2016春牛津译林版英语八下Unit 5《Good manners》(welcome)word导学案.doc

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1、年级:初二 主备:潘丽娟 审核:吴蕴 时间:2014.3.27 课题:Unit 5 welcome to the unit 课型:新授 课时安排:一课 时 学生姓名_ 家长签名 _ 【学习目标】 1.了解各种礼仪知识。2. 用英语谈论如何在公共场所举止得体。 【课前热身】一、正确熟读下面的单词和词组, ,试着默写一遍吧! 1. manners 复 礼貌,礼仪;规矩 2. cut in on sb/sth 打断(谈话) ,插嘴 3. politely 礼 貌地 4litter 垃圾,杂物 (不可数) 5.tape 水龙头,旋塞 6. run 流动 7.pick 采,摘 8. obey 遵守, 顺

2、从 9.queue (人、车等)排队等候 10.turn 轮流, (轮流的)顺序 1. 足够大地可以去学礼仪 old enough to learn about manners 2. 与他人分享你的东西 share your things with others 3.打断他人 cut in on others 4.活到老学到老 youre never too old to learn 5.到处丢垃圾 drop litter everywhere 6.让水龙头开着 leave the tap running 7.在图书馆里保持安静 keep quiet in the library 8.在公园里

3、摘花 pick flowers in the park 9.遵守交通规则 obey traffic rules 10.排队等候 queue for your turn 11.看完后把它们放回原处 put them back after reading 12. 礼貌的等 wait politely 13. 其他还有什么?anything else ? 二、试着完成书本 P65 的练习。 通过预习,哪些方面你还存在疑问? _ 【学海拾贝】 1.Youre old enough to learn about manners now , Hobo._意为“礼貌;礼节;规矩; 风俗 ”, _ 指“有礼貌

4、” ,bad manners 指“_ ”。 如: His _ _ were praised by his teachers . 他的彬彬有礼受到了老师的 称赞。 He has _ _ at al. 他一点也不讲礼貌。. manner 意为“方式;方法;举止;态度” 。如:She has a very easy _ .她的举止落落 大方。 2.First, always share your things with others . _意为“分享、合用” ,作及物动词或不及物动词。作及物动词时结构有:share sth ; share sth. with sb. ; share sth. bet

5、ween sb . 等; Everyone in the house _ the bathroom。 这房子里的人共用这间浴室。 They_ the cake . 他们分吃了那个蛋糕。 May I _the umbrella _ you ? 我可以和你合用这把伞吗? 3.Second, dont cut in on others. _动词,意为“切,割,剪” ,cut in 意为“插入, 插话” 。Dont _ _when others are talking. 别人说话时别插话。 He kept _ _on our conversation. 我们谈话时他老是插话。 cut in 还可表示“

6、插队,超车 ”。如:He _ _ at the head of the line 他在队伍的 前插队。 4.Dont drop litter everywhere. _ ,_词,意为“垃圾,杂物”drop litter 意为“_” 。如: The little boy _ _ carelessly. 那个小男孩随意扔垃圾。 5. Always keep the library clean. _使役动词,意为“使保持、继续(某种状态) ”, 常用句型为“keep+ 宾语+ 宾语补足语” ,意为“使。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。保持某种状态” ,可以为下三种 情况: keep+宾语+形容词/副词。

7、如:Please _ the door and window _. 请把窗户开 着。 keep+宾语+介词短语。如:_ your hands _ _ _ . 把你的手放在 被后。 keep+宾语+doing ,Dont _ them_ all day and all night. 不要让他们整天整夜 地工作。 6. and we should put them back after reading ._ 意为“把放回原处” ,后接名词 时可位 于 back 之前或之后,但接代词时必须位于两词之间。如: Please put _ _ back.= Please put _ _ _.请把你的自行车

8、放 回原处。 【堂清巩固】 一、单项填空 ( )1.Are they good _to cut in on others while they are speaking? No, it isnt A. manner B. way C. manners D. means ( )2.She doesnt feel happy at the new school because others treat her_ A. polite B. politely C. rude D. rudely ( )3. What about your school? It is very clean and bea

9、utiful. You cant see _on the ground A. little B. any litter C. many litters D. much litter ( )4.Look!That_be our teacher It_on rhe ground A.can;mustent B.must;cant C.must;mustnt D.cant;must ( )5.She was so surprised at_her little child was saying_she held him into the arms at once A.what;what B.that

10、;what C.that;that D.what;that ( )6.You look very tired.Why not_a rest? A.stop to have B.stop take C.stop taking D.stopping to take ( )7.Theres nothing_in the fridge. Do you mind_me some food? A.leaveing,buying B.left,to buy C.left,buying D.to leave,to buy ( )8.Sandy helped her mother_some grapes las

11、t Sunday. A.pick B.pick up C.put up D.put out ( )9.Its my_to pay for the dinner. A.turn B.turns C.in turn D.by turns ( )10.Whould you like to go shopping with me? Im afraid Im_tird_go. A.so;that B.very;that C.enough;to D.too;to 三、动词填空 1.We should try our best_(help)other people in poor areas. 2.All

12、we need is enough time_(mend)the machine. 3.My uncle_(teach)history in the college since 1980. 4.All of us_(take)part in the sports meeting yesterday. 5.Shakespeare spent most of his life_(write)pisys. 6.Lost of students donate money to the Project Hope_(help)children in poor countries. 7.After_(sea

13、rch)the Internet,he found an address for the digital camera. 8.The man makes a living by_(repair)shoes for others. 9.He took off his clothes and_(lie)down to sleep. 10.Your aunt_(leave)Chine for England at the end of this month,will shen? 四、完成句子。 1.她足够大了可以照顾她自己了。 She is_ 2.吃饭时大声说话是非常不礼貌的。 Its very_w

14、hen having dinner. 3.在学校里不要到处跑。 Dont_in the school. 4.我们应该轮流帮助学习需要帮助的同学。 We shoule_in need. 5.遵守比赛规则是必须的。 It s_ 6.我们需要写点别的在书上吗?Do we need_? 7.你们最好保持图书馆干干净净的,否则王老师会不高兴的。 Youd better_,or Mr.wang will be unhappy. 8.恐怕你做错事情了!_that you did the wrong thing! 9.在睡觉之前我们应该检查一下家庭作业。 We should_. 10.他总喜欢插嘴。He always likes_. 11.洗好手后请关闭水龙头。Please _after washing your hands. 12.我们应该随手捡起垃圾。We should_when we see it.


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