2015秋牛津译林版英语八上Unit 7《Seasons》(Reading2)word导学案.doc

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1、8A Unit 7 Seasons Reading2 导学案 学科 英语 课题 8A U7Reading2 第 课时 主备人 年级 八 备课时间 上课时间 审核人 【教学目标】 1. 进一步学习、理解四季小诗,会正确翻译。 2. 能正确使用诗中所学词汇和短语。 【教学重点、难点】 正确使用诗中所学词汇和短语。 【课前准备】 熟读四季小诗,记忆本课时所学的词汇、词组和句型。 【教学过程】 Step 1: Revision 为学生提供一个表格,让他们回忆诗歌内容并填写表格。表格如下: Seasons of the year Winter Spring Summer Autumn Step2: Pr

2、esentation 1. 通过与学生就表格信息进行讨论,引出本课时需讲解的语言点并板书 be full of, forget to do sth. ,turn brown, What a perfect time to 等。 2. 通过出示实物、创设情景、与学生真实交流和展示例句等方式,帮助学生掌握上述语 言点的用法。以 What a perfect time to 为例,鼓励学生造句: What a perfect time to go on a trip! /What a perfect time to go swimming!/What a perfect time to walk b

3、y a stream!帮助学生体 会并发现语言点的含义及用法。 3. 鼓励学生对不懂的内容提问,针对学生的提问,教师解答并帮助他们归纳语言点,如: turn down。学过的类似词组还有: feel cool /look cool /smell good /sound great /taste delicious /get tired /become popular 等。结构为“ 系动词+形容词”,学过的系动词有: be /seem,look /feel /smell /taste /sound, get /turn /become, keep /stay 等。 4. 对诗歌中重要的词汇加以解

4、释。 Step3: Practice 1. 呈现一些重点词汇和词组的中文,让学生立刻说出相应的英文,巩固学过的知识。 2. 根据句意,选择方框中的词组并用其正确形式填空。 Step4: Activities 1. 学生四人一组讨论:Which season do you like best? Why? 2. 学生描述自己喜爱的季节和人们在这个季节的活动。 3. 教师总结:Nature is full of pleasure and beauty. We should protect nature and make our world more beautiful. 【要点点击】 1.Winte

5、r days are full of snow. 冬天的日子充满着雪。 “be full of” 的中文是“ 充满” “full” 是形容词“ 满的”,它的动词是 “fill”“装满,注满” “be full of”等于 “ be filled with” 如:这个房间里挤满了人。 This room _ _ _ people.=This room _ _ _ people. 2.When trees and flowers forget to grow.当树木和花儿都忘记生长。 “forget to do sth.” 是“忘记去干某事”,表示事情还没有去做。 “forget doing st

6、h.”是忘记干过 某事。表示事情做过但现在忘了。如: 他经常忘记写作业。He often _ _ _ his homework. 他忘记给她买过这本书。He _ _ _ this book. 注意:“remember” 也有两种用法 “remember to do sth.” “记好去做某事”和“remember doing sth.” “记得做过某事 ” 如:爸爸记得今晚早点到家。 My father _ _ _ home early today. 我记得去年参观过中国。 I _ _ China last year. 3.And the birds fly far away. 鸟儿都飞向了远

7、方。 “far away”意思是“远离”。如: 他住的很远。 He _ _ _. 辨析:be far away, be far from 与“be+具体的距离+away from” “be far away” 意为“ 遥远” ,后面不跟地点。如: 我的学校很遥远。 My school _ _ _. “be far from”意为 “离.远”,后面跟地点。如: 我学校离我家很远。 My school _ _ _ my home. “be +具体的距离+away from”是表示具体的远。如: 我家离医院 20 公里远。My home is _ _ _ _ the hospital. 注意:在句子

8、中 far 和具体的距离不能同时存在。 4. Fall into piles upon the ground.一堆一堆落到了地上。 “fall”是不及物动词,意为“落下,掉下”。后面不能直接跟宾语。如: 秋天树叶掉落。 _ _ _ in autumn. 拓展:fall 的固定搭配:fall down 落下,掉下 fall off 从掉下来 fall over 绊倒 5. Farmers work to harvest the crops. 农民们忙着收割庄稼。 “harvest”有两种词性,一是当名词讲,翻译成“收获” ;二是当动词讲,翻译成“收割,收获” 。如:收获的季节快到了。_ _ _

