北京课改版英语九年《unit 6 let’s learn chinese》word教案和练习.doc

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1、2011-2012学年 9年级英语(北京实验版)全册素材(含教 案和练习)Unit 6 Lets Learn Chinese 一、教学内容 Unit 6 Lets Learn Chinese 二、教学目标 知识目标:熟练掌握本单元课文中的单词,短语和句型。 能力目标:培养学生综合运用知识的能力。 三、教学难点 培养学生的综合能力 四、重点知识 单词:本单元所有单词(单词表中) 短语: 1. learn a foreign language 学一门外语 2. teach sb. how to do sth. 教某人如何做某事 3. take a Chinese course 上中文课 4. ha

2、ve any difficulty learning Chinese 学习中文有困难 5. the English expressions 英语表达方式 6. communicate with sb. 与某人交流 7. speak to sb. 与某人讲话 8. right now 现在 9. be out of the town 离开城镇 10. cancel our meeting 取消我们的约会 11. so that 以便于 12. want sb. to do sth 想让某人做某事 13. recite an ancient Chinese poem 背一首中文古诗 14. Chi

3、nese culture 中国文化 15. know each other 相互了解 16. make the decision 做个决定 17. more and more foreigners 越来越多的外国人 18. a certain number of 相当数量的 19. even if 即使 20. both sides 两边 21. develop an international outlook 开阔国际视野 22. on the other hand 另一方面 23. learn from each other 彼此相互学习 24. without doubt 不容置疑 25

4、. be far away from 离远 句型: 1. A poetry reciting competition was held at the primary school so that the little ones would learn to love Chinese culture. ( so that ) 汉语诗歌朗诵比赛是为了让孩子们更好地学习和了解中国文化而举办的。 2. They didnt know each other until they came to China. ( not until) 他们是到了中国后才认识的。 五、重点知识讲解 1. Seven-yea

5、r-old Kim was reciting an ancient Chinese poem. The poem she chose was A View of the Lushan Waterfall by Li Bai. A poetry reciting competition was held at the primary school so that the little ones would learn to love Chinese culture. However, little Kim was not Chinese although it would be impossib

6、le to tell that from her speech. 译文:七岁的姬米正在背诵中国唐代著名诗人李白的望庐山瀑布 ,她就要参加汉语 诗歌朗诵比赛了。这项比赛是为了让孩子们更好地学习和了解中国文化而举办的。小姬米 不是中国人,但她能讲一口流利的汉语。 知识点: 1) recite an ancient Chinese poem 背诵中国古诗 recite to say aloud a piece of writing, especially a poem or a list from memory 2) hold a poetry reciting competition 举行诗歌朗诵

7、比赛 3) so that 以便于,为了 例如: You have to study hard so that you can catch up with your classmates. 你必须努力学习以便于能赶上你的同学们。 sothat与 so that 的用法 so that 引导目的状语从句,sothat引导结果状语从句。它们有所不同,请注意下面 几点: (1)在 sothat句型中,so 后面加形容词或副词,其意为“如此以至于” 。 如: This book is so interesting that everyone wants to read it. 这本书很有趣,人人都想看

8、。 He ran so fast that I couldnt catch up with him. 他跑得那么快,我没赶上他。 (2)so that引导的是表示结果的状语从句,但不一定是“如此以至于” 。 如: The workers did so well that he was pleased with them. 工人们干得很好,他对他们很满意。 I was so busy here (that) I had no time to write a letter. 我在这里很忙,没时间写信。 sothat引导四种不同的句子结构: A. so+形容词(表语)+that 从句。例如: It

9、was so cold outside that we had to stop the game. 外面天气太冷了,我们不得不停止比赛。 The picture is so beautiful that everyone likes it. 那幅画是那样好看,以至于大家都喜欢它。 The weather is so fine that all the children want to go out to play. 天气如此好,所有的孩子都想出去玩一会儿。 B. so+形容词+a(n)+单数名词+that 从句。例如: She made so good a meal that we all a

10、te far too much. 她做的饭菜那么好吃,结果我们都吃得太多了。 It was so good an exhibition that I went to see it several times. 展览是那么好,我去看了好几次。 It was so fine a day yesterday that we all went out for a picnic. 昨天天气很好,我们都出去野餐了。 C. so+副词+that 从句。例如: He did so well in the examination that everyone praised him. 他考得那么好,人人都称赞他。

