2015秋牛津上海版英语九上Uint 5《Action》word单元教案.doc

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1、Unit5 Action讲解 重点短语: 1. a television studio电视摄影棚 2. a TV quiz show电视智力竞赛节目 3. would love/like to do愿意做 4. sit at the desk坐在桌边 5. on the stage在舞台上 6. fall forward 向前摔倒 7. be fainted/faint晕到 8. help sb. off the stage扶某人下台 9. control room 控制室 10. raise ones hand =put up ones hand 举手 11. make-up artist

2、化妆师 12. powder ones face 给某人的脸搽粉 13. comb ones hair 梳头 14. be unprepared没准备 15. ahead of 领先于, 在前面 16. six more questions=another six questions 六个更多的问题 17. win the big prize赢得大奖 18. keep still保持平静 19. keep doing sth一直做某事 20. be made of由制成(看得出原材料) be made from由制成(看不出原材料) 21. go straight to sp直接去某地 22.

3、 a series of 一系列 23. take steps to do =take action to do 采取行动做某事 一、要点解释: 1.host n.东道主, 主人; 主办人(地方, 机构等);节目主持人 反义词:guest e.g. Who will be the host for tonights program? 谁是今晚的 节目主持人? hostess n.女主人; 空中小姐 e.g. Air hostesses all smile when they serve the passengers. 空姐们为乘客服务时总是满脸笑容。 2. calm adj.(水面)平静的,

4、(天气)无风的; 镇定的, 沉着的; 宁 静的, 心平气和的 e.g. The sea is now calm.海现在平静了。 vt. (使)镇定 e.g. Presently he calmed a little. 他很快就平静一些了。 习惯用语: keep calm! 安静! 保持镇静! calm down 使平息, 使 平静 e.g. She is terribly excited.We must try to calm her down. 她激动得厉害,我们必须想法使她平静下来。 3. surprise vt.使惊奇, 使诧异; e.g. He may surprise us all

5、yet. 他总有一天会让我们大家惊奇。 n. 惊奇, 惊讶; 令人吃惊的事物 e.g.He gave me a big surprise on my birthday.在我生日那天他 给我了一个很大的惊喜。 习惯用语: in surprise 惊奇地 to ones great surprise 使 某人非常惊奇的是 e.g. We looked at the man in silent surprise. 我们不作声惊 讶地看着那个人。 To my surprise, the task was finished in only one week. 这任务竟然在一周内就完成了。 I surpr

6、ised everyone by wearing a terrible mask.我带了一 副可怕的面具, 使大家受惊了。 4. recording n.(音像的)录制; 录音; 唱片; 录了音的磁带 e.g. Do you remember how to operate this recording machine? 你记得怎样使用这个录音机吗? record vt. 录音, 拍摄 n.记录, 记载 e.g. His voice does not record well. 他的声音录下来不好听。 He broke a record in running. 他打破了一项赛跑的纪录。 习惯用语:

7、 break the a record 保持/打破记录 keep the record 保持记录 set (up) a new record 创新纪录 5. nervous adj. 神经紧张的; 神经过敏的 e.g. She felt very nervous with so many people looking at her. 这么多人瞧着她, 她感到非常紧张。 习惯用语: feel nervous about 不寒而栗 , 担心, 害怕 6. faint vi.晕倒, 昏倒 n.昏倒 e.g. The young soldier fainted in the hot sun. 那个年轻

8、的士 兵在炎炎烈日下晕了过去。 He recovered from a faint. 他从昏厥中苏醒过来。 习惯用语: fall into a dead faint =fall in a dead faint 昏倒, 不省人事 6. raise vt.提起; 举起; 抚养; 饲养; 增加; 提升 e.g. When he saw the principal, he raised his hand in salutation. 他看到校长时举手敬礼。 The old man likes raising rabbits, chickens, dogs and horses.这个老人喜欢养兔子、鸡、

9、狗和马。 They raised their output by more than half in less than three years. 不到三年, 他们把产量提高了一半还多。 区别易混词:raise 和 rise raise (raise-raised-raised) v. 举起, 提高;提出 raise + sth 可接宾语 通常发出此动作的是人 raise questions 提问 raise ones hand 举手 rise (rise-rose-risen)v. 上升; 升起 不能接宾语或不能直接接 宾语,要有介词才能接宾语 可指日月星辰自然的升起 The sun ris

