2017人教版(新起点)英语四上Unit 2《On the Weekend》(Story Time)教学设计.doc

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2017人教版(新起点)英语四上Unit 2《On the Weekend》(Story Time)教学设计.doc_第1页
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2017人教版(新起点)英语四上Unit 2《On the Weekend》(Story Time)教学设计.doc_第2页
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1、Unit2 Story Time 教学设计 【内容来源】人民教育出版社(一起点)四年级上册 Unit2 On the Weekend 【课 时】Story Time 一、教学目标 1. 能够借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂 Story Time 的故事,完成故事后的句 子排序活动。 2. 能够在教师的指导下表演小故事。 二、教学建议 1. 读前活动 (1) 谈论电脑。教师出示电脑图片,提问:Whats this? Do you like playing computer games? Do you often play computer games? Tip:活动中教师可以引导学生如何正确使用电脑、

2、网络等电子设备。 (2) 导入故事。教师出示图中电脑掉到湖里的画面,注意隐去 Bill 和爸 爸,提问:Whose computer is it? What happens? Can you guess? 学生同桌讨论、猜测可能发生了什么。 2. 读中活动 (1) 学生自读,验证预测。学生自主默读,限时五分钟。同桌讨论:Whose computer is it? What happens? 之后,教师总结:Its Bills computer. His computer falls into the water. (2) 师生共读,理解故事。 呈现图。教师提问:Does Bill like p

3、laying computer games? How do you know that? When does Bill play computer games? 呈现图。教师引导:When Bill and his father go fishing, he still plays computer games. Then what happens? 呈现图。教师引导:Bill has no computer now. He cant play computer games. What does Bill do? Is he happy? 呈现图。教师引导:Look at Bills fami

4、ly. What are they going to do? Does Bill take his computer? Why? 3. 读后活动 (1) 欣赏视频。播放配套光盘,请学生完整欣赏故事。 (2) 朗读。教师播放故事录音,请学生细致模仿语音、语调。之后学生分 组分角色朗读故事。 (3) 完成 B 项活动。请学生先自己完成,之后同桌讨论,最后在教师的引 导下核对答案。 (4) 回顾故事。教师再次出示电脑图片,提问:Whose computer is it? What does Bill do when he has the computer? What does Bill do whe

5、n he does not have the computer? How does he feel? 学生在教师的问题引导下回顾故事大意并简单叙述 故事。 (5) 拓展讨论。教师引导:When Bill has a computer, he always plays computer games. But after he loses his computer, he has a lot of fun with his family. What do you learn from the story? 学生讨论,教师总结:We can have a lot of fun with our family. 最后请学生谈论一下本周末的计划安排:What are you going to do this weekend? Do you want to do something interesting with your family? 将故事主题延 伸到学生的生活中。 三、备选活动 【板书设计】 Unit2 【教学反思】


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