2017人教新目标版英语八上Unit 5《Do you want to watch a game show》word精美导学案.doc

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1、八年级上册 英语导学案 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section A (1a2c) 知识目标:掌握本节课的重点单词:news, educational, plan, hope 重点短语:find out, talk show(.show), plan to do sth go on, around the world 重点句型:-What do you think of ? -I love/dont mind/cant stand 能力目标:能听懂简单的对话并会用英语简单表述关于电视节目的对话。 情感目标:培养爱好,并能处理好爱好与学习之

2、间的关系。 课前预习: I【视野拓展】 美国的电视文化 美 国 电 视 剧 , 比 较 常 见 的 有 以 下 几 种 : soap opera(肥 皂 剧 ), sitcom(情 景 喜 剧 ), drama(电 视 剧 )。 其中 soap opera 有点像是连续剧(serial ), 通常各集之间的故事都有关联,而且很会 拖戏, 有时候几个星期不看,剧情居然还能接得上!有点居然可以演 20 年。至于为何叫 soap opera, 则是因为当初赞助此节目的是一家肥皂(soap)公司, 故名称一直沿用至今。 sitcom 则是所谓的情景喜剧(situation comedy), 顾名思义,

3、 每一集的情景喜剧通常 会有一个独立的情景(situation), 而喜剧(comedy)就是要搞笑。 另外有一类和 sitcom 类似, 也是每一集都有独立的故事, 但内容并非以搞笑为主, 这类的节目叫 drama. II阅读课本,划出下列短语: 1.访谈节目_ 2.介意做._ 3.忍受做._ 4.计划做._ 5.制定一个计划 _ 6.希望做._ 7.发现,查明 _ 8.全世界 _ 9.发生,进展 _ III. 两人一组,运用所学句型,编写一个新对话。 A: Do you like watch TV ? B: Yes, I do / No, I dont A: What do you wan

4、t to watch ? B:I want to watch . . . 学习过程:Before listening 1. 检查预习 II 的情况,并大声朗读 II 的短语。 2. Groupwork:小组内交流课前准备 III 的内容。并两人一组演练。 3. 观察 1a 中的图画,弄清 1a 中词语的意义,然后和图片匹配。 4. 做 1a,核对答案。然后大声朗读短语。 5. Pairwork -What do you think of talk shows / sitcoms / news.? -I dont mind / love / cant stand them. While list

5、ening来源:数理化网 (1) 听 1b 中的录音 , 写出你所听到的顺序。 (2) 再听一遍 1b 的录音,检测你的 1b 答案是否正确. (3) 根据 1c 的内容,两人一组练习对话。 A: What do you want to watch? B: What do you think of? A: I dont mind /dont like/cant stand/ like them. B: Then lets watch a 。 。 。 观察与思考: 1.) 询问别人观点的句型: What do you think of . . .? = How do you like? What

6、 does he/she think of . . .? = How does he/she like? 2.) 表达自己的观点: I love/like/ dont mind/ dont like/cant stand I agree with you. / I dont agree with you. (4)熟读 2a 中的短语。听录音,完成 2a 的听力任务 5. 熟读 2b 中的句子。再听录音,完成 2b 的听力任务。 6. 模仿秀。跟读, 然后大声朗读听力材料,以练习发音和语音语调。 7. 仿说句子 Eg: sitcoms have fun game shows boring tal

7、k shows learn a lot After listening 1. 调查。四人一组调查其他组员对 2a 中电视节目的看法和原因。 -Do you plan to watch.tonight? -Yes. I love / like watching I watch them every night. No, I dont like / I cant stand. -Why? -Because 2. 两人一组表演对话. 知识巩固: I 演练平台:补全对话, 每空一词: A: Do you 1._ to watch TV? B: 2._, I do. A: What do you 3._

8、 of soap 4._? B: Oh, I love them. A: Me, too. And how 5._ talk shows? B: Theyre 6_! I like them. A: And game shows? B: Oh, I cant 7._them. Theyre too boring. II拓展:根据你个人的看法回答下列问题。 1. What do you think of Animal World? _ 2.What does your mother think of Chinese Cooking? _ 3.What does your father think

9、 of Man and Nature? _ 4.What do you think of Sports World? _ 5.What TV shows do you like best? Why? _ 课堂反思: 1. 询问别人观点的两个句型你会吗?1.) _ 2.) _ 2. 表述自己的观点的句子有哪些? _ _ _ 家庭作业: 1. 背诵 1b 的对话。 2. 结合课前准备的内容,仿照 1c 或 2c 编对话。 3.依据学习目标,预习下一个学案的课前准备。 Unit 5 Section A (2d-3c) 学习目标:知识目标. 1. 熟练掌握句型: We had a discussion