10、es in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起,在 西方落下。 7. clap vt. 掌声 (clap-clapped- clapped 现在分词:clapping) e.g. The people liked the singer and gave him a clap. 大家 都喜欢那位歌手,为他鼓掌。 clap ones hands v.拍手 8. prepare vt.准备 e.g. We must prepare a room for our guest. 我们必须为客人 准备一间房。 习惯用语: be prepared for to do

11、 准备着 prepare for 为. 作准备 e.g. We are not prepared to send the goods. 我们不准备发送 此货。 反义词:unprepared adj. 无准备的,即席的,尚未准备好的 be unprepared for 对无准备的 prepared adj. 事先准备好的 e.g. We must be prepared for twists and turns. 我们要准备好 经受曲折。 You ought to be prepared for some unpleasantness. 你要做 好思想准备,可能发生一些不愉快的情况。 9. ma

12、ke-up n.化妆(品), 化妆用品; e.g. She never wears make- up.她从不用化妆品。 10. opposite prep.(表示位置)在的对面; 在旁边, 接着; 与 在一排. adj.对面的, 相反的, 对立的 e.g. The post office is opposite (to) the station. 邮局在 车站的对面。 I think the picture would look better on the opposite wall. 我认为这张画挂在对面的墙上会好看些。 in opposition to 反对 in opposition t

13、o sb. on a question在 一个问题上与某人意见相反 11. lobby n. 前厅, 厅堂 e.g. Mary is in the lobby of Asian Hotel. 玛丽现在在亚洲旅馆大厅。 同义词:entrance n.入口, 大门口 hall n. 门厅, 礼堂, 会堂; 大厅, 走廊 e.g. The hall was crowded to the door.门厅里挤满了人, 直挤 到门口。 The car waited at the front entrance. 汽车在前门口等候。 12. goat n.山羊 e.g. We keep a few fowls

14、 and some goats.我 们养了几只鸡和一些山羊。 同义词:sheep n.羊, 绵羊 习惯用语 a black sheep 害群之马; 拒绝参加罢工的工人 a lost sheep 迷途羔羊, 迷失正道的人 13. ahead of 在之前 adv.在前; 提前, 向前, 今后 e.g. She left one day ahead of him. 她是在他离开的前一天离 开的。 ahead of time 提前 =in advance 在前头, 预先, 事先 in advance of 在.前面; 比.进步; 超过 in front 在前面, 在前方 e.g. You can c

15、heck in two hours in advance. 你可以提前两个 小时检查登记。 Galileos ideas were in advance of the age in which he lived. 伽利略的思想超越了他生活的时代。 The old woman walked slowly, and the children ran on in front. 那位老妇人慢慢地走, 小孩子们跑在前面。 14. take steps 采取措施 e.g. They took steps to prevent the spread of influenza. 他 们采取措施阻止流感的传播。

16、 step n.脚步, 步, 楼梯, 台阶, 步骤, 措施, step by step 一步步地, 逐步地, 循序渐进地 e.g. He learnt the rules of the game step by step.他逐步 学会了游戏的规则。 15. in the public place 在公共地方 in public 公开地, 当众 16. be pleased with 对喜欢,满意于 = be not angry at 对 发怒 e.g. I am quite pleased with your success, your mother will be more pleased.

17、 我对你的成功感到非常高兴,你的母亲会更高兴。 be pleased to do sth. 高兴/乐于做某事 e.g. We are pleased to do this. 我们很高兴做这个。 17. as a result 结果, 因此 e.g.As a result, he had to leave. 结果他只得离开。 18. except prep.除外(不包含被除掉的) We go to school every day except Saturday and Sunday.我们 除了周六周日每天都去上学。 besides除.之外(包含被除掉的) I have many friends

18、 besides you.除了你我还有很多朋友。 except for 除.之外, 只是(被除去的与整体不属于同一类事物, 常强调除了局部的一些问题外整体都是不错的) Your essay is good except for some spelling mistakes. 你的文章很好只是有 一些拼写错误。 except that 除了, 只是(后接句子) He said nothing except that he is all right. 他除了说他以 外,别的什么也没说。 19. used to do过去经常做某事 e.g. We used to grow vegetables.我们

19、过去是种蔬菜的。 be used to doing 习惯于做某事 e.g. That is because women can continue to do something they are used to doing. 那是因为妇女能继续做她们所一直习惯 做的事情。 20. put sb into prison 把某人关进监狱 = be sent to jail 21. two and a half hours 两个半小时 one and a half hours / an hour and a half 一个半小时 22. decide on / upon就做出决定, 决定要 e.g.

