2016春牛津译林版英语七下Unit 3《Welcome to Sunshine Town》word导学案1.doc

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2016春牛津译林版英语七下Unit 3《Welcome to Sunshine Town》word导学案1.doc_第1页
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2016春牛津译林版英语七下Unit 3《Welcome to Sunshine Town》word导学案1.doc_第2页
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1、 1. 能掌握在写作前搜集相关信息的方法。 2. 能熟练运用本单元所学词汇、词组和句型组语言。 3. 能合理架构文章,描述自己的家乡。 导学过程: 【复习导入】 1、T:Do you like the city/town you live in ?Do you like your hometown? S: 2、Introduce Simons hometown to students. 【自主学习】 1、 带你参观我的家乡_ 2、在农场上_ 3、居住在像这样的房屋里_ 4、闻花香_ 5、听鸟儿唱歌_6、去镇中心的公共汽车_ 7、 养牛_ 8、在市中心购物_ 9、一百个家庭_ 10、互相认识_

2、_ 11、在院子四周_12、享受生活_ 13、种小麦和玉米_14、在湖上划船_ 15、在市中心购物_ 16、在湖附近_ 【合作探究】 指导学生阅读全文,了解写作结构 a People in the town b What John thinks of his hometown c Johns house d The way to the town centre e Greetings Paragraph 1 ( ) Paragraph 2 ( ) Paragr aph 3 ( ) Paragraph 4 ( )来 【精讲点拨】 1. I can smell the flowers and he

3、ar the birds sing. 我可以闻花香,听鸟儿的歌唱声。 【指点迷津】1) smell linking verb 后接形容词。 e.g. The dish smells _(坏的). Dont eat it. smell 后接名词。 e.g. When can we smell the flowers? 我们何时可以闻到花香呢? 2)hear sb do sth. 听到某人干某事 e.g. We often hear them _ (sing) in the classroom. 类似的用法:see /watch sb do sth. 看到某人干某事 2. Some familie

4、s raise cows, and others grow wheat.一些家庭饲养奶牛,其他的种植小麦。 来 【指点迷津】some ,others 一些, 其他的。 e.g. 1)晚上,一些学生在看书,其他的在做作业。 2)Some are planting trees, and _(另一些人) are wateri ng. 3. I think it is a wonderful place to live. 我认为它是一个居住的极好的地方。 【指点迷津】动词不定式 to live 修饰 a wonderful place ,做后置定语。 e.g.我想找一个适合长花的 最好地方。 _ Th

5、ey have quite a lot of homework _ every day.(do) 4. People here know each other. 这儿的人们互相都认识 【指点迷津】1) here 修饰 people ,做后置定语 e.g. 这个小区的人们就像一个大家庭。_ 2) know sb. 认识某人 know sb. very well 非常了解某人 e.g. How _ do you know the students in your school? A. many B. well C. long D. much 【自主评价】 一、词汇应用,每空一词 1. She _

6、to visit the capital of America one day(希望). 2. Now farmers seldom like _ chickens at home.(饲养) 3. My father _ me to school every day.(开车) 4. Sorry, I cant _(闻) because something is wrong with my nose. 5. My grandparents live in my _(家乡). 6. His neighbours are very _ to him.(friend) 7. I like hearin

7、g the birds _ in spring in the countr y.(sing) 8. Are you good at _ a boat on the lake?(row) 二、单项选择 1. Why dont you _your son to get this gift? - Its too expensive. A. hope B. wish C. to hope D. to wish 2. -Uncle Wang often _ us _ his farm. - Thats great. A. show, to visit B. s how , around C. shows

8、, to visit D. shows, around 3. I often go to the garden and hear the birds_. A. sing B. singing C. to sing D. to singing 4. Some families _ cows , and others _ wheat . A. grow , raise B. grow , grow C. raise, grow D. raise, raise 5. Please take your dog _. You should look after it well. A. to home B. home C. to here D. here 三、翻译句子 1. 丹尼尔经常带领他的朋友们参观他爸爸的公司。 2. 我希望不仅能再次见到您。 3. 公园里一些人在跳舞,其他人在做游戏。 4. 通常情况下我妈妈开车带我去那儿购物。 5. 我们镇上大约有一百户人家。


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