10、 about TV shows. You can expect to learn a lot from them. I hope to be a TV reporter one day. 1. 熟练掌握并能正确运用以下词汇: discussion, happen, maybe, expect, joke ,have a discussion about, learn.from, expect to do sth, one day, comedy shows 技能目标: 1. 根据所学知识能流利与同伴交流所喜欢的电视节目。 2. 学会谈论自己的喜好。 情感态度: 了解朋友间的爱好,学会与别人有好

11、相处。 课前准备: I 看课本,查词典写出下列短语和句子: 1.进行一次关于.的讨论_ 2.从.学到_ 3.期待做._ 4. 期待某人做._ _ 5.一天,有朝一日_=_ 6.喜剧节目_ 7. 你能期待从新闻中学到什么?_ 8. 我喜欢跟随着故事,看看接下来会发生什么。_ II查阅词典。你能查找到 expect 的用法吗? _ _ III. 做调查。 Talk show sitcom Soap opera Game show love like 来源: www.shulihua.n et dont mind dont like cant stand A: What do you want to

12、 watch? B: What do you think of? A: I dont mind / dont like / cant stand / like them. B: Then lets watch a 。 。 。 学习过程 Warming up 1. .Groupwork:小组内交流课前准备 I 的内容。 2. Groupwork: 小组内交流课前准备 III 的内容。并演示。 A: What do you want to watch? B: What do you think of? A: I dont mind / dont like / cant stand / like t

13、hem. B: Then lets watch a 。 。 。 While reading 1. 两人一组,编写对话。 A: What do you want to watch tonight? B: I want to watch A: Why? B: Because. 2. 读 2d 对话,回答问题: 1) What cant Grace stand? What does she love? 2) What are Sarahs favorite TV shows? Why? 3. 模仿秀:跟读,模仿语音,语调。然后大声朗读、并背诵对话 4. 两人一组表演对话 5. 考考你的记忆力 Gra

14、ce: What _ you do in class today, Sarah? Sarah: We _ _ _ about TV shows. My classmates like game shows and sport show. Grace: Oh, I _ _them. I love soap operas. I like _ follow the story and see _ happens next. Sarah: Well, I _ _ soap operas. But my favorite TV shows are _ _ and _ _ Grace: They are

15、_ Sarah: Well, they _ not be _, but you can _ _ _ _ a lot _ them. I hope to be a TV reporter _ _. 观察与思考: What . . .think of . . .?认为-怎么样?用于表达询问对方对某物的观点,相当于 _. After reading 1. 做 3a. 和同伴一起把对话补充完整,然后大声练习。 2. 两人一组,练习 3a。 3. 根据自己的实际情况回答 3b 中的问题,然后和同学们分享你所爱好的电视节目。 I think game shows areI like to watchAnd

16、 I plan to watch.tonight. I expect to learn .from news. 4. 调查。做 3c,把你的调查结果表述成文,写在作业本上。 5. 小组内改正作文,并找出最好的,并读出来! 知识巩固:I。完成句子。 1. 我受不了他。I cant stand _(he). 2. 你认为喜剧怎么样? 我热爱它。你 What do you think of _(sitcom)? - -I _ them. 3. 天太热了,游泳怎么样?Its too hot today, how about _(swim)? 4. 他不介意打开窗户。He doesnt mind _(o

17、pen) the window. II. 、拓展,补全对话,每空一词: A:1._do you 2._ 3._Dumpling King? B: I love it. A: 4._you 5._ Er Bao? B: No, I dont. I 6._ 7._him. But I like his brother, Xiao Bao. 8._ 9._you? A: I dont like him. In fact, I dont like sitcoms. 10._do you 11._Sports News? B:I 12._ 13._. Its so interesting. Now, 1

18、4._you 15._ watching game show? A: No. I dont mind it. If you want to watch it, lets begin. 课堂小结 A. 这节课你学到的新知识有?_ B. 你会谈论自己的喜好吗?运用哪些句型? _ _ 家庭作业 1.根据今天所学到的知识,请你写一份自己的喜好的短文。 2. 依据下一个学案的学习目标,做好课前准备 Unit 5 Section B (1a-1d) 学习目标:知识目标 1 口、笔头掌握以下句型:John wants to watch talk shows because theyre enjoyable.

