2016春广东版开心英语三下Unit 7《Time》word教学设计及练习.doc

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1、Teaching design for grade three Unit 7 Time The first period 一、教学目标:1. 学习新单词 time , oclock , eleven , twelve . 2. 学会运用十二个数词表达和询问整点时间: What time is it?Its eleven oclock . 二、教学重点:掌握询问时间的(特殊疑问句)句型及回答: What time is it?/Whats the time ? Its oclock . 三、教学难点:1. twelve 的读音和拼写。 2. 询问时间的(特殊疑问句)句型及回答 。 四、教学过程:

2、 Step 1. Warming up 1. (show ten books) T: What are these ? Ss: They are books . T: How many books ? Lets count the books . Ss: One, two, three, ten . 2. T: Good . Can you sing the song “Ten Indian Boys” ? Lets count the boys and sing . Step 2. Presentation and practice 1. (stick 11 pears on the Bb)

3、 T: What are these ? Ss: Theyre pears . T: How many pears ? Lets count . Ss: One, two ten T: Eleven . Theyre eleven pears . (板书:eleven) 2. Drill: eleven . (Pairs , Rows ) 3. (show 12 peaches .) Count the peaches and learn “twelve”. (板书:twelve) 4. (show a clock.) T: What time is it? Its ten/eleven oc

4、lock . Learn and drill: oclock (板书:oclock ) 5. (Task Ss) T: What time is it? Ss: Its oclock . 6. T: Who can ask me? Ss: What time is it ? Its oclock . (板书:What time is it?Its eleven/ twelve oclock .) 7. Read the pattern on the Bb and Pair work. 8. (Open the books at P49) Listen to the tape . Listen

5、and read “Vocabulary” . Read together . Step 3. consolidation 1.(Turn to P51)Finish Activity 1. Look , read and match . 2. Play a game : Tell the time . 3. Do exercises . (一)用英语写出下列时间: 1:00 4:00 7:00 3:00 10:00 12:00 (二)看时间画出时针和秒针: eleven oclocknine oclockfive oclock Step 4. Summing up Today we lear

6、n to ask about the time . How to ask ? “What time is it ? /Whats the time ?” “Its oclock .” Step 5. Homework 1. Copy the new words and sentences . 2. Read “Vocabulary” two times . 五、板书: Unit 7 Time time , oclock , eleven , twelve What time is it?/Whats the time ? Its eleven/ twelve oclock . (The sec

7、ond period) 一、教学目标 1) 能听说读句型:What time is it ? Its Is it oclock? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 2) 能熟练运用句型进行操练和交际。 二、教学重点、难点 1)能读懂提问时间的句型,并能作出正确的回答。 2)能熟练运用所学过的数词(one to twelve)套用在句型中操练和交际。 三、教学过程 Step 1: warm-up (1) Lets sing: Ten little indian boys (2) Review the words: one two three four five six sev

8、en eight nine ten eleven twelve Step 2 新课学习(Target ) (1) 教师直观出示一个教学实物闹钟提问:Whats this? 让学生回答:Its a clock. 然后在钟面拨出钟点数 1:00,再提问:What time is it? 引导学 生回答 Its one oclock. 并作板书。 (2) 教师继续依次在钟面拨出钟点数:2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 . 12:00 以同样的方式提问,让学生熟练地准确地回答出时间来。 (3) 教师出示课件图片提问:Is it twelve oclock? 让学生回答:Yes, it is.和

9、No,it isnt. 并作板书。 (4) 教师继续以同样的方式依次变换时间进行提问,让学生熟练运用,深刻 记忆。 (5) The students repeat all the new sentences after the teacher. (6) Listen to the radio and read after the radio. (7) Together read the sentences of Target Step3 游戏巩固练习 (1) Look at the picture and answer the questions.(教师问,学生答) (2) Look at t

10、he picture and ask the questions.(学生问,另一学生答) (3) 抽奖回答问题。(学生从箱子里面抽出一张卡片,卡片上画有钟面或写上 钟点数,学生根据卡片上钟数进行回答。 Step4. Do some exercises : P50 Practice1 and Practice2 Step. Lets sing: What time is it ,Tony? 四、课堂作业 Exercises. 一、按要求回答下列问题。 1 What time is it ? (11:00)_ 2.What time is it ? ( 8:00) _ 3. Is it three

11、 oclock ? (否定回答)_ 4. Is it twelve oclock? (肯定回答)_ 二、用横线画出下列句子中错误的地方,并改正。 1. Whats time is it ? _ 2. Is it twelve a clock? _ 3. What times is it ? _ 4. Its six oclock. _ 5. Is it eleven oclock? No , it is . _ Write on the board: Unit 7 Time 1. What time is it ? Its eleven oclock. (one twelve) 2. Is i

12、t twelve oclock? Yes, it is . / No, it isnt. (one-twelve) The third period 一、教学目标:1. 巩固运用十二个数词表达和询问整点时间 。 2. 熟练地朗读“Story”并进行句型操练。 二、教学重点:巩固询问时间的两种句型和回答。 What time is it?/Whats the time ? Its oclock . Is it oclock ? Yes , it is . / No , it isnt . 三、教学难点:准确地读出整点的英语表达式。 四、教学过程: Step 1. Warming up 1.(sh

13、ow the time cards) Ss read the time together . one oclock/two oclock/three oclock/four oclock/eleven oclock/ twelve oclock 2. Ask and answer: T: What time is it? Ss: Its oclock. T: Is it twelve oclock ? Ss: Yes , it is . / No , it isnt . 3. Lets sing a song: “What time is it, Tony?” Step 2. Presenta

