2017外研版英语七年级下册Module 10 Unit 3《Language in use》word教学设计.doc

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2017外研版英语七年级下册Module 10 Unit 3《Language in use》word教学设计.doc_第5页
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1、Module 10 A holiday journey Unit 3 Language in use 教学目标 To summarise and consolidate past simple wh-questions and the new vocabulary 教学重点 Key vocabulary and structures 教学难点 To summarise and c onsolidate past simple wh-questions 学情分析 本课时主要对一般过去时的特殊疑问句的结构和变化进行总结和 归纳,并让学生在听,说,读和写当中进行运用和掌握。 学法指导 Formal

2、and interactive practice,task-based approacd 教 学 过 程 教学内容 教师活动 学生活动 效果预测 (可能出 现的问题) 补救措施 修改意见 一、Leading in 二、The last change regularity 三,Practice Step one ; Leading in 1, Say hello to the students Ask students what he she did yesterday and ask some students to answer the questions Step Two :The las

3、t change regularity 1, Let the students look at the last changer regularity Ask them to read it and try to remember it 1,think about the question and try to answer the question. 1,read it and try to remember it 1,complete the sentences by themselves 通过 对话 让学生能 够进入课 堂并对本 课所复习 的内容熟 悉 通过口诀 对动词过 去式变化 规则

4、进行 复习和强 化 鼓励学生 积极思考 和回答问 题 鼓励学生 加强记忆 加强相关 练习题的 理解 四,Language practice 五,Prac tice 六,Writing Step Thee: Practice 1, Ask students to complete the sentences by themselves 2, Tell students to cheek their answers in pairs 3, Ask some students to sho w their answers and say why 4, Ask students to work in

5、pairs and talk about what quest ions they could ask for each sentenced Step Four ; Language practice 1, Tell students to think about what they did two days ago of last saturday 2, Go through the sentences in the practice box with students 3, Ask students to think about what answer they could give fo

6、r each example 4, Tell 2,cheek their answers with their partners 3,show their answers 4,talk about what questions they could ask for each sentenced 1,think about what they did two days ago of last Saturday 2,read the se ntences 3,think about wh at answer they could give for each example 4,look at th

7、e special structure of sentence in the simple past and talk about it with their partners 5,rewrite some sentences and then check the answers together 通过练习 来掌握动 词过去式 的运用 通过语言 训练来归 纳动词一 般过去时 的特殊疑 问句,然 后在练习 题中来加 强和掌握。 让学生在 小组检查 答案的时 候多交流, 真正的找 到自己的 欠缺,然 后加强。 鼓励学生 积极参与 到其中 七,Practice 八,work in pairs stu

8、dents to look at the special structure of sentence in the simple past and talk about it with their partners 5, Ask students to rewrite some sentences and then check the answers together Step Five : Practice 1, Ask students to read the expressions in the box together 2, Tell students to look at the q

9、uestion prompts Elicit the questions from them 3, Put students in pairs to take turns to ask and answer with polite intonation 4, Elicit answers by asking students to ask and answer the questions Step six :Writing 1, Ask 1,read the expressions 2,look at the question 3,take t urns to ask and answer w

10、ith polite intonation 4, answer the questions 1, think about what they did last holiday 2, talk about it with their partners Then write down the sentences on their own 3, check their sentences with their partners 4,show their sentences 通过所给 的情景来 培养学生 组织和运 用知识 通过对自 己的经历 的描述来 培养学生 的写作能 力 适时的指 导学生的 错误,

11、同 时鼓励学 生树立信 心 在小组学 习中来总 结自己的 不足 students to think about what they did last holiday And then write down six things 2, Tell students to talk about it with their partners Then write down the sentences on their own 3, Let the students check their sentences with their partners 4, Ask some students to sho

12、w their sentences Step Seven : Practice 1, Ask students to look at the sentences and choose the correct answer : 2, Let the students check the answer together Step eight : work in pairs 1, Ask students to look at the questions and then make dialogue with the partners 1, look at the sentences and cho

13、ose the correct answer : 2, check the answer together 1,look at the questions and then make dialogue with the partners A: Where did you go ? B: To A: Who did you go with ? B: My family A: How long did you stay ? 2,show their dialogues 在练习同 加强学生 对知识的 掌握 通过小组 合作编对 话来培养 学生对知 识的运用 能力 鼓励学生 要多说, 大胆地说, 然后不断 进步。 2, Ask some students to show their dialogues Step nine : Homework 参考书目及 推荐资料 外研版七年级下册教材 教学反思


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