2015秋牛津译林版英语九上Unit 1《Know yourself》(Grammar)word导学案.doc

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1、Grammar 【学习目标】 1. 掌握 and but or so 的基本用法。 2. 理解并能正确运用 bothand not onlybut(also). eitheror neithernor 【自主学习】 1 仔细阅读 P12-13 语法部分。 2.试做 P12、P14 练习。 自学情况反馈(家长签字) 1.写出下列单词的意思,并且熟记他们。 接受别人的建议 三思而后行 担心太多 在将来 和都 在网上 【质疑拓展】 1. but 表前后是转折关系,翻译成:但是,而 and 表并列关系,前后成分要一致,即单词和单词,句子和句子 ,并且词意(句意)要可以 并列,人和人,物和物,从句和从句

2、 so 表因果,前面原因,后面结果,翻译成:所以 or 可以表并列或转折,表并列时翻译成或者,表转折时翻译成否则 2. 1) bothand_ _ Kitty _ I have known something about the four people. 2) not onlybut also_ Carelessness will be a disaster _ to ourselves _ to patients. 3) eitheror _ You _ take the lead _ fall behind. 4) neithernor _ my parents _ I think I c

3、an make a good accountant. Qs:请运用以上 4 个词组各自进行造句。 _ _ _ _ 【演练展示】 用并列连词 and, but, or 或 so 填空。 1. You may do it yourself, ask someone to help you. 2. It was hard work, they really enjoyed it. 3. It was our first lesson, the teacher didnt know all our names. 4. He is short strong. 5. There is no air wat

4、er on the moon. 6. He went there by train she went there by airplane. 7. They made faces, we all laughed. 8. The baby watched listened. 9. I dont like fish, I like chicken. 10. My classmates all went to the park, I didnt go. 【当堂检测】 1. In the programme tonight Mary will both sing and dance. (改成否定句) I

5、n the programme tonight Mary will sing dance. 2. I would like both tea and milk. (改成否定句) I like tea milk. 3. Neither Mary not Ann is living in the building. (改成否定句) Mary Ann living in the building. 4. The students read this book. Their English teacher reads this book too. (同义句转换) the students their

6、English teacher this book. 5. Tom is pleased with the painting. Kate is very pleased with the painting too. (同义句转换) Tom Kate are very pleased with the painting. 【评价反馈】 个人得分 小组得分 自我评价(目标达成情况或记录还未掌握的内容) 【课后作业】 John was the only son of a rich American businessman. Usually he _1_ to school by the driver

7、 in his _2_ beautiful car before the driver took Johns father to his office .One evening his father told him that he had to go to the airport _3_ the next day, _4_ he would need the car at the time that John had to go to school. _5_ Johns mother had another car. She would still be _6_ when he had to

8、 leave the house. “Well, how will I _7_ school if you need your car and Mummy is still in bed?”John asked. His father thought this was a good opportunity (机 会 ) to teach him _8_ about how hard the life was for many people of the world , so he answered,” Youll go in the same _9_ as every other child

9、in the world goes-on _10_.” ( ) 1. A. Went B. came C. was taken D. was brought ( ) 2. A.mothers B. fathers C. brothers D. sisters ( ) 3.A. late B. in no time C. early D. slowly ( ) 4. A. but B. so C. because D. for ( ) 5. A. Since B. But C. Though D. Because ( ) 6. A. in bed B. in the bed C. on the bed D. on bed ( ) 7. A. get to B. leave C. finish D. go ( ) 8. A. a car B. another car C. money D. a lesson ( ) 9. A. thing B. idea C. route D. way ( )10.A.a plane B. a truck C. bus D. ship


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