sydney. 24.南京天气如何? Hows the weather in Nanjing?=Whats the weather like in Nanjing? 25.这里稍微有点冷,有点干燥,但没有暴风雪。 Its a bit cold and dry, but there are no snowstorms here. 26. 我是简阿姨。Th

8、is is Aunt Jane speaking. 27. 你怎么样啊? 我很好,但天气真的 很冷。 How are you doing? Im fine.,but its really cold. 28.抱歉,我听不见你说话。 Sorry, I cant hear you. 29风刮得太猛了。 The wind is blowing hard. 30. 你能再大声一点吗? Can you speak louder , please? 31.我会再打给你的。照顾好自己 Ill ring you later. Take care 32.街上的许多人不 得不用围巾蒙住了 脸。Many people

9、 in the street have to cover their faces with scarves.33.使人们困倦 make people sleepy 34 突然降临的大雨引起许多问题。 The sudden heavy rain causes a lot of problems. 35.秋天是一年中最好的季节。 Autumn is the best season of the year. 36.人们幸运地享受很多 晴天。 People are lucky to enjoy many sunny days. 37.他们喜欢周末在城市的周围来一个短程 旅游。 They like to

10、 have a short trip around the city at the weekend.38.在大雪天里,大多数孩子很开心, 很吵闹。Most children are happy and noisy on snowy days. 39.喜欢打雪仗 like snowball fights 40.浓雾对人们不健康。 Heavy fog is not healthy for people. 通过预习,哪些方面你还存在疑问? _ 【学海拾贝】 1. Sunshine and blue skies will stay with us for the rest of the week这周剩

11、下来的几天,阳光与蓝 天将陪伴着我们。 “其余的,剩余的” _ 故事的剩余部分很无聊。 _ _ _ the story _ _. 剩下的书是给你的。 _ _ _ the books _ for you. 2. 电话用语。 Whos that (speaking)? This is (speaking). ( )Hello,whos that speaking? _ A That is Jane. B This is Kangkang speaking. C Im Mike. D She is Maria. 3.询问天气。 _=_ 回答:Its + 天气的形容词(sunny, windy, sn

12、owy, foggy, cloudy, rainy) 明天天气怎么样?纽约是晴天,而伦敦则是多云。 _ _ the weather _ _tomorrow? It _ _ _ in New York and _ in London. 4. Its a bit cold and dry.这里稍微有点冷,有点干燥。 a bit和a little都可用作程度副词, “稍微,一点儿” ,修饰动词,形容词,比较级等,二者可 互换。 请你把收音机声音光小一点好吗? Will you please _ _ the radio _ _? 多么热的天啊!我有点口渴。 _ _ _ day! I am _ _ _.

13、 a little+不可数名词=a bit of +不可数名词。 Tom有一点钱。Tom has _ money. not a bit =not at all “一点也不”。 not a little= very much “十分,相当,极其” 他一点儿不累。He is _ _ _ tired. 他很累。 He is _ _ _ tired. 5. Ill ring you later. 我会再打给你的。给某人打电话 ring sb=call sb=give sb a call/ring ring sb up “打通电话,实现通话” 6.在一些名词后面加上后缀y形成形容词(尤其是一些与天气有关

14、的名词) ,后缀-y“有某 种性质“ 在名词后面加-y变成名词: rain_ cloud_ wind_ snow_ health_ luck_sleep_ 以重度闭音节结尾,且词尾只有一个辅音字母的名词,应双写词尾的辅音字母再加-y: sun_ fog_ fun_ 少数以不发音的e 结尾的名词变为形容词时,应去掉 e 再加-y: noise_ ice_ shine_ 【堂清巩固】 1. Toms fathers _(suddenly) death made him in deep sorrow. 2. In summer the high temperature makes people _(sleep). 3.Today it will be warm, with the temperature of 20 _(度). 4.The line is bad. I cant hear you . Could you speak _(loud) , please? 5. It is raining _ (hard) and the wind is blowing _(strong). 6. I dont like the _ (shine) look. 7.他的突然到来使我们感到吃惊。 His _ _ made us surprised.


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