19、 来源: I like to watch action movies because theyre exciting. 2. 熟练掌握以下词汇 comedy, meaningless, action, action movie, scary movie 技能目标: 能进行关于电视节目爱好的听说练习。 情感态度: 培养学生能够实事求是地转述别人的观点的能力。 课前准备: I掌握并默写下列单词和短语: 喜剧_ 毫无意义的_ 有意义的_ 行动_ 动画片_ 动作电影_ 恐怖电影_ II列举自己知道的电视节目,并用一个形容词描述: _ _ III做调查。 Talk show sitcom Soap op

20、era Game show love (why) like (why) 来源: www.shulihua. net dont mind (why) dont like (why) cant stand (why) A: What do you want to watch? B: What do you think of? A: I dont mind /dont like/cant stand/ like them. B: Then lets watch a 。 。 。 A: Why do you mind /dont like/cant stand/ like them? B: Becaus

21、e 学习过程 Before listening 1. 听写课前准备 I 中的单词和短语。 2 用上节课所学的句型和同伴做对话。 3. 两人一组,练习对话。 A: What do you want to watch? B: What do you think of? A: I dont mind /dont like/cant stand/ like them. B: Then lets watch a 。 。 。 A: Why do you mind /dont like/cant stand/ like them? B: Because 4. 做 1a,和同学们一起认识方框中的形容词。 观察

22、与思考: 在表示喜好的时候,我们都运用了哪些形容词? _ _ 5. 练习。-What do you think of talk shows / soap operas / ? -I think they are While listening 1. 听 1b,圈出 1a 中的单词。核对答案。 2. 再听一遍,完成 1c. 核对答案。 3. 模仿秀。跟读 1c。大声朗读听力材料,模仿语音语调。 4. 做 1d。描述 Mary 和 John 的爱好和原因。 Eg: John wants to watch talk shows because theyre enjoyable. I like to

23、watch action movies because theyre exciting. After listening 1. 根据 1d,调查你的同伴喜欢的电视剧以及原因。 Name Action movies来源: www.shulihua.n etwww.shulihua .net Scary movies来 源: www.shulihua.n et Game shows sitcoms A: What do you want to watch? B: I want to watch . . . A: Why do you want to watch them? B: Because .

24、 . . 2. 在班级做报告,然后把它写在作业本上。 XX wants to watch . . . because theyre . . . 知识巩固: I。 连词成句: 1. months, next, letter, can, put, you, please, my, in, magazine, the _ 2. reading, at, staying, home, I, enjoy, and, books _ 3. doesnt, the, watch, Ann, her, friend, best, mind _ 4.does, what, she, Dumpling King,

25、 of, think _ 5.really, she, but, likes, sunglasses, the _ 6.showed, I, each, six, student, things, each, about, one, them, and, a _ II. 书面表达:今天王林和他的同学去看足球比赛,看完后他们对该比赛各抒己见,表达 出自己的感想。请你发挥自己的想象力,写出他们对比赛的一些评论。 提示: 1、 我非常喜欢这场比赛,很有趣,很令人激动。 2、 我不介意队输了比赛,他们表现得非常好。 3、 我不能忍受那个 45 岁的裁判( judge)。他身材矮小,有一头金发,非常严肃

26、,没有 笑容。 4、 事实上我非常喜欢在电视上看足球比赛。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 课堂反思: 1. 在表示喜好的时候,我们都运用了哪些形容词?你记住了哪些? _ _ 2. 通过本课的学习,你还有哪些疑问?_ 家庭作业: 1 根据今天所学到的知识,用英语写出你和你同伴的喜好,并说明理由。(至少 5 句) 2. 熟读 1c 的听力内容。 3. 依据下一个学案的学习目标,做好课前准备。 Unit 5 Section B (2a-2c) 学习目标:知识目标:1 口、笔头掌握以下句型: Over 80 years ago, he first appeared in the cartoon

27、Steamboat Willie. Some people might ask how this cartoon animal became so popular. However, he was always ready to try his best. 2. 掌握本节课重点单词:culture, famous, appear, become, rich, successful, main, reason, film, unlucky, lose, ready, character, simple 3. 重点短语:a black mouse with two big round ears,

28、come out, in the 1930s, such as, be ready to do sth, try his best to do sth, not as/so.as, try to face. 技能目标:会用喜欢和不喜欢的短语, 能表达自己的喜恶。 情感目标:培养学生能够实事求是地转述别人的观点的能力。 课前准备:I。 学习课文“四结合” 课文是我们学习英语中最重要的语言素材, 也是我们接受语音、词语、语法与各种习 惯用法等的最重要来源。 大家千万不能忽视啊! 一、把课文学习与课前预习结合起来。预习时要把课文学习与新的词汇和语法结合起来。 预习生词的同时预习课文;学习课文时重视生

