2017鲁科版英语五年级下册Unit 1《lesson 1 What did you do in the holidays》word教案.doc

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1、Unit 1 Winter holidays lesson 1: What did you do in the holidays? 一、教学目标: 1 知识目标.能听懂、会说并认 读句型: What did you do in the holidays?I learned Beijing Opera. I went to Hainan. I went back to Canada. 2. 能力目标:能听懂、会说并 认读单词 holiday, Beijing Opera, a little , difficult, went, place,enjoy 能熟练运用句 型:What did you

2、do in the holidays?谈论假期活动 3.情感目标:热爱生活,乐于与他人交流。 二、教学重难点 1.教学重点:能熟练运用句型:What did you do in the holidays?谈论假期活动 2.教学难点:学生容易忘记将答句中的动词变成过去式。 三 教学方法:情境教学法 四 教具:卡片,PPT 课件 五、教学过程 Step 1. Warm up 1.Enjoy a chant. ( Whats the chant about? Its about holidays. 出示单词卡,复习 holiday, 唤醒学 生对单词的记忆。出示短语 winter holidays

3、找学生说出汉语意思。 2. Free talk. Our winter holidays are over.How were your winter holidays? Good? Wonderful! Im good to hear that.So we all enjoyed our winter holidays. 出示单词卡,学习 enjoy. (在进入课文学习之前先有意识地学习这两个单词,分散学习单 词,降低课文学习的难度) Step 2. Presentation 出示李明、王虹、Pet er 交谈的图片,Look, our friends Wang Hong, Liming an

4、d Peter are back to school now. What are they talking about? 播放课文动画,初步整体感知课文内容,并做出选择:Theyre talking about holidays What did they do in the holidays? Do you want to know? Lets ask together: What did you do in the holidays?(PPT 出示句型,生齐读,师板书,找生说出汉语意思 出示李明头像并贴在黑板上,Wha t did Li Ming do in the holidays? 让

5、学生带着问题观看第一段光盘,找学生回答:I learned Beijing Opera. 师板书并学说 Beijing Opera. Beijing Opera is very famous, 京剧是中国的国粹,很多外国朋友非常喜 欢。 播放京剧视频。 Do you like it? Does Li Ming like it? Yes, its fun. But its a little difficult. 出示单词卡学 习 a little, difficult. 对比反义词来记忆 easy-difficult Difficult 这个单词有点长,通过已学单词 different 帮助学生

6、记 忆,并区分了两个形似单词. Li Ming learned Beijing Opera in the holidays. He had lots of fun What about Wang Hong? 出示王虹的头像并贴在黑板上,齐问: What did you do in the holidays, Wang Hong?播放课文动画第 二段,让学生听音,回答问题:I went to Hainan. 师板书。出示 单词卡 went 并学习。告诉学生 went 是 go 的过去式 Hainan is a beautiful place. 出示海南风景图, 学习 place. Its ver

7、y beautiful. What did Wang Hong do in Hainan? 让学生自读第二段并回答: She went swimming in the sea. 师肯定学生的回答并补充:Yes, she had a good time there. 师与生交流:Did you go to Hainan in the holidays? 如学 生否定回答,则继续追问:Where did you go? Oh, its a beautiful place. Did you take picture there? Did you have a good time? Wang Hong

8、 went to Hainan. What about Peter? 贴 Peter 头 像,齐提问:What did you do in the holidays, Peter? 播放光盘第三段,让生听音并回 答:He went back to Canada. 学习短语 go backwent back 回去. Peter visited his friends an took many pictures in Canada. 出示单词卡学习 many Did Peter enjoy the holidays? Yes, he did. They all enjoyed the holida

9、ys. 齐读板书重点句型,并强调,谈论过去发生的事情时,答句中 动词要变成过去式。 跟读课文 分角色读课文 Step 3. Practise 1. Fill in the words. 学生在图片提示下填写单词 Li Ming learned_. Wang Hong _ to Hainan. Did Wang Hong _ in the sea? Yes, she did. She_ a good time. Peter _ back to Canada. He _ his friends and _ many pictures. Peter_ his holidays. 2. chant H

10、oliday, holiday, What did you do in the holidays? Opera, opera, I learned Beijing Opera. It was fun. Holiday, holiday, What did you do in the holidays? Hainan, Hainan, I went to Hainan. I went swimming in the sea. Holiday, holiday, What did you do in the holidays? Canada, Canada, I went back to Cana

11、da. I enjoyed my holidays 男女问答。 (自编 chant 巩固重点句型,加深对课文重点内容的记忆) 3.Lets talk 出示书中图片,可适当补充常做事情的图片,例如:看电影、 打扫房屋、看望亲戚朋友等,师先与一生示范,之后,同伴练习并 示范 Step 4. Game:击鼓传花 花停到谁手里,大家集体问: What did you do in the holidays? 对方回答。师鼓励其他同学提问: Did you? Step 5. Summary and Homework. 小结:齐读板书,并强调答句中使用动词过去式 作业: listen to the tape

12、 and read the dialogue. 板书设计: U1L1 What did you do in the holidays? I learned Beijing Opera. I went to Hainan. I had a good time. I visited 教后反思: 重视了学法指导,在教学中引导学生如何联想单词的读音快速 拼记单词的字母组合。拼背单词一直都是让学生头疼,令老师无奈 的问题,因此设计本节课时有意识指导学生联想旧词,并结合发音 按规律巧妙记忆单词。除了个别后进生只背会了三个新词组外,其 余学生熟练掌握了五个新词,将任务落实在了课堂。 通过写出动词原形的练习,进而对比其过去式,让学生自己总 结出了动词过去式的构成规律,培养了学生的自主探究意识。 不足之处 首先,指导学生拼记单词时,应适当留给学生自由记忆的时间, 让他们选择自己认为最有效的方式,去识记五个词组的字母组合。 (书空背记 / 抄写默记 / 同桌互帮互查等)尤其是还要关注个别 后进生,让他们也能有足够的时间强化记忆新知 其次,分层教学处理不当。延伸巩固环节的练习 Fill in the blanks.教师在呈现对话后,可让学生先口头完成对话,然后再 书写巩固,并且可以鼓励优秀学生编出一个新的对话,而个别后进 生可以在记忆该对话后,继续抄写重点词组,强化记忆


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