北京课改版英语九年《unit 9 choices》word知识精讲.doc

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1、Unit 9 Choices 一、教学内容 Unit 9 Choices 二、教学目标 知识目标:熟练掌握本单元课文中的单词,短语和句型。 能力目标:培养学生的综合运用知识的能力。 三、教学难点 培养学生的综合能力 四、重点知识 单词:本单元所有单词(单词表中) 短语: 1) a lot of friends 许多朋友 2) a few friends 几个朋友 3) share the same interest 分享相同的兴趣 4) make friends 交朋友 5) talk about 谈论 6) try to do sth. . 尽力做某事 7) keep the friends

2、hip 维护友谊 8) in general 总的来说 9) in constant repair 不断地修复 10) make choices 做选择 11) fall in a bad habit 形成坏习惯 12) take drugs 吸毒 13) because of 因为 14) in order to 为了 15) be involved in 涉及到 16) gain weight 体重增加 17) lose confidence in oneself 对自己失去信心 18) begin to do sth. 开始做某事 19) have a bad temper 脾气很坏 2

3、0) make a right decision 做出正确的决定 21) in time 及时 22) so as to 为了,目的是 23) give up 放弃 24) have trouble 有麻烦 25) at present 现在 26) within two weeks 两周之内 27) be careful with sth. 在乎某事 28) make a difference 有影响 句型: 1) It is easy for us to distinguish between the “good” and the “bad”. 对于 我们来说区分好与坏是很容易的。 2)

4、It is hard for a teenager to find someone to relate to, to find someone we feel we can trust. 青少年要找到一个既合得来又可以信任的人不容易。 3) It is difficult to choose good friends. 选择好朋友是很困难的。 五、重点知识讲解 1. Many times we need to make choices. Sometimes its easy for us to distinguish between the “good” and the “bad”, but

5、very often we are at a loss to decide the right thing. Occasionally, we fall into a bad habit, like taking drugs or drinking alcohol because of our ways of choosing friends. 译文 在人生当中很多时候都需要做出选择,对于我们来说,分清好坏还算容易,但如何做 出正确的选择,我们却总是显得不知所措。偶尔地,我们会因交友不慎而染上不良习惯, 比如吸毒、酗酒。 知识点: 1) need to make choices 需要做出选择

6、2) between and 在和之间 3) at a loss 乱的、困惑 4) fall into a bad habit 形成坏习惯 5) take drugs 吸毒 6) because of 因为 2. I think it is hard for a teenager to find someone to relate to, to find someone we feel we can trust. That is, it is difficult to choose good friends. I was never involved in alcohol, drugs or

7、anything like that as a teenager, but as I grew older I began gaining weight and I lost confidence in myself. I didn t want to talk to anyone. I began to have a bad temper. 译文: 我以为,作为少年,找到自己既合得来又可以信任的人很难。也就是说选择好朋友很 难。少年时,我从未陷入到酗酒或吸毒一类的恶习之中。但是随着年龄的增长,我的体重 也开始增加,并且自己对自己渐渐失去了信心,我不想与任何人交流,脾气也开始变坏。 知识点:

8、1) be involved in 涉及到 2) grow older 长大 3) lose confidence in oneself 对自己丧失了信心 4) have a bad temper 脾气很坏 5) It is easy for us to distinguish between the “good” and the “bad”. 对于我们来说区分好与坏是很容易的。 6) It is hard for a teenager to find someone to relate to, to find someone we feel we can trust. 青少年要找 到一个既合

9、得来又可以信任的人不容易。 7) It is difficult to choose good friends. 选择好朋友是很困难的。 8) It is + adj. for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事怎么样。 【典型例题】 学习好英语对我们来说很有用。 _ for us _ English. 和别人说话的时候,眼睛看别处是不礼貌的。 _ _ to look away from them while you are talking with others 开车速度太快是很危险的。 _ to drive too fast. 在公共场所大声说话是不好的行为。 _ in pub

10、lic. 3. In order to solve this problem. I was sent by my parents to live with a family for a while who were trying to help me out. T he problem was that the two children in this family, who were older than I was. Introduce me to drugs and alcohol. At that time I couldn t make a right decision and I

11、didnt talk to my parents about this in time. I began drinking and taking drugs so as to be part of them. 译文: 为了解决这个问题,父母暂时把我送到一户能帮我摆脱困境的人家。新的问题又出现 了, 这户人家有两个比我大的孩子,是他们让我知道了毒品和酒精。那时我无法做出正确 的选择,又没有及时与父母谈及此事。于是就开始喝酒、吸毒,以便能和他们混在一起。 知识点: 1) in order to 为了 2) solve this problem 解决这个问题 3) try to do sth. 尽力

12、做某事 4) make a right decision 做出正确的选择 5) in time 及时 6) so as to 以便于,为的是 so as to 的用法: so as to 和 in order to 的汉语意思应该是一样的,都为“为的是,为了” 。它们的英语 功能也是一样的,都可以用来引导目的状语。它们的不同之处在于 so as to 不能用于句子 的开头,在句子开头只能用 in order to. 另外, in order to 一般用 in order that 加从句来替换;而 so as to 一般用 so that 加从句来替 换。in order that 可以放在

13、句首, so that 和 so as to 一样不能放在句首。 当这两个短语后的不定式动词的逻辑主语和句子的主语一致时, “in order to , so as to +不定式”可以简化为“不定式” In order to get to school on time, he got up earlier.这个句子可以表达为下列几种方式: In order that he could get to school on time, he got up earlier. He got up earlier in order to get to school on time. He got up

14、earlier in order that he could get to school on time. He got up earlier so as to get to school on time. He got up earlier so that he could get to school on time. To get to school on time, he got up earlier. (这种不定式有时可以表示目的以外的状语) 4. Years passed. Now as an adult I am having trouble in my life and cant

15、 seem to give up either, it is so easy to lose family and friends over drugs and alcohol. Im living a miserable life at present. I have regrets, but what has happened is unchangeable. Once my younger brother blamed me, saying “If I were you, sister, I would give it up easily within two weeks.” He ca

16、n never imagine my sufferings. 译文: 很多年过去了。作为成年人,我生活中仍有这样那样的问题,并且似乎仍未戒掉(恶 习) 。一旦沾上酒精或毒品,就会很容易失去朋友和家人。我现在的生活应该说是很糟糕。 我很懊悔, 但是这一切都是无法改变的。有一次弟弟抱怨我说:“如果我是你,姐姐,就 会很容易地在两周之内戒掉恶习。 ”但是他永远都无法想象得出我的痛苦。 知识点: 1) years passed 几年过去了 2) have trouble 有麻烦 3) seem to do sth. 似乎要做某事 4) give up 放弃 5) at present 现在 6) li

17、ve a miserable l ife 过着很凄惨的生活 5. Friends are the most important thing you can have in this world. Be careful to choose your friends. Be careful with the choices you make in life. One day those choices will make a difference to your life. 译文: 朋友是你在这个世界上拥有的最重要的东西。注意选好你的朋友。对你一生做出的选 择一定要谨慎,将来这些选择会影响你的生活。 知识点: 1)be careful to do sth. 当心做某事 be careful with sth. 认真做某事 知识拓展: be careful about 注意,担心,讲究 be careful for 挂念,惦记 be careful of 注意,留心,当心 be careless about 不关心,不在乎 be careless with 疏忽,不注意 be careless of 不关心,不把放在心上 2)make a difference to sth. or sb. 对某事或某人有影响


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