11、 Tom ran so fast that he won the first place. 汤姆跑得那样快,结果他得了第一名。 He worked so hard at his lessons that he had little rest. 他学习功课非常勤奋,很少休息。 D. so + many /much / few / little+名词+that 从句。例如: Ive had so many falls that Im black and blue all over. 我跌了那么多跤,全身跌得青一块,紫一块的。 There was so much work to do that ev

12、erybody got bored. 有这么多的事要做,人人都感到厌烦了。 There was so little water in the jar that it was not enough for all of us. 缸里的水太少,不够我们这些人用的。 (3)so that 引导目的状语从句,其从句中的谓语动词通常和 can, may, should 等情态 动词连用,而且主句和从句之间不使用逗号,意为“以便,为了,使能够” 。如: They got up early so that they could catch the early bus. 为了能赶上早班车,他们早早就起床了。

13、Say slowly so that I can understand you. 说慢点,好让我听明白。 (4)so that 句型也可以用来引导结果状语从句,意为“因此,结果” ,这时其从句中 的谓语动词不与情态动词连用。这种结构和 sothat引导的结果在含义上有很大区别。 so that 句型所表示的结果往往同主句有因果关系,而 sothat句型所表示的结果往往 表明 so 后面形容词或副词的程度。 例句: He didnt plan his time well, so that he didnt finish his work in time. 他没有把时间计划好,结果没有按时完成这项

14、工作。 (没按时完成这项工作的原因是没计划好时间) Its so hot that I cant sleep. 天气热得我不能入睡。 (天气热到人不能入睡的程度。 ) 4) love Chinese culture 喜欢中国的文化 5) although 尽管 though 与 although 的相同和区别之处 区别: although 和 though 同义,在一般情况下,可以互换使用。只是 though 较普 遍,常用于非正式的口语或书面语中,而 although 则较为正式。另外 although 语气比 though 重,常用以强调让步概念。 e.g.: Though/Althoug

15、h my car is very old, I dont want to buy a new one. 虽然我的汽车很旧,但我不想买一辆新的。 He insisted on doing it although I warned him not to. 虽然我警告他不要做,但他仍然坚持要做。 even 能和 though 组合表示强调,但 even 不能和 although 组合。因此,不能说 even although,在这里 even though=even if(no matter if; though 即使也) e.g.: Even if/Even though we could aff

16、ord it, we wouldnt go abroad for our vacation. 即使我们付得起这笔钱,也不会出国度假。 当让步状语从句指某种假设情况时,通常用 though,而不用 although。 e.g.: Though all the world were against me, I should still hold to my opinion. 就算全世界都反对我,我还是坚持我的立场。 Though everybody deserts you, I will not. 即使所有人都抛弃你,我也不会的。 though 可以独立用作副词,常放在句末,意为 all the

17、same (还是;仍然)或 however(可是;然而) ,而 although 无此用法。 e.g.: She didnt tell me what she had done, but I know it though. 她没有告诉我她所做的事情,但我还是知道了。 Its hard work. I enjoy it, though. 工作很苦,可是我喜欢。 though 引导让步状语从句时可以倒装,而 although 从句则不能。 e.g.: Bravely though they fought, they had no chance of winning. 虽然他们打得很勇敢,但还是没有

18、机会获胜。 相同点:在 although 和 though 引导的让步状语从句中,主句里不可用 but,若要强调 前后两部分的对比意义,可在主句前加 yet 或 still。 e.g.: Although/Though he has a lot of money, yet/still he is unhappy. 他虽然有很多钱,但并不幸福。 although 和 though 引导让步状语从句时,常采用省略形式。 e.g.: Although tired (=Although he was tired), he kept on working. 虽然很疲劳,但他继续工作。 2. Kims p

19、arents are both foreigners. Her mother is from Korea while her father is from Europe. They didnt know each other until they came to China. Although they are far away from their own countries they feel quite at home here. They have made the decision that all their children receive education in China.

20、 译文:姬米的父母都是外国人。妈妈是韩国人,爸爸来自欧洲的一个国家。他们是到 了中国后才认识的。虽然远离家乡,但他们在中国生活得很愉快, 并决定让孩子们在中国 接受教育。 知识点: 1) make a decision 做决定 2) be far away from 离远 3. They are not the only foreign family in town. More and more foreigners come here with the increase of foreign investment. Many of them bring their children here

21、 after they get to know China. Most of these children go to school where their parents go to work. 译文:在这座城市里,他们不是唯一的外国家庭。随着外国投资在中国的不断增长, 越来越多的外国人来到中国,其中一些人在了解中国后把他们的孩子也带来了,同时他们 的子女在他们工作的地方上学。 知识点: 1) more and more foreigners 越来越多的外国人 2) the increase of foreign investment 外国投资在中国的不断增长 4. Internationa