14、tion and practice 1. T: Lets have a contest: Guess the time. Ss: Is it oclock? 2. (1) Listen to the tape. And think whose watch is wrong (2) Answer the question . (3) Listen and read the “Story”. (4) Pair work and act out . Step 3. consolidation 1.(Turn to P52) Lets do Activity 2 . Write and ask . E

15、ach of you write the time on the watch . Then ask each other . What time is it? Its oclock . 2. (Turn to P52) Lets do Activity 3 . Role-play the story ! (Who can guess the time once ? ) 3. Do exercises . (一 ) 完成句子: (1)What is it ? Its . (12:00) (2) Is seven oclock ? No, . Its . (11:00) (3) Is it ten

16、 oclock ? , . (10:00) (二) 连词成句: (1) is, ten, is, oclock (?) (2) time, what, it , is (?) (3) is, it, oclock, three (.) (4) right, that, is (.) Step 4. Summing up 1. Compare : What time is it?/Whats the time ? Its oclock . Is it oclock ? Yes , it is . / No , it isnt . 2 时间是抽象词,回答时用单数 it . Step 5. Home

17、work 1.Copy the “Story” 2 times . 2. Read and recite the Story . 五、板书: Unit 7 Time 特殊疑问句: What time is it?/Whats the time ? Its oclock . 一般疑问句: Is it oclock ? Yes , it is . / No , it isnt . Unit 7 Time The fourth period 一、教学目标: 1能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:four family violin eleven ten elephant 2能够总结字母的发音规律:f :/

18、f/ v:/v/ e:/e/。 3. 能正确朗读/f / /v/ / e/ 的发音。 4. 掌握 Look and write 的单词书写。 二、教学重点、难点 1.熟练准确读出单词 four family violin eleven ten elephant 中的红色字母的发 音 2.学会举一反三,根据字母的发音找出相对应的发音的单词。 3.让学生用这些单词组词和造句并且读给全班听。 三、教学过程 Step1: Warming up Lets sing: What time is it , Tony? Review: T: Whats this ? What number is it? (教

19、师出示课件图片提问 ) Ss: Its a violin. / a family/ an elephant S: Its four/ ten/ eleven Step2:新课学习 1. 出示单词图片:four family violin eleven ten elephant 2. 学生开火车拼读单词,学生读,教师把该单词板书出来 3. 画出单词的发音字母 f v e 4. T: Lets practice this sound. 5. T: f-/f/ v-/v/ e-/e/ 然后学生跟着读。 6. Have Ss look at the picture on the page . 7. P

20、lay the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape says it . 8. Have Ss repeat after the tape . 9. After enough practice , point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words. Step 2. P31 Look and write . 1. 出示课件让学生观看:单词的四线格书写演示。 2. 学生自己模仿练习书写。 3. 分组评价书写,教师给予五星奖励。 Step 3. Listen and say (分

21、组比赛,看哪一组说得又快又准又多) T: f - /f / S: fine / five / friend/ father T:v- /v/ S: very/ seven / violin . T: e -/e/ S: elephant/ hello/ bed / red/ . 四、课堂作业 一、判断下列单间单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的写“T” ,否则写 “F” 。 1 he red ( ) 2. four elephant ( ) 3. bread read ( ) 4. the she ( ) 5. eleven seven ( ) 6. hi big ( ) Unit 7 Time

22、 知识点梳理 一、熟练掌握从 one twelve 的数词,并能听说读写默。 二、区别好 a clock 与 oclock 的表达和运用。 三、能听说读懂表示时间的钟点数,并熟练地运用到句型中进行交际训练。 四、能听说读懂提问时间的句子,并能作出正确的回答。 五、能正确朗读/f / /v/ / e/ 的发音,培养学生初步的辨音能力。 Unit 7 Time 练习设计 (听力部分) 一、听音,选出你听到的选项,把编号写在左边的括号里。 ( )1. A. big B. pig C.bed ( ) 2. A. five B. four C. fine ( )3. A. eleven B. seven

23、 C. elephant ( ) 4. A. ten B. pen C. pencil ( )5. A. they B. this C. these ( )6. A. clock B. oclock C. fork 二、听音,选出你听到的句子。 ( )1. A. Whats this? B. Whats that? ( )2. A. Are these plates? B. Are they bowls? ( )3. A. What time is it? B. Whats the time? ( )4. A. Its seven oclock? B. Its eleven oclock. (

24、 )5. A. Do you have a spoon? B.Does she have a cup? 三、听音,在横线上写出正确的单词。 1 .What _ is it ? Its _ oclock. 2. Is three _ ? No, it _. 3. Look at the _ . Its seven _. 4. I have four _. 5. What time is it? Its _ _. (笔试部分) 四、默写从 1 到 12 的数词 _ _ 五、用英语表示下列的钟点数。 7:00 9:00 3:00 11:00 12:00 _ _ _ _ _ 1:00 2:00 4:0

25、0 8:00 10:00 _ _ _ _ _ 六、在横线上填上正确的单词。 1. one _ ( 闹钟 ) 2. five _( 筷子) 3. nine _ ( 叉) 4.eight_ ( 小刀) 5. a pink_(台灯) 6. six _(玻璃杯 ) 七、仿照例句写句子。 Model: What time is it ? Its one oclock. 1. three oclock _ 2.five oclock _ 3. seven oclock _ 4. nine oclock _ 5, eleven oclock _ 八、连词成句。 1. it , oclock , eleven , is (?) _ 2. it , not , twelve , is , oclock (.) _ 3. is , right , that (?) _ 4. is , not , no , it (.) _ 5.is , time , it , what (?) _. 九、按实际情况回答问题。 1. What time is it ? _ 2. Is it eight oclock now? _ 3. Where your book? _ 4. Are your socks under the chair? _ 5. Is it time for school? _


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