2015秋牛津深圳版英语九上Unit 3《Family life》word教案6.doc

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1、教案 6 课题 Unit3 Family life 课型 Writing 备 课 时 间 1 Period 教学目标 The students can learn to write a short article about their family life. 教学重点 How to write a short article about family life. 教学难点 Using the proper words and structures to describe a family life. 教 材 分 析 教学关键 Using the proper words and struc

2、tures to describe a family life. 教法与学法指导 Self-study, Cooperation, pair work. 教学 环节 主要教学步骤或内容 学生主体活动 教师活动 设计意图 时 间 分 配 第一 环节 复习 回顾 平移 的基 本性 质, 引入 课题 Step:Lead in Reading comprehension. 1. Read the article which is related to the writing topic and answer the questions. 1. Find an article which is rela

3、ted to the writing topic and ask students to do the reading comprehension . 1. To improve the reading ability and To lead in to the topic. 5 第二 环节 观察 操作、 探索 归纳 Step:Revision 2 Fill in the table according to the text. 2.Make a table to compare Emilys family life and Jerrys 2.Revise the text and make

4、students know how to write the article better 5 平移 的作 法 Step:Revision 1. Before writing: Brain storm to collect some useful word s and expressions. 3.Write some words and expressions according to the pictures which are related to the writing Write your own ideas about the family life. Check the answ

5、ers. Study the structure of the text and the reading compression and summarize the structure of the writing. .Write the article imitating family life and ask student to compare them by filling the table. 3.Show some pictures and ask students to describe. Give the following ideas for students to writ

6、e: a. the people in your family b.possessions c.house work d. what your family do together e.rules f. what you like to do and do not like to do in your family. Ask students to study the structure of the text and the reading compression and summarize the structure of the writing 3.To practice their a

7、bility of language organization and the structure of the writing. 25 2.While writing: Imitating. 3.After writing: Check with each other. the text and reading comprehension. and exchange the writing in pairs to give remarks to each other . .Lead them to write about the article using the Language and

8、structure learned just now. . Teach them how to evaluate a writing. 4.To train the students cooperation ability. 第三 环节 课堂 练习 Step:SHOW TIME Encourage the students to recommend the better work to let the students to share and improve it together. 5 第四 环节 课时 小结 Step . development Improve your own work and rewrite them. Help them to develop their work in words, sentence and structure. Let them improve the writing. 5 第五 环节 课后 作业 Write a passage about your best friends family life. 课 堂 教 学 流 程 Lead inRevisionBefore writingWhile writingAfter writing SHOW TIMEdevelopmenthomework. 效 果 评 价 与 反 思


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