2017上海教育版英语四年级下册Unit 12《ugly duckling》word教案.doc

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1、Unit 12 Ugly duckling 教案 1 教学内容与目标 教学内容 功能 天气;特 征;存在; 情感 描述天气特征。 描述人物的特征。 描述客观存在的事物。 句型复习 和日常用 语 It is sunny and warm./ Mother Duck sits on the eggs. The duckling is big and grey. The ugly duckling is sad. The ugly duckling is in the grass. Yes! Im a beautiful swan! 语言知识 词汇 Ugly, duck , river, baby

2、, back , swan,into 听 听懂故事内容,理解故事大意。 说 用句型 It is sunny and warm.描述天气。 用一般现在时讲述故事。 用句型 The ugly duckling is sad / 描述人物 的感受。 用 The duckling is big and grey /描述人物 的特征。 语言技能 读 读懂故事丑小鸭 ,理解故事大意,领悟 其寓意。 写 正确书写本单元的核心词汇。 教 学 目 标 能在语境中正确运用本单元的核心词汇。 能用恰当的句子和语调表达故事中的相关内容。 通过故事阅读,明白故事寓意。 任务预设: 学生能够借助图片提示读懂故事,理解故事

3、寓意,并能做简单的角 色扮演。 课时分配 课时 教学内容及目标 教学重 点 词汇:ugly ,duck duckling ,baby, river 句型:It is sunny and warm. Mother Duck has three eggs. Mother Duck sits on the eggs. 教学栏 目 图 1-6 课时 一 教学目 标 通过学习故事的第一部分,帮助学生了解故事人物和 背景,激发阅读兴趣。 课时 二 教学重 点 词汇:back, swan , into 句型:The ugly duckling swims behind them. The ugly duck

4、ling is sad. 教学栏 目 图 7- 10 教学目 标 通过学习故事的第二部分,帮助学生理解故事大意, 思考故事的后续发展,为后续学习作铺垫。 教学重 点 词汇:into, river 句型: The ugly duckling is in the grass. He sees two big swans. The ugly duckling looks into the water. 教学栏 目 图 1-12 课时 三 教学目 标 学生阅读故事的结尾,以各种方式呈现故事,如角色 扮演、复述故事等。通过复习和讨论,帮助学生理解 故事的寓意。 通过学习任务,帮助学生巩固和综合运用本单元

5、所学 的知识。 课时一 教学准备:点读机、cards、toy duckling 、PPT 教学过程: Step 1. Pretask preparations Greetings. T: Good morning, Boy and girls. How are you today? 21 世纪教育网版权所有 S: Good morning, Ms Sun. We are fine. /. T: Hows the weather today? S: Its sunny. /. T: Today is sunny and warm. /. It is a fine day. /21 教育网 亲切和

6、自然的问候,让学生迅速进入英语学习的状态。 Free talk. T: I like reading stories. Do you like reading stories? Look at these pictures. Where are they from? S: They are from .21cnjycom 用童话故事的插图激发学生的兴趣,讨论学生听过的故事。 Step 2. Whiletask procedures 1. Guessing game. (1)T: Theyre farm animals. They can walk and swim. They like eat

7、ing corn and fish. They have wings but they cant fly high. What animals are they?21cnjy S: Theyre ducks. (2)T: Theyre small and lovely. They can walk and swim too. Theyre the babies of ducks. What animals are they? 【来源:21世纪教育网】 S: Theyre ducklings. 2. Lets enjoy the stories. Play the whole story. (L

8、ook, listen carefully, then answer some questions.)21世纪*教育网 Look and answer. (1)Picture 1. T: What can you see in the picture? S: I can see a duck and three eggs. T: What colour is the duck? What colour are the eggs?www-2-1-cnjy-com S: The duck is yellow. The eggs are white. (2)Picture 2. T: What ca

9、n you see in the picture? S: I can see three eggs. T: Are they big or small? S: Theyre small. (3)Picture 3. T: How many eggs can you see in the nest (窝)? S: I can see four eggs. T: How are the three eggs? S: They are small. T: What about the other egg? Whats it like? S: Its big. (4).Picture 4. T: Wh

10、ere does Mother Duck sit? S: She sits on the eggs. (5).Picture 5. T: The eggs open. What can you see? S: I can see three ducklings. T: How are the ducklings? S: They are yellow and lovely. (6).Picture 6. T: T: The big egg opens. What comes out of it? How is the duckling? S: An ugly duckling. Hes big

11、 and grey. Hes ugly.2-1-c-n-j-y T: How many babies does Mother Duck have? S; Four. T: Is Mother Duck happy? S: No, she isnt. Step 3. Posttask activities 1. Fill in the blanks. (Listen and write.) 1) Its sunny and warm. Mother Duck is near the river.www.21-cn- 2) Mother Duck has three eggs. They are

12、small. 3) Now there are four eggs in the nest. The fourth egg is big. 4) Mother Duck sits on the eggs. 5) Three eggs open. Mother Duck is happy. Mother Duck sees three ducklings. They are small and yellow.21*cnjy*com 6) The big egg opens. The duckling is big and grey. He is ugly. 2. Listen, imitate

13、and read. 3. Have students role -play. (1)Teacher models. (2)Group work. Step 4. Sum up 1) Its sunny and warm. Mother Duck is near the river.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 2) Mother Duck has three eggs. They are small. 3) Now there are four eggs in the nest. The fourth egg is big. 4) Mother Duck sits on the eggs

14、. 5) Three eggs open. Mother Duck is happy. Mother Duck sees three ducklings. They are small and yellow.【出处:21 教育名师 】 6) The big egg opens. The duckling is big and grey. He is ugly. Homework: 1. Listen to the story and read. 2. Tell the story to your family. Blackboard Design Module 4 Things we enjoy Unit 12 The ugly duckling ugly baby babies duck river Groups: duckling near the river 1 2 3 4 5 Teaching Notes:


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