29、词和语法知识点的运用; 预习语法时, 结合预习课文。 二、把课文学习与知识整理结合起来。我们可以采取分类或归纳法, 把所学课文中的词语、 语法和习惯用语等做必要的整理, 重点放在本课印象最深及似是而非的知识上。 如 归纳单词的结构特点和规律, 掌握单词一词多义和一词多性的特点, 死记、活用相 结合, 弄懂一词一语的正确用法。 三、把课文学习与背景知识结合起来。背景知识有助于我们更好理解课文 ,扩大知识面, 提高学习英语的兴趣, 能使课文学习变得较为轻松。 四、把课文学习与整体消化结合起来。课文是一个整体, 有完整的结构, 做好课文的整 体消化,就能够口头或书面说出, 或写出整篇课文的大意,能做

30、到对整篇课文逐句说, 逐段说,逐篇説 II做调查。 A: What to think of these things? B: I think theyre . . . belt sunglasses key ring scarf watch Love like not mind cant stand not like like best III. 读课文,查词典找出下列短语: 1. 有两个大圆耳朵的黑老鼠_ 2.第一部有声音的音乐的电影_ 3. 有米奇的卡通片_ 4. 出版_ 5. 愿意迅速做._ 6. 尽他的最大努力做._ 7. 不如_ 8. 努力去面对_ 学习过程 Before readi

31、ng 1 和同伴互查课前准备 III 的内容,看看谁做的好。 2 小组内讨论下列问题。 1.) Do you like to watch cartoons? 2.) What is your favorite cartoon? 3.) Why do you like it? While reading 1 Skimming(略读) 快速阅读,回答问题。 When did the cartoons come out? 2 Scanning(找读)仔细阅读全文,判断对(T )错(F) ( )1.) Mickey Mouse is a black mouse with two small round

32、 ears. ( )2.) In the 1940s,Walt Disney made 87cartoons with Mickey. ( )3.) Mickey was like a common man, but he tried to face any danger. ( )4.) Now nobody seems to know or love Mickey Mouse. ( )5.) One very famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon 3. Reading up(研读) complete the time line on p

33、age38. 4. 3. Reading up 仔细阅读全文完成表格。 What does he look like? Who created him? What was his first cartoon Who is his girlfriend? Why is he popular? Mickey Mouse 5. Reading up(研读)仔细阅读全文,画出重点短语,并全班交流。 自主学习-找出重、难点。_ 合作探究细读全文,提出疑难问题,小组讨论,互相解答。_ 6. 听并跟读 2b,大声朗读 2b After reading 1. 讨论。做 2e,两人一组造句。做的快的同学把句子板

34、书在黑板上。 来源: 2. 根据黑板上板书的短语,试着复述课文。 知识巩固:任务型阅读 Children in the US like K Day very much. K is for kites. March 7 is the day. On that day many children go out in the open air. They take their kites with them. Some kites are very big. Others are small. They are in different colors and shapes(形状). Every ki

35、te has a long string(线). Children begin to run to let their kites fly up. They let out the string from the ball in their hands. Now the kites are flying in the air. How nice they look! In China, we also have the same festi val. It comes in May. On that day, a lot of people get together in Weifang, S

36、handong. They fly different kinds of kites in the blue sky. People from other parts of the world come to China to celebrate K Day with Chinese people. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 16. What date is K Day in the US? _ 17. What do chi ldren usually take with them in the open air on K Day? _ 18. Are the kites all the

37、 same? _ 19. In which season is American K Day? _ 20. Why do people from other parts of the world come to Weifang, China?_ 家庭作业:1. 试着复述 2b. 2. 运用 2e 的短语小组内造句子。 3. 依据下一个学案的学习目标,做好课前准备。 Unit 5 Section B (3a-self-check) 学习目标: 知识目标:1 口、笔头掌握以下句型 She dresses up like a boy and takes her fathers place to fi

38、ght in the army. What do you think of soap operas? I think theyre boring. 2 熟练掌握以下词汇:army, dress up, take sbs place, do a good job 技能目标:能用本单元的知识描述自己及他人的电影评论。 情感态度:培养爱好,并能处理好爱好与学习之间的关系。 课前准备: I。 掌握并默写下列单词: 陆军,陆军部队_ 装扮(成)._ 代替,替换_ 干得好_ 令人愉快的事_ II你和你的家人对电影和电视节目是怎么认为的?你做出调查。 Me My partner Soap operas Ta

39、lent shows news Sports shows comedies Scary movies Action movies A: What do you think of soap operas? B: I think theyre boring. 学习过程 Before reading 1. 和同伴表演课前准备 II 中的内容 A: What do you/ your partner think of soap operas? B: I/They think theyre boring. 2 四人一组,互相探讨并翻译课前准备 I 的词组,看谁理解的最准确! While reading 1 Skimming(略读) 快速阅读,完成 3a. 2 Scanning(找读) (1) 仔细阅读全文,回答问题。 1.) The name of the stars _ 2.) The kind of stars: _


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