22、l students can go to Chinese universities after they finish senior high school. In fact, the Chinese government asks all key universities to admit a certain number of international students. Some international students learn the Chinese language and culture here even if their parents do not stay in

23、China with them. 外国学生在完成高中课程后可以进入中国的大学学习。事实上, 中国政府要求所有的 中国重点大学接纳一定数量的外国留学生。一些外国留学生独自在中国留学,学习汉语和 中国文化。 知识点: 1) in fact 事实上 2) the key university 重点大学 3) a certain number of international students 相当数量的外国学生 a number of 许多,大量的 a number of flowers 许多花 a number of buildings 许多建筑物 a number of 和 the number

24、 of 有什么区别? a number of 是“一些” ,可以指“几个” ,也可以指“很多个” ,但总指“一个以上” , 所以应接复数形式的名词和动词,例如: A number of girls have the same problem. 为求数目清楚一点,number 之前会加形容词,例如 a large/small number of girls(很多/ 少数女孩子) 。 the number of 则是“的数目” ,这数目只有一个,所以需接单数形式的名词和动词, 例如: The number of girls present was close to one hundred. 出席的

25、女孩子有将近一百人。 The large number of girls present testifies to the singers popularity. 出席的女孩子甚多,证明那个歌星深受欢迎。 4) even if 即使 Even if she comes it will be too late. 即使她来,也晚了。 Even if he is poor, he looks happy. 即使他穷,他看上去很快乐。 Even if she were very busy, she would go. 即使她很忙,她也会去的。 Dont let down even if the goi

26、ng is good. 即使在顺利的情况下也不要松劲。 Dont utter hard words even if you feel angry. 即使你很生气也不要骂人。 5. “I think this is good for both sides. My children live in this open environment that could help them develop an international outlook. On the other hand the outside may get to know China better. We cant become

27、one world and have one dream unless we learn from each other,” said Kims mother. 姬米的妈妈说到:“我认为这对双方都有好处。我的孩子们在开放的环境中学习和成 长,能够开阔视野。另一方面,外界也会对中国有更深的了解。只有我们相互学习,才能 够实现同一个世界,同一个梦想。 知识点: 1) both sides 双方 2) develop an international outlook 开阔视野 3) on the other hand 另一方面 4) get to know 了解 5) learn from each

28、 other 相互学习 Unit 7 Garage Sale 预习导学 学习本单元需掌握的重点知识 单词(四会要求) glove, towel, toothbrush, toothpaste, scarf, trousers, jeans, silk, shorts, overcoat, handbag, sweets, soap, cooker, record, chopsticks, fair, gift, clothing, kind, taste, sour, perfect, dollar, fit, granddaughter, copy, match, dressing, exp

29、ensive, tight, various, useless, camp, tool, silver, spoon, set up, place, clothesline, clothes, carry, category, money, specify, price, grandson, cent, anyway, plate, pancake, place. 短语: 1. dark blue 2. light brown 3. go with 4. on Monday morning 5. call Mikes mom through the car window 6. garage s

30、ale 7. collect various things 8. set up the table 9. be useless to them 10. pretty early tomorrow 11. string up a clothesline 12. divide into 13. specify the price 14. pick up 15. grin at sb. 16. pay for 猜一猜下列单词的中文意思,并试着用英文解释一下。同学们要加油哟! bargain change save place pretty force 【模拟试题】 (答题时间:40 分钟) . 单项

31、选择 *1. Joining the English club at school was _ best way to improve English. A. the B. / C. a D. an *2. Are you afraid of _ at home, Linda? No, Ive grown up. A. alone B. being alone C. lonely D. being lonely *3. Taking buses in Beijing is much _ than before. A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the ch

32、eapest 4. Dont forget to bring me a _. Ill post the letter. A. book B. photo C. stamp D. card *5. My friend and I want to see the film tonight. Are there any tickets left? Yes, but only two. Do you want _? A. one B. two C. them D. none 6. Mary, _ you speak Chinese? Yes, only a little. A. must B. nee

33、d C. may D. can *7. Mr. Brown arrived at the airport at 5 oclock _ the evening of Saturday. A. on B. of C. in D. at *8. I failed in the exam, but my teacher said I would have _ chance. A. second B. a second C. two D. the second *9. Mr Li is a good teacher. He always makes his class _. A. lively and

