2015秋鲁教版英语九年Unit 7《Life is full of the unexpected》(SectionB 2b-Self check)word教案.doc

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2015秋鲁教版英语九年Unit 7《Life is full of the unexpected》(SectionB 2b-Self check)word教案.doc_第1页
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2015秋鲁教版英语九年Unit 7《Life is full of the unexpected》(SectionB 2b-Self check)word教案.doc_第5页
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1、Unit7 SectionB (2b-Self check) 精品教案 一、 教材分析 (一)、Section B 该课时有 2 个内容模块: 1第一个模块 April Fools Day 这一话题进行阅读(2b)与写作(2c-3b)训 练; 2第二个模块是自我检测 Self check. 二、 三维目标 (一)、学习目标 (1) 掌握新单词 announce, describe, convince, panic, set off, authority, reveal, hoax, flee/fled/fled, spaghetti, girl-friend, Show, marry, thr

2、ill, get married, reply, ending (2) 巩固上节所学的过去完成时,并能讨论愚人节所发生的事。 ( 二) 、能力目标 1能够比较熟练地运用英语语音知识朗读篇章。 2学生捕捉语篇主题,理解细节,并推断语篇深层意思的能力。 3培养学生略读、精读的能力。 (三)、情感目标 帮助学生了解愚人节,开玩笑不能伤害别人的感情。 三、 教学重点 1 Teach the students the new vocabulary 2 Help the students understand the three articles 3 Guide the students to write

3、 stories happened on April Fools Day 四、 教学难点 1 Help the students understand the three articles 2 Help the students write the stories happened on April Fools Day 五、 教学策略 任务型教学法以及小组合作 六、 教学准备 多媒体 I. 教学环节 课堂导入 Step I Revision 1 Revise the three boys stories happened on April Fools Day Ask three differe

4、nt students to tell their stories to the class 2 Check the homework II. 课堂讲授 Step 2b Read the instructions to the students Youll have to read three articles The three articles are about three different stories happened on April Fools Day Not all of them are true Tell which of these stories is the mo

5、st believable and which is the least believable And you have to tell the reasons as well At last, think over if you would be fooled by any of the stories Read the first article to the class The students look at their books, listen to the teacher and find out the answers to the questions in the instr

6、uctions After reading, ask the students if it is believable and why Ask several students to tell their opinions on the believability the first article They may say like this: I think it is believable because the exact time and persons name are given in the first sentence, or, I dont think its believ

7、able because I think no one dared to fool the people like that Do the same with the two articles left Ask two good students to read the articles instead of the teacher Elicit students reasons for their answers At last tell the students the correct answer Step 2c-2e Read the instructions to the class

8、 Play the recording again to help the students Ask three different students to read the notes to the class Help the students make sentences with the notes first After making sentences, ask the students to write a magazine story about Nick in Activities 2a and 2b, using the notes below As they write,

9、 move around the room offering help and answering questions as needed After around ten minutes, ask a student to read the completed article to the class The rest of the class help correct the mistakes the student may have made Get them to check each others writing carefully in pair s Step 3a-3b Read

10、 the instructions to the class Be sure that the students know what they are asked to do At first, have the students think what they might write about Then tell them to make a list of ideas before starting writing The list should include the three parts, what happened first, what happened next, and w

11、hat you finally realized Write a sample list on the blackboard: Next ask the students to write their jokes Ask some students to read their articles to the class Correct as many of the article s as possible in class Step Self Check. Read the instructions to the class Review the meanings of funniest,

12、most embarrassing and most creative Have the class have a look at the sample conversation in the box before reading Ask a pair of the students to read it to the class Then ask the students to read their stories to the class After all of the students have read, ask the class to vote for the funniest,

13、 most embarrassing and most creative stories III. 课堂练习 单项选择 1.He asked me _A_ during the summer holidays. A. where I had been B. where I had gone C. where had I been D. where had I gone 2. What _D_ Jane _ by the time he was sever? A. did, do B. has, done C did, did. D. had, done 3. I _C_ 900 English

14、 words by the time I was ten A. learned B. was learning C. had learned D. learnt 4. She _A_ lived here for _ years. A. had, a few B. has, several C. had, a lot of D. has, a great deal of 5. By the time my parents reached home yesterday, I _A_ the dinner already. A had cooked B. cooked C. have cooked

15、 D. was cooked IV. 课堂小结 能在具体语境中正确运用过去完成时。 V. 作业布置 1 Read the three articles aloud after class 2 Correct the magazine story and the joke you have written 3 Try to remember the new vocabulary 七、 板书设计 Unit7 Life is full of the unexpected. announce, describe, convince, panic, set off, authority, reveal, hoax, flee/fled/fled, spaghetti, girl-friend, Show, marry, thrill, get married, reply, ending 八、 教学反思 本课主要采用直观教学、任务型教学和小组合作法,使 学生在讲授、启发 的基础上,让学生通过小组合作完成学习任务,达到教学目标,同时培养学生 的合作意识和创新精神。


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