2017外研版英语七年级下册Module 12 Unit 3《Language in use》word教案.doc

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1、Module 12 Western music Unit 3 Language in use 教学目标 1. To learn alternative questions with “or”; 2. To learn exclamations with “What (a/an) !” 教学重点 To learn excla mations with “What (a/an) !” and alternative questions 教学难点 To practise exclamations with “What (a/an) !” and alternative questions 学情分析

2、The students have known a few alternative questions and exclamations, but they dont know how to make alternative questions and exclamations. 学法指导 1. To guide the students to learn to make alternative questions and exclamations. 2. To help each other 3. To practise in pairs and groups 教 学 过 程 教学内容 教师

3、活动 学生活动 效果预测(可能出现 的问题) 补救措施 修改意见 一 Module12 Western music Unit3 Language in use 二 Langu age practice 三 Alternative questions 四 Practise alternative questions in Activity 1 Step1 Warming-up and Lead in Show the picture about Western music and play the music by Mozart. Step2 Language practice Show the

4、 pictures. Ask the students to practise: What a beautiful city! Do you like traditional Western music or pop music? Step3 Presentation of alternative questions Explain alternative questions by examples in detail. Step4 Practise Ask the students to write alternative 1. Look at the pictures. Listen to

5、 music. 2.Look at the pictures and practice in groups 3.Study alternative questions 4. Write alternative questions in Activity 1. 5. Study exclamations. 6. Write exclamations in 1、教学内容四 Activity 1、六 Activity2 较多,可 能不能全部在课堂上 完成。 2、教学内容七 Activity 3、九 Around the world 在有限的课堂时间内 可能不能完成。 1、可选择个别题 练习,其余的可

6、 留待学生课后完 成,下堂课检查。 2、宜留待学生课 后完成。 五 Exclamations 六 Practise exclamations in Activity 2. 七 Activity 3 八 Act ivity 4 九 Around the world 十 Activity 5 十一 Assignments questions. Step5 Presentation of exclamations Explain exclamations. by examples in detail. Step6 Practise Ask the students to write exclamat

7、ions. Step7. Sort out the words Ask the students to put the words and expression into the correct column. Step8 Complete the conversation Ask the students to complete the conversation with the correct from of the words from the box. Play the music by Beethoven. Ste p9 Around the world Ask the studen

8、ts to read Vienna New Years Concert. Play the music about New Years Concert. Step10 Talking about Chinese music Show the pictures and play Chinese musi c. Ask the students to choose one or two types of Chinese music and describe them. Activity 2. 7.Put the words and expression into the correct colum

9、n in Activity 3 in groups 8.Complete the conversation with the correct from of the words from the box in Activity 4. Work in pairs with the music . 9. Read the passage with the music, tick true (T) or false (F). 10. Say which types of music you like with Chinese music. Give your reasons. Talk about

10、Chinese music in pairs in front of the class. 11. Finish wr iting five exclamatio ns and five questions with “or”. Step11 Homework As k the stud ents to write five exclamations with “What (a) !” and five questions with “or” in them. 板书设计 二栏式 Its so beautiful! Is this by Strauss or Mozart? I love his

11、 music! Its by St rauss. What a beautiful city! Do you like traditional Western music or pop music? Well, I like both. 参考书目及 推荐资料 英语七年级下册教材、 教师用书 教学反思 本堂课依据教材的编排内容和复习运用课型特点进行课堂教学设计,让学生从已学课文中找出相应例句,引导学生试着从 所观察到的语言现象中总结出选择问句、感叹句的语言规则和语法规律。在课件中插入了与教学内容相匹配的图片和音乐,提 高了学生对复习运用课的兴趣,避免了枯燥乏味的语法讲解。考虑到日常课堂教学的需要及处理教材内容的完整性,课堂教学 设计和课件中内 容除了全部教材内容外,还进行了适度拓展,容量可能偏大,使用时应根据学情进行调整或删减。


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