2016春人教精通版英语五下Unit 1《Welcome to our school》word教案.doc

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2016春人教精通版英语五下Unit 1《Welcome to our school》word教案.doc_第1页
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2016春人教精通版英语五下Unit 1《Welcome to our school》word教案.doc_第2页
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1、Unit1 Welcome to our school Lesson 1 教学目标:Knowledge objectives: To learn the new words, sentence and dialogue Competence objectives: 1. Teach the students how to use the knowledge to make innovation. 2 Read out new sentence clearly. Emotional objectives: Educate them to conversation politely. 教学重点:R

2、ead and can use new patterns: Welcome to our school We often borrow books from the library. 教学难点:Encourage students to use these sentences in the real scence. 教学方法:Scene method 教具:Recorder, picture, multimedia 课型:Listening and speaking Teaching procedure: Step 1 . Warming up Greetings. Good morning,

3、 Nice to see you again. Step 2. Presentation 1. guessing game: It is a place. We can see teachers and classmates there.We often have classes,play games and do many interesring activities there,what place is it ? -(school) 2. Show the picture and play the tape ,then let the pupils listen and find the

4、 new words and sentences. 3. Learn the new words and sentences: library, meeting room, have a meeting Do you often come to the lirary? Yes.We often borrow books from library. Step 3 . Practice 1. Read the diologue several times 2. Lets be little tourist . Make a role-play dialogue and show. Show aro

5、und , This way, please. This is our we oftenin the Step 4. Extended activities. Introduce other place of our school. Write on the blackboard: Unit1 Welcome to our school Lesson 1 library, meeting room, have a meeting Do you often come to the lirary? Yes.We often borrow books from library. Homework : 1.Copy the new words for three times. 2.Listen and repeat the sentence


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