2016春牛津译林版英语九下Unit 1《Asia》(第三课时)word导学案.doc

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1、9B Unit 3 Asia 第三课时 Reading (2) 【与课本合作】 一、翻译下列词组 1.迷路 _ 2 used to do sth_ 3.被.吸引 _ 4. be filled with_ 5.升国旗 _ 6.build in a natural landscape_ 7.到处可见 _ 8.in ancient times_ 9.一步接一步_ 10.in different shapes_ 11.乘船旅行_ 12. fill people with surprise_ 13.在日出_ 14. consist of_ 【与同学合作】 二、词形变换 1. You will _ (吸引

2、) by its beautiful design. 2. You can experience its _(美) and greatness through climbing it step by step. 3. It is one of the _ (奇迹) of the world. 4. It _ (位于) on the two sides of the River Li. 5. Although theres still a long way to go. We must _ (继续) to the end. 6. Please write a guide to an _ (亚洲)

3、 country for the American exchange students. 7. Guilin is a very beautiful city in the _ (south) part of China. 8. This story is _ (amazed), isnt it? 9. Have you ever seen the raising of the _ (nation) flag? 10. The emperors used to _ (spend) their summers in the Summer Palace. 【与老师合作】 三、单项选择 ( )1.

4、You cant catch up with others _ you work hard. A. until B. after C. unless D. when ( )2. _ the Forbidden City is almost 600 years old, _ it is still very beautiful. A. Although; but B. /; although C. Although; / D. Because; so ( )3. He _ in Shanghai for five years. A. used to live B. is used to live

5、 C. is used to living D. used to living ( )4. It is _ to cycle around Guilin. A. a great fun B. a fun C. great fun D. a great funny ( )5. This club _ more than 200 members. A. consists of B. is consisted of C. consisted D. consists ( )6. He is a policeman but he often wears _ clothes _. A. every day

6、; everyday B. everyday; everyday C. every day; every day D. everyday; every day ( )7.China has built a new Great Green Wall _ the north part of the country. A. among B. across C. through D. between ( )8. Everyone at the party _ the music played by Little Mazart. A. amazed by B. was amazed with C. am

7、azed to D. was amazed at ( )9. He _ the book on the bookshelf a moment ago. A. lay B. laid C. lied D. lays ( )10. These days children at school are under _ pressure that they dont have enough time to play or exercise. A. much too B. too much C. so many D. so much 四、完成句子 1. 它现在作为博物馆向公众开放。 _ 2. 它因美丽的山

8、脉和洞穴而出名。 _ 3. 你可以在芦笛岩里面看到人工湖。 _ 4. 我们可以沿着漓江乘船游览。 _ 5. 长城被建来用于保护中国的北部边界。 _ 五、阅读理解 Childrens Music Club Wang Shanjie, Teacher Add: No.1 Zhong Shan Road, Beijing 100000 Tel: 010861317 Mobile: 1390554861 E-mail: Shanjie Wang Qing Cun Travel Service Chen Jun, Manager Add: No.11 Hong Kong Street, Fengtai,

9、 Anhui 230000 Tel: 0554234736 Mobile: 1330472451 E-mail: junchen sohu. com Xian International Language School Zhang Lan , Professor Add: No.24 Yong Shui Road, Xian, Shanxi 710000 Tel: 029434614 Mobile: 1376847894 E-mail: zhang yahoo. com. cn Wei Min Maintain Shop Li Yang , Worker Add: No. 16 Xing Hu

10、a Street, Zhengzhou 450000 Tel: 0371245632 Mobile: 1382456432 E-mail: Yangli sohu. com ( )1. If you want to go to Xian International Language School, you can call . A. 010861317 B. 0554234736 C. 029434614 D. 0371245632 ( )2. Mr Fields son is good at music. He can send an e-mail to A. Wang Shanjie B.

11、 Chen Jun C. Zhang Lan D. Li Yang ( )3. Arthur will travel to Hangzhou during his vacation. He can call . A. 1390554861 B. 1330472451 C. 1376847894 D. 1382456432 ( )4. You can use the email “junchen sohu. com”if you want to . A. repair a computer B. join the music club C. visit some places of intere

12、st D. learn a foreign language ( )5. Jack Greens washing machine is broken. He can go to . A. No.1 Zhong Shan Road B. No. 24 Yong Shui Road C. No. 11 Hong Kong Street D. No. 16 Xing Hua Street 六完形填空。 Mr. Hodge was a 1 farmer. He had hundreds of chickens, and sold eggs and the meat and got a lot of 2

13、 them, but he lived in a very 3 part of the country, and he found 4 his hens laid 5 in the summer. So he decided to put air-conditionings(空调) into his chicken- house 6 they would lay well all through the year and he could get more eggs and in that way earn more money. The owner of the company which

14、7 the air-conditioning came to see him, and when he saw Mr. Hodges house, he thought that he might be able persuade(说服) him to buy some air-conditionings 8 . “Your wife would be much happier and more comfortable then,” he said to Mr. Hodge. But Mr. Hodge was 9 . “My wife doesnt 0 ,” he said. ( )1. A

15、. chicken B. chickens C. chickens D. chicken of ( )2. A. interesting from B. interesting for C. money for D. money from ( )3. A. hot B. cold C. warm D. cool ( )4. A. whether B. which C. if D. that ( )5. A. hardly any eggs B. egg hard C. any eggs hardly D. more eggs ( )6. A. such that B. that C. beca

16、use D. so that ( )7. A. buy B. sold C. repair D. found ( )8. of it too B. for it too C. also with it D. for which ( )9. A. not very interested B. not interested at all C. very interested D. very happy ( )10. A. lay eggs B. feel hot C. like cool D. bear children 【与家长合作】 七、默写,要求家长签字. 1. 除非你有地图,否则你在它里面会很容易迷路。 _ 2. 尽管紫禁城将近有 600 年,它还是很美。 _ 3. 每天,许多游客清晨聚在一起,因此他们能看升国旗。 _ 4. 这是一条长长的城墙,绵延中国北部 5000 多公里。 _ 5. 它位于漓江的两岸。 _ 6. 除非你亲眼看见它们,你不能想象他们又多令人惊叹。 _ 【自我评价】 家长意见_ 教师等第_


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