2016春人教PEP版英语六下Unit 3《Where did you go》(第5课时)word教案.doc

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2016春人教PEP版英语六下Unit 3《Where did you go》(第5课时)word教案.doc_第5页
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1、英语 六年级下册 Unit 3 Where did you go? Period 5 Content B Read and write 教学目标要求 1能够通过看图预测日记中故事的开端和发展,回忆相关话题词汇:rode a bike, took picture, ate fresh food, went swimming, went fishing 等。 2能够在阅读 整篇文章的基础上,学习新的语言知识点:basket, part, licked, laugh。 3能够在日记中捕捉不同类型的信息,如时间信息,地点信息,人物信息等。 4能够仿照教材中的日记,描述自己一天的活动。 教学重点 1能够

2、通过看图预测日记中故事的开端和发展,回忆相关话题词汇:rode a bike, took picture, ate fresh food, went swimming, went fishing 等。 2能够在阅读整篇文章的基础上,学习新的语言知识点:basket, part, licked, laugh。 教学难点 能够仿照教材中的日记,描述 自己一天的活动 教学过程 活动 步骤 教与学活动目的及其操作 教学资源运用 资源使用说明 1 看图片,复习已学目标词汇 Look and spell. rode a horse, went camping, went fishing, rode a b

3、ike, hu rt my foot, ate fresh food, went swimming, bought gifts, took pictures 播放课件。 Warm up 时间 9m 2 回答问题,复习已学目标句型 Ask and answer. 1. Where did you go ? How did you go there? What did you do? 2. How was your summer holiday? 首先,教师向学生提问本单元已经学习过 的基本句型,然后学生根据 PPT 屏幕上呈 现的问题,问一问同桌,复习相关句型。 播放课件。 3 看图预测,为学习

4、目标语做铺垫 Look and guess. Look, boys and girls! This is Wu Yifan. Look at the picture. Can you guess how he met Max? What will hap pen next? 播放课件。 4 导入本课话题 Look and say. Our friend Wu Yifan went to countryside by bike with his parents last weekend. (从上一 话 题引入下一话题) Did you go to countryside by bike? Wha

5、t did you do there? Can you guess what happened to Wu Yifans family in the countryside? 播放课件。 Read and write 时间 30m 5 听读结合,分段学习日记内容 Listen and answer. T: OK. Now, lets listen and read Wu Yifans diary and the n answer the questions. 1. What did they do in the morning? 2. Why did they stay at the hote

6、l in the afternoon? 先通过听,让学生整体感知语言。再通过 阅读,学生感知文章细节。 播放课件。 6 Listen and follow. Now lets listen again and you should read carefully. 教师带领学生边听边疏通文意,对比较困 难的对方进行讲解。学生在理解文意的基 础上完成下面的练习。 播放课件。 7 判断正误,把握细节 Tick or cross. ( ) 1. April 23rd was a sunny day. ( ) 2. We went swimming in the countryside. ( ) 3.

7、Dad and I made a funny play to make Mum happy. ( ) 4. Robin liked Max very much. ( ) 5. It was a bad but also a good day for Wu Yifan. 播放课件。 8 Number the pictures. 看图片,让学生先找一找课文中对应描述 的句子,然后给图片 标上序号。 播放课件。 9 写一写,加深目标语印象 Lets write. What happened to Wu Yifans family? 播放课件。 10 角色转换,加深对目标语印象 Finish Mums

8、 diary. Show Ss the letter and ask Ss to finish the diary. Boys and girls, this is the diary of Wu Yifans diary. Please read it first and then finish Mums diary. 播放课件。 11 写作练习,增强对目标语的运用 Lets write. Write about your bad but good day. 请学生呈现自己的想法和答案。 播放课件。 Homewor k 时间 1m 12 Homework. 1听录音跟读课文,挑选自己喜欢的段落 进行背诵。 2写一写自己亲身经历的好又不好的事情。 播放课件。


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