9、is coming soon. 农民们正忙着收割小麦。The farmers _ _ _ the wheat. 6. As the days are shorter and the temperature drops.随着白天变短,气温也下降了。 “as”是连词,意为“ 随着“ 。如: 他一边工作一边唱歌。 She sang _ she _. 正当他下车时,我看见了他。I saw him _ he _ _ _ the bus. 【达标检测】 一.根据句意及提示写出单词。(10x5) 1.Snow r_ with grow. 2.If you are in the library, you sh

10、ould keep q_. 3.We were just floating along with the _(溪流). 4.There will be a heavy s_ tomorrow so we have to stay at home. 5.My home is not f_ away my school. I can go school by bike. 6.They walked _(在中)the crowds in Red Square. 7.Look out, dont f_ down. 8.If _(农民) keep taking the land, giant panda

11、s will have nowhere to live. 9.The _(庄稼)are growing well this year. 10.Im so excited that I cant d_ my mood. 二.单项选择。(5x5) ( )1. -_ doesnt Li Nan come to school today? -Because she was ill. A. What B. Why C. When D. Where ( )2. -_ do you buy a computer for? -To study English. A. What B. Why C. When D

12、. Where ( )3. _ is the weather like today? A. How B. Why C. When D. What ( ) 4. Lucy is _ girl and everyone likes her. A. a quite careless B. quite a careless C. a quite careful D. quite a careful ( )5. There _ a sports meeting in our school next week. A. is B. will be C. has D. will have 【教后感】 _ _

13、_ 【课后作业】 一. 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. It is sunny and _(wind) today. Lets go outside and fly kites. 2. There are many _(butterfly) flying among the flowers. 3. People always have sweet _(memory) of their childhood. 4. When autumn comes, the _(leaf) turn brown and fall into piles upon the ground. 5.

14、 Farmers are busy _(harvest) the crops in autumn. 6. Hes too old .He cant run _(quick). 7. Shes very careless. She cant do her lessons _(careful). 8. Little Tom is often late for class His teacher is quite _ with him. He said to him _, “ Dont be late again.” (angry) 9. Its dark in the room. Can you

15、see these pictures _(clear) enough? 10. Listen, the children are playing games _( noise). 二. 用所给动词的适当填空。 1. Why cant we _( see)birds in winter? 2. Would you like _(have) a dinner with me? 3. We are looking forward to _(see) our new English teacher. 4. I often see him _(play) basketball on the playgr

16、ound. 5. There are many clouds in the sky. It is _(cloud). 6. I am thirsty. I feel like _(drink) a cup of tea. 7. Do you have the same _(feel)? 8. There is too much homework. I am busy _(do) it. 三. 单项选择。 ( )1. Wow! There _ so _ fog this morning! A.are; much B. are; many C. is ; much D. is ; lot ( )2

17、. Does it often _ in your city? A.rains B. rain C. raining D. rainy ( )3.Most of _ fly to the south when winter _. A.them; come B. they ; comes C. them ; came D. them ; comes ( )4. There will be some _ this afternoon. A. showers B. shower C. showering D. showery ( )5. He _ the glass onto the ground

18、and it was _. A.drops; broken B. droped; broken C. dropped; broken D. dropped; broke 四. 中译英。 1. 这个地区有太多的下雨天。 There are _ _ _ days in this area. 2.昨天是下雪天,我在外面玩了半天。 Yesterday _ _ _ day, and I _ _ for_ a day. 3. 当他歩行回家时,一首接一首地唱着歌。 _ he _ _, he _ songs one after _. 4. 太阳每天从东方升起。 The sun _ _ _ _ every day. 5.在那些男孩中,你能找到丹尼尔吗? Can you _ Daniel _ _ _? 6.你认为明天将会有降温吗? Do you think that there _ be a _ in _ tomorrow? 7. 春天里阳光灿烂,但是可能会突然刮风。 Its _ and _ in spring, but the wind _ _ _. 8.学好英语对我们来说很重要。 It is very _ _ _ _ _ _ _.


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