2016春牛津译林版英语七下Unit 3《Welcome to Sunshine Town》(Study skills)word教案.doc

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2016春牛津译林版英语七下Unit 3《Welcome to Sunshine Town》(Study skills)word教案.doc_第1页
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2016春牛津译林版英语七下Unit 3《Welcome to Sunshine Town》(Study skills)word教案.doc_第2页
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1、 设计题目 教学内容 Stress in sentences. 教学对象 The seventh grade students 教学目标 1. To know the rules of stress in sentences。 2. To get different meanings by stressin g different words。 教学策略 1.Read the sentences after the tape. 2.Stress the words according to different meanings. 课前准备 见学案与测评 教学过程(可续页) 教学步骤 所 用 时

2、 间 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 设计说明 Step 1 Lead in Step 2 Practice 8 mins 10mins 1. Ask the students the following questions: Whats your favourite place in your city? How do you get there? How far is it from your home to th e city? Whos famous in your city? What food is famous in your city? 2.Encourage the stud

3、ents to find more important information in the sentences. 3. Ask the students to read the sentences and summarize the important words. 1. Play the di alogue for the students, and remind them to pay attention to the stressed words. 2. Ask the students to rea d after Answer the questions. Find importa

4、nt information. Read and summarize. Listen to the tape. Read after the tape. Make the students know what the important information is in each sentence. Encourage the Step 3 Presentation Step 4 Practice Step 5 Homework 12mins 15mins the tape. 3.Practice the dialogue in pairs. 1. Write the sentence be

5、low on the blackboard. I thinkreads English very well. 2. Read the sentence in different ways. 1.Finish the exercises i n Part B. 2.Ask the students to read the sentences aloud. 3. Give the students more sentences to practice. 1.Read the sentences in the book, and pay at tention to the stressed work

6、s. 2.Fin ish the exercises in theworkbook. Practice in pairs. Listen and understand how to express different meanings by stressing different words. Read the sentences aloud. students to read the dialogue after the tape. Make t he students understand the knowledge by themselves. Practice and make it better


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