20、 We felt that we must decide on something. 我们感到 必须做出某种决定。 23. ADJ An apt student is intelligent and able to understand things easily. 聪慧的 ADJ n 例: She had taught him French and he had been an apt student. 她教过他法语,他一直是个聪慧的学生。 同近义词同根词词语辨析 adj. 恰当的;有倾向的;灵敏的 sensitive , correct , quick , prone , liable 双

21、语例句原声例句权威例句 It was an apt comment. 这是一个恰当的评论。 If he be not apt to beat over matters, and to call up one thing to prove and illustrate another, let him study the lawyers cases.如果某人不善于详细查看事物, 仅限于用一事物 去和另一事物对比、解释的话, 就让他去见识见识律师怎么办案子。 Though Anna Jarvis never married and never had kids, she is also known

22、 as the Mother of Mothers Day, an apt title for the lady who worked hard to bestow honor on all mothers. 虽 然安娜贾维斯从未结婚,从未发生过,她也是作为母亲节母亲,一 个恰当的标题为夫人谁努力在所有已知的母亲赐予荣誉的孩子。 二although 与 though的用法解析 1. although较正式,语气强;though 较常用。现代英语中两者可 随意换用。如: Though he was tired, he went on working. =Although he was tired

23、, he went on working. 2. although和 though引导的从句放在主句前后均可,有时还可放 在句中。如: He often helps me with my English (al)though he is quite busy. 尽管他相当忙,但是还常常帮我学英语。 Although many difficulties are still ahead, we are determined to make greater achievements. 尽管在前面的道 路上还有许多困难,但是,我们决心要取得更大的成就。 3. although, though引导的从句

24、不能与 but, however连用,但可 与 yet, still连用。不能说:Though he was old, but he worked hard. 应把 but去掉。当然,保留 but而去 Though也可。 4. though有时指假设的情况,不指事实,从句用虚拟语气; although不能这样用。如: Einstein cared little for money, though he could have been very rich. 尽管爱因斯坦本可以成为非常富有的人,但他对金钱却不感 兴趣。(though 引导的情况是假设的而不是事实。) He will never d

25、o such a thing though he (should) be forced to. 即使强迫他,他也决不会干这样的事。(注意:不能用 is) 5. though引导的从句,可用倒装语序,即把从句中的表语或状语放 到 though之前;although 却不能这样用。如: Young though she is, yet she is fit for the job. (=Young as she is, yet she is fit for the job.)尽管她 很年轻,可她还是胜任这项工作的。 6. though从句的主谓语若是系表结构时,可以省略从句主语和 be 动词。如:

26、 Though alone, he is happy. 虽然他独自一人,却很幸福。 注意:Though loving him, I can not help him. 是错句。 因为从句不是 be构成的系表结构作谓语。应改为: Though I love him, I can not help him. 或 Though fond of him, I can not help him. 7. though还可与别的词结合使用,如 even though, as though等; although则无这种搭配功能。如: Ill go and help them even though I sto

27、p my work. 即使我停下自己的活不干,我也要去帮助他们。 8. though还可作并列连词,相当于 and yet(然而,可是),它引 导的分句常对另一分句起补充说明作用;although 则无这种用法。 如: I wouldnt like to go to the evening, though they will invite me to. 我不想去参加晚会,可是他们要请我去。 They now can do most of the things people can do, though most scientists agree that computers can not completely take the place of humans. 人们能做的大部分工作,计算机现在都能做,然而大多数科 学家认为,计算机并不能完全代替人类。 9. though可用作副词,放在词尾。although 却不可这样用。如: He said he would come, he didnt, though. 他说要来却没来。


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