2015秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 1《This is me》(Welcome to the unit)word导学案.doc

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2015秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 1《This is me》(Welcome to the unit)word导学案.doc_第1页
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2015秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 1《This is me》(Welcome to the unit)word导学案.doc_第2页
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1、英语学科 7A Unit 1 Period 1 Comic Strip & Welcome to the Unit 学讲预案 一 .Learning ahead of time ( 自主先学) 哦,啊_ 电子狗 _ 主人 _ 二 .Cooperative learning (合作助学) 1.早 上好 _ 2. 下午好_ 3.晚上好 _ 4. look after your e-dogs_ _ 5. _ you my _? 你是我的主人吗? 6. What _ your _? 你叫什么名字? 7. 我叫 _. 8. 很高兴见到你 _. 9. (我) 也很高兴见到你_ 三 .Extensive l

2、earning (拓展导学) 1. I love e-dogs. 我爱电子狗 love sth/sb (爱某物/某人 ) 喜爱做某事 love to do sth/ doing sth e-dog n. 电子狗 This is an e-dog. 2. master n . 主人 The dog ran to its master. 那狗向它主人跑去。 3. look after 意为 “照看,照顾”,后接名词或代词。 Eg: Please look after my cat. 请照看一下我的猫。 My mother is ill. I have to look after her. 我妈妈生

3、病了,我得照顾她 4.问候用语(Greetings) 除了 Good morning 早上好 . Good afternoon 下午好. Good evening 晚上好. 还有: Hi! Hello! How are you? Im OK./ Fine, thanks, and you?/Very well, thank you. 5.介绍(Introduction) My name is./ I am / This is Mr. Brown Nice / Glad/ Pleased to meet (see) you. 四 .Enhanc ing learning through test

4、ing (检测促学) (一) 完成对话 (每空一词) There are two dogs called Eddie and Hobo. Eddie is a real dog and Hobo is an _ . Eddie is Hobos m_ , but he doesnt know how to l_ after Hobo. So Hobo asks him to r_ a book a_ how to look after an e-dog. (二)从右边一栏中选出与左栏相对应的句子。 ( )Are you Millie? A. Nice to meet you. ( )Whats

5、 your name? B. Good afternoon. ( )Nice to meet you. C. Daniel. ( )How are you? D. Yes, I am. ( )Good afterno on. E. Fine, thanks. (三)单项选择 ( ) 1. - Hi, Nancy. - _. A. Good morning, Millie. B. Are you Nancy? C. Good night! D. Hi, Nick. ( ) 2. -Are you my master? -_ A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, Im. C. No, I a

6、m. D. No, he isnt. ( ) 3. Lily meets Jill at 7 a.m. , she should say _. A. Whats your name ? B. Good afternoon. C. Good morning. D. Good night. ( ) 4. I have _ new _ in my new school. A. a, friends B. an, friend C. some, friend D. many, friends ( )5. Can you _ your younger sister? A. look like B. look after C. look at D. look out ( )6. -This is Simon, Betty. -_. A. I am Betty. B. Hi, Simon. C. How are you, Simon? D. Nice to meet you, Simon. ( )7.What does “Im Simon.” mean(意思是)? _ . A. Im not Simon. B. Are you Simon? C. This is Simon. D. My name is Simon. 五 . Reflection on learning(反思悟学)


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