34、interested B. lively and interesting C. alive and interested D. alive and interesting *10. The number of giant panda is because people always hunt them. A. fewer and fewer B. smaller and smaller C. bigger and bigger D. more and more *11. Can you write to me if you are free? No problem. But _ is your

35、 e-mail address? A. where B. which C. what D. how 12. How often do you search the Internet? _. A. Two weeks B. Since two weeks C. For two weeks D. Once two weeks *13. I think Tracy needs to find herself a new job. _. This is what weve been talking about. A. Exactly B. Cheer up C. Please do D. Really

36、 14. Your Chinese is so good! But your English is better. So we can help each other. _. A. What a pity! B. Good idea! C. The same to you. D. Sorry to hear that. *15. Can you see _? No. Lets go and have a look. Maybe we can help them. A. what are they doing there B. what was happening there C. what i

37、s happening there D. what are they talking there *16. It was difficult to get a word in. Everyone so excitedly about the play. A. would talk B. was talking C. talked D. had talked *17. I admired the painting, and Ed said he would like me to have _ as a gift from him. A. one B. it C. this D. some *18

38、. I cant tell whether the book is worth reading, _ I havent read it myself. A. but B. so C. or D. for *19. It is generally considered unwise to give a child _ he or she wants. A. whatever B. however C. whichever D. whenever *20. I tried phoning Maggies office in the morning, but I couldnt _ A. go ov

39、er B. join up C. put up D. get through *. 完形填空 Many people use email to communicate with each other. If you can surf the Internet, it is a great 21 to send messages easily, quickly and as often as you like. No 22 is it necessary to find a pen or paper, not to 23 an envelope or stamp. Are we missing

40、anything by not writing paper letters to people? Must you take the 24 of writing them if you want to receive such letters? Most people would probably answer, “No, it is a waste of paper 25 , and this is a much better system.” It is hard to be against such a viewpoint. However, I would like to try. I

41、 believe that the kinds of letters people 26 to write were probably more 27 than billions of emails sent today. Of course, when it 28 to sending quick messages, email is the best. If 29 is important, email is particularly useful. 30 , if you want really to touch someone, a letter is more personal. 3

42、1 letters are the most personal. If you can type fast, you can put a lot into a letter, but it lacks(缺少) the special sense that comes from seeing the handwriting. As long as it is understandable, it doesnt matter how tidy it is. When someone sits down and just writes to you, you will 32 that when yo

43、u are reading it. Though Im a teenager, I admit that I too feel 33 to receive a letter in the mail. I love seeing my name written by hand on 34 . You make yourself a cup of coffee, sit down in a comfortable place, open your letter , and enjoy everything that the person puts into those words just for

44、 you. What a gift! 21. A. chance B. way C. fun D. time 22. A. longer B. much C. less D. important 23. A. say B. speak C. talk D. mention 24. A. question B. trouble C. pleasure D. problem 25. A. anyway B. too C. simply D. just 26. A. needed B. used C. got D. agreed 27. A. important B. useful C. helpf

45、ul D. meaningful 28. A. runs B. leads C. comes D. arrives 29. A. money B. meaning C. feeling D. time 30. A. However B. So C. Therefore D. But 31. A. Long B. Typed C. Handwritten D. Short 32. A. feel B. love C. want D. like 33. A. excited B. disappointed C. puzzled D. surprised 34. A. a letter B. a l

46、ist C. a paper D. an envelope *. 阅读理解 A There are many unusual hotels around the world. In Greenland, there is a hotel made out of ice, open between December and April every year. In Turkey, there is a cave hotel with a television, furniture, and a bathroom in each room. And in Bolivia(玻利维亚南美洲西部国家),

47、 there is the Salt Palace Hotel. Thousands of years ago, the area around the Salt Palace Hotel was a large lake. But over time, all the water disappeared. Today, the area has only two small lakes and two salt deserts. Uyuni salt desert The larger of the two deserts, the Uyuni, is 12,000 square kilom

48、etres. During the day, the desert is bright white because of the salt. There are no roads across the Uyuni desert, so local people must show guests the way to the hotel. In the early 1990s, a man named Juan Quesada built the hotel. He cut big blocks of salt from the desert and used the blocks to bui

49、ld it. Everything in the hotel is made out of salt: the walls, the roof(屋顶 ), the tables, the chairs, the beds, and the hotels bar. The sun heats(使变热) the walls and roof during the day. At night the desert is very cold, but the rooms stay warm. The hotel has twelve rooms. A single room costs $40 a night, and a double room costs $60.


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