2016春牛津译林版英语九下Unit 1《Asia》(第二课时)word导学案.doc

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1、Unit 3 Asia 第 2 课时 Reading1 【与书本合作】 一、翻译下列词组 1. get lost easily 2.be filled with 3. watch the raising of the national flag 4.consist mainly of 5. lie on the two sides of Li River 6. step by step 7. one of the wonders of the world 8. take a boat trip 9. stand in different shapes 10.see sth with your

2、own eyes 【与同学合作】 二、根据提示,用所给词的正确形式填空: 1. You will _ (吸引) by its beautiful design 2. Guilin is famous for its _ (colour) caves. 3. Have you ever seen the raising of the _ (nation) flag? 4. The emperors used to _ (spend) their summers in the Summer Palace. 5. Youd better keep patient and not give up _

3、(easy). 6. Guilin is a very beautiful city in the _ (south) part of China. 7. My favourite _ (attract) is the Great Wall. 8. The Great Wall is one of the _ (wonderful) of the world. 9. You can experience the _ (beautiful) of the Great Wall. 10. Beijing is in _ (北方 ) China. 【与老师合作】 三、选择填空: ( )1. You

4、cant catch up with others _ you work hard. A. until B. after C. unless D. when ( )2. I have _ a raincoat _ an umbrella. Thats why I have to wait until the rain stops. A. neither; nor B. either; or C. not only; but also D. both; and ( )3. _ the Forbidden City is almost 600 years old, _ it is still ve

5、ry beautiful. A. Although; but B. /; although C. Although; / D. Because; so ( )4. There _ furniture in the room. A. are too many B. is too much C. are too much D. is too many ( )5. He _ in Shanghai for five years. A. used to live B. is used to live C. is used to living D. used to living ( )6. He is

6、_ to carry the big box. A. enough strong B. strong enough C. enough tall D. tall enough ( )7. We will do what we can _ourselves this term. Its time for you to work hard. A. improve B. to improve C. be improved D. be improving ( )8. Im busy now. Ive got _ to do. A. anything important B. important any

7、thing C. something important D. important something ( )9. There are _ museums in Guilin. A. too few B. too much C. too little D. a little ( )10. It is _ to cycle around Guilin. A. a great fun B. a fun C. great fun D. a great funny 四、阅读理解: The American people enjoy the beautiful forests, rivers, and

8、lakes, To keep them beautiful, the government has chosen certain places which are unusual in their beauty. They decided to make them national parks. This means no one can build cities in these areas. They will always be parks so children and .grandchildren can enjoy them as their parents and grandpa

9、rents enjoyed them in the past. Yellowstone Park is in the state of Wyoming. It has natural hot water which sometimes shoots into the air. The park is in the Rocky Mountains. There are bear, moose(驼鹿), elk(麋), buffalo and wolves which people hope to see when they visit. Also many kinds of birds are

10、there. Perhaps the most famous is the large Canadian goose. Niagara Falls is on the border between New York State and Canada. It has the largest waterfalls in the United States. Many people go to see the falls when they take a holiday after their wedding(婚礼). This holiday is called honeymoon. ( )1.

11、What do the American people enjoy? A. They enjoy working hard and making money. B. They enjoy driving cars. C. They enjoy going out to see the beautiful scenery of nature. D. They enjoy having parties. ( )2. Which of the following is RIGHT? A. People build National parks. B People cant build cities

12、in the area of the national parks. C. We can enjoy national parks but our grandchildren can t. D. After a long time there wont be national parks any more. ( )3. Where is Yellowstone Park? A. In the state of Wyoming. B. In the state of Arizona. C. In the Rocky Mountains. D. Both A and C. ( )4. The mo

13、st famous animal in Yellowstone Park is_. A buffalo B. large Canadian goose C. hear D. elk ( )5. Niagara Falls has_. A. the largest waterfalls in Canada B. the largest waterfalls in the United States C. the largest waterfalls in New York D. the largest waterfalls in the world 【与家长合作】 五、翻译或默写下列句子,请家长监督: 1、颐和园是一座建在自然风景中的中式园林。 2、虽然一步一步登上长城有点累,但是你能体验到它的美和雄伟。 3、骑自行车环绕桂林是非常有趣的。 4.桂林是中国南方一个非成美丽的城市,它坐落在漓江的两岸。 。 5、如果你不亲眼目睹这些岩石的话,你就不能够想象到它们是多么的神奇。 【自我评价】 家长签名:_老师评价等第:_


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