2017牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 3《Welcome to our school》(第7课时)word教案.doc

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2017牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 3《Welcome to our school》(第7课时)word教案.doc_第1页
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2017牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 3《Welcome to our school》(第7课时)word教案.doc_第3页
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1、Unit 3 Welcome to our school! Task I. Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. use the new words to talk about their school; 2. use the useful expressions to write about their school; 3. love their school and have the awareness of helping the stu

2、dents in poor areas. II. Teaching contents 1. Vocabulary: a few, on foot, far away from 2. Expressions: I study at I live far away from/near the school. I take a bus/walk to school. I go to school by /on foot. It takes me to get to school. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty Ho

3、w to write about a school. IV. Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in Millies school T: Hello, boys and girls. Do you still remember Millie shows her mum around her school on the school open day? Now Millie wants to tell us about her school too. Lets have a look Picture 1: Our school looks beautiful. Pi

4、cture 2: The playground is very big. Picture 3: The classrooms are big and bright. Picture 4: Our new library looks modern. Picture 5: The school hall is for meetings. Picture 6: We also have an art room, a music room and two computer rooms. Picture 7: Our teachers are good. We all like them. Pictur

5、e 8: I live far away from the school and I take a bus to school every day. It takes me about half an hour to get to school every day. 【设计意图:本节课通过 Millie对其学校的介绍勾起学生对本单元重点内容的回忆,在图 片和语句的呈现中复习本单元与学校话题相关的单词和短语,为本节课的写作内容做好了 铺垫。通过 Millies letter 自然地 导入到 Liu Yis letter about his school的文 本内容。 】 Step 2 Prese

6、ntation 1. Read Liu Yis letter. T: Liu Yi also writes a letter about his school to Millie. Now please read his letter and answer the following questions. (1) Whats the name of Liu Yis school? (Hope Middle School.) (2) What places can you find at his school? (We can find a few classrooms, a reading r

7、oom and a playground.) (3) How are the teachers? (The teachers are all very kind.) (4) How does Liu Yi go to school every day? (He goes to school on foot every day.) T: Boys and girls, can you tell me how many paragraphs are there in this letter? Can you tell me where you find the answer? (Question

8、1: Paragraph 1, Question 2: Paragraphs 2/3, Question 3: Paragraph 4, Question 4: Paragraph 5) T: So we can divide the letter into four parts. Part 1 (Paragraph 1): the school name Part 2 (Paragraphs 2/3): different places at school Part 3 (Paragraph 4): the teachers Part 4 (Paragraph 5): how to go t

9、o school 2. How to write about a school? T: Boys and girls, from Liu Yis letter, we can see, if we write about a school, we can write in four parts with 5 paragraphs: in Part 1 (Paragraph 1), we can write what school we study at; in Part 2 (Paragraphs 2/3), we can write what we have at school; in Pa

10、rt 3 (Paragraph 4), we can write something about the teachers; in Part 4 (Paragraph 5), we can write how we go to school. 【设计意图:通过阅读 Liu Yis letter, 让学生在阅读中获取信息,回答问题。学生通 过 4个问题感知整个文本的框架,从而了解到从哪些方面去写一篇关于学校的文章以及文 章该如何布局,为后面的写作做好铺垫。 】 Step 3 Writing 1. Talk about your school. T: So today we are going t

11、o write about our school. Before writing, lets talk about our school first. Please ask and answer the four questions with your partner and try to make up a conversation. Here is a model for you to look at. A: What school do you study at? B: I study at A: What do you have at school? B: I have a music

12、 room/an art room/a school hall A: How are the teachers? B: They are A: Do you live far away from/near the school? B: Yes/No, I live A: How do you go to school? B: I A: How long does it take you to get to school? B: It takes me 2. Write about your school. T: Boys and girls, its time for you to write

13、 about your school. I have some useful expressions here for you to look at. Part 1: the school name I study at Part 2: different places at school There are classrooms in We have/do not have a playground/a library/a hall Part 3: the teachers The teachers are kind/helpful Part 4: how to go to school I

14、 live far away from/near the school. I take a bus/ride a bike/walk to school. (I go to school by bus/by bike/on foot.) It takes me to get to school. T: Pay attention to this table, boys and girls. We will evaluate your writing according to this table. Make sure you write all the main points and writ

15、e in 5 paragraphs. Try to use correct expressions and not to make mistakes. Remember to have a good handwriting. If you have excellent expressions and good ideas, youll get extra points. Now lets begin our writing. 【设计意图:正式写作之前,先让学生围绕四个问题开始展开对话,让学生在互相说的过 程中巩固和汲取有关的词汇和句式,为稍后的写作做好准备工作。此外,向学 生呈现写作 评分标准

16、,让学生在写作前知道需要注意哪些方面,规范其写作。 】 Step 4 Assessment 1. Evaluate their writing. T: OK, have you finished your article? Now please exchange your article with your partner and grade it according to the assessment table here. If you find some mistakes, try to correct them. If you find some good expressions or

17、 ideas, you can underline them. You can ask me for help if you have any problem. 2. Give advice. T: After grading, please write down your advice on your partners article. If the article gets 18-22 points, you can write down “Well done! Keep on!” If it gets 15-17 points, you can write down “Not bad.

18、Need to practice more!” If it gets 10-14 points, you can write down “Not good. Need to practice a lot!” 3. Enjoy some good articles. T: Boys and girls, if your partners article gets 18-22 points, please stand up and read the article aloud. 【设计意图:写作完成后,同伴之间相互交换自己的作文,学生根据评分标准给自己同伴 的作文打分并给出相应的意见。这样的相互批

19、改不但提高了学生的兴趣,也使学生更加清 楚应该如何写好一篇规范的文章。通过批改他人的作文,同学间可以取长补短、相互促进。 】 Step 5 Extension Watch a video. T: Boys and girls, from your articles, we can see your school is really beautiful and modern. You guys live a good and happy life. But what about Liu Yi, the children like him in poor areas? Now lets take

20、a look at their life through a short video. T: Boys and girls, after watching the video, how do you feel? What should we do? Do you think we should be thankful to what we have? Do you think we should help those poor children and be a helpful student? If we can help them, their life will be hopeful a

21、nd your life will also be wonderful. So, at the end of the lesson, I will give you these four words: thankful, helpful, hopeful and wonderful. Please bear the four words in your mind. Wish you have a wonderful life! 【设计意图:在本节课的最后,通过观看关于贫困地区孩子的生活的短片,让学生更加珍 惜自己现有的幸福生活,并试着伸出援手帮助他人,让他们意识到生命的快乐与精彩源于 帮助他人!】 V. Homework 1. Read your article again; 2. Rewrite the article and make it better.


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