2017牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 7《Shopping》(第2课时)word教案.doc

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2017牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 7《Shopping》(第2课时)word教案.doc_第1页
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2017牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 7《Shopping》(第2课时)word教案.doc_第2页
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1、Unit 7 Shopping Reading (I) I. Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. identify specific information about shopping from reading the conversations; 2. use the expressions to talk with shoppers or customers; 3. cherish their presents and love the

2、ir parents and friends. II. Teaching contents 1. New words and expressions: shopkeeper, cost, cheap, last, hair clip, match, pink, pretty, enough, change, just a minute, take a look, last years cards, different kinds of, different from 2. New structures: Can I help you? /What can I do for you? How m

3、uch do they cost? /How much are they? Theyre two yuan each. They match her pink coat. Ill take them. Heres your change. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 1. Understand words and expressions in a conversation about shopping; 2. Use the words and expressions to talk about shopp

4、ing. IV. Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in T: Christmas is coming. Do you remember what present Daniel would like to buy for Simon? S: Yes, he would like to buy some stamps for Simon because Simon likes collecting stamps. T: Right. I also want to buy some presents for my daughter. 【设计意图:激活学生的旧知,以旧带

5、新,降低难度,激发学生兴趣,顺利进入新课。 】 Step 2 New words learning T: My daughters birthday is coming. What do you think I can buy for my daughter? S: I think you can buy . 【设计意图:帮助学生复习一些以前学过的名词,也为下面设计对话内容奠定基础。 】 T: Yes, I think a hair clip is a good choice. It is a pink one. It looks very pretty. The pink hair clip

6、 is pretty. Read the new words after me: pink, hair clip, pretty. T: OK, lets take a look at the girl. The pink hair clip matches her pink dress well. Read the following new words and expressions after me: take a look, match. T: How much does the hair clip cost? It is one yuan. It is very cheap. I h

7、ave enough money. Read the new words after me: cost, cheap, enough. T: Boys and girls, here is a task for you. Can you fill in the missing words or expressions in the passage? Miss Lu buys a h_ for her daughter. It is p_ and p_. Lets t_. Oh, it m_ her daughters dress very well. It only c_ (her) one

8、yuan. It is very c_. She has e_ money to buy it. We think her daughter will like it very much. 【设计意图:设置情境,把本课中比较重要和常用的单词和短语放入一个情境中,使这些 单个的字、词产生一定的关联。通过语境,学生更容易理解和记忆词汇和短语。与此同时, 这也是贯穿本课的一个任务,可为下面的内容做好铺垫。 】 Step 3 Reading 1. Pre-reading. T: Listen to the conversation and complete the table. Things Cost

9、Amy wants to buy 【设计意图:在阅读之前听一遍课文并回答几个有针对性的简单问题,学生能够大致了解 文章的基本内容,同时也训练了学生抓文章主旨的能力。 】 2. While-reading. (1) Finish Part B1 on Page 83. (2) Finish Part B2 on Page 83. (3) Finish Part B3 on Page 84. 【设计意图:对文章进行细节理解,更好地理解文章的内容和句型。 】 3. Post-reading. Act out the dialogue. 【设计意图:通过表演课文中的对话,既让学生身临其境地感受了购物,

10、又操练了重点单 词、短语和句型,为下个环节“头脑风暴”奠定了基础。 】 Step 4 Brainstorming To discuss what a customer or a shopkeeper says while shopping. 【设计意图:通过总结顾客和店员要说的话,帮助学生回顾文章结构,同时训练学生归纳 总结的能力。 】 Step 5 Practice 1. Help the teacher buy the hair clip for her daughter in the shop. A: Can I help you? /What can I do for you? B:

11、Id like to . A: Just a minute. Take a look. . match . B: How much .? A: It is . B: Oh, it is not cheap. Ill take it. 2. Here are three situations of shopping for you to practice conversations. Situation 1: You are in the clothes shop. The shopkeeper tells you that the red dress is 100 yuan and it ma

12、tches your shoes. You like it very much. Make a conversation about this. Situation 2: Your classmate Daniel is often late for school. You want to buy a clock for him. You give the shopkeeper 30 yuan. Make a conversation about this. Situation 3: You want to buy a new pair of shoes. The red pair looks

13、 very pretty, but they are 100 yuan. You dont have enough money. Make a conversation about this. 【设计意图:创设开放性的话题让学生自己编写对话,将难度提高,学生可以将本课所学 和之前学到的知识融入到自己编写的对话中,锻炼学生的实际操作能力。 】 Step 6 Discussion Discuss how to use money wisely. 【设计意图:在课本学习的基础上将话题延伸到实际生活,学生比较感兴趣,也有话可说。 在表达的时候,教师注意对学生的生活方式和消费态度进行引领,让学生有一个正确地对 待金钱的态度。 】 V. Homework 1. Recite the two conversations; 2. Make a new conversation about shopping.


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