2016春牛津译林版英语七下Unit 3《Welcome to Sunshine Town》(Reading 2)word教案.doc

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2016春牛津译林版英语七下Unit 3《Welcome to Sunshine Town》(Reading 2)word教案.doc_第1页
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2016春牛津译林版英语七下Unit 3《Welcome to Sunshine Town》(Reading 2)word教案.doc_第2页
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1、 设计题目 教学内容 Reading 2 is on the base of Reading 1, it is intensive reading and is deepened, master the new words, phrases and key sentences. Students can probably use their own language to express the main idea of the text, try to retell the text. 教学对象 Grade seven students just contact long text read

2、ing, their reading abilities are not good, so before I let the students retell the text, I let the students finish filling in the blanks about the texts, and then give a small amount of the key words to help the students to repeat, so that we can improve the efficie ncy of retelling, and can help st

3、udents whose English is not good, reducing the repetition difficulty. 教学目标 1.To understand and using the key phrases and sentences in the text. 2.To retell the text in your own words. 3.To improve their writing “ my home tow n” 教学策略 1. Review the new words, phrases and consolidate them. 2. Retell th

4、e text. 课前准备 见学案与测评 教学过程(可续页) 教学步骤 所 用 时 间 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 设计说明 Step 1 Revision Step2 presentation Step 3 10 mins 5mins 10 mins 1. First ask student:How well do you know Sunshine town? Complete the profile. 2. Read the conversation, and then finish the exercise in B4. 3. Practise the dialogue in pai

5、rs, then invite some pairs to act it out. Present the usage of the important phrases. Let students do some exercises Complete the profile. Complete the conversation. Practice and act it out. Students learn the important phrases by watching and taking notes. Students finish the exercises carefully in

6、 class Review the contents learned in the last class. Train students different abilities Consolidate the new learning vocabularies and phrases by practicing. Revise the text and Consolidation Step 4Practice Step5 Consolidation Step 7 Homework 5 mins 15 mins about the words and translate some sentenc

7、es about the phrases, then present two students answers and check. Let stude nts fill in the blanks according to the passages. Provide some key phrases, let students retell the texts. 1. Improve the writing work “My home town.” 2. Finish some relative reading exercises. Finish filling the blanks according to the passages, re ad the passages together aloud. Retell the texts by looking at the information given Finish all the homework carefully get ready to retell the text Students use own language to retell the texts. Consolidate and collect the knowledge. Put forward their own doubts.


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