北师大版高中英语必修3 Unit 7《The sea》(Section Ⅱ)word教案.doc

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1、Section Lesson 2 & Lesson 3 .重点单词 1_ make (air,water,soil,etc.) dangerously impure or unfit for use 2_ forbid sth.officially,especially by law 3_ deal with;treat,behave towards 4_ action or way of finding an answer to a problem,difficulty,etc. 5_ mental ability;power of learning,understanding and re

2、asoning 6_ full of energy;very active 7_ act of discovering;discovering or being discovered 8_ the action or power of attracting 9_ amount of money taken off the cost of sth. 10_ find the size,quantity,extent,degree,etc.of (sth.) 11_ measurement or extent from end to end 答案:1.pollute 2.ban 3.handle

3、4.solution 5.intelligence 6.energetic 7.discovery 8.attraction 9.discount 10.measure 11.length .重点短语 1deal_ 处理 2be_for 对负责 3_a living 谋生 4_two hours 每两小时 5watch_ 注意 6on (the)_hand. 一方面 on the_hand. 另一方面 7communicate_sb. 与某人交流/交际 8be similar_ 与相似 答案:1.with 2.responsible 3.make 4.every 5out 6.one;othe

4、r 7.with 8.to .Read the text carefully and choose the best answer according to the text. 1What kind of reading is the text? AA letter. BA report. CAn advertisement. DA story. 2To say “Watch out!” in the text named “Prettiest Fish” the writer intends to_ Awarn the visitors of the dangerous fish Bask

5、people to watch fish with a light Csuggest the fish is the prettiest of all Dpersuade visitors to leave for other places 3The newest attraction of the park is _ ATiniest Fish BPolar World CDiscovery Pool DVirtual Reality Voyage 4How many sections of the sea park have been mentioned in this text? A9.

6、 B5. C8. D7. 答案:14.CADB .Fill in the blanks according to the text. Welcome to Underwater World.You can watch the polar bears,a 1._(really) iceberg,acrobatic seals and meet the 2._(friend) penguins in the “Polar World”If you go to the “Ocean Floor”,you can see 3._ most beautiful coral and the most un

7、usual fish 4._ appear to “fly” through the water.In the “Sea Theatre”, you can see our 5._(intelligence) dolphins.And in the “Discovery Pool”,younger children can touch crabs and other smaller creatures.And on the “Virtual Reality Voyage”,you can enjoy some of the 6._(strange) fish in the world.You

8、can see the prettiest fish that use a light on their body 7._(attract) other fish,the noisiest fish that can produce sounds almost twice as loud 8._ your speaking voice and the tiniest fish that is 9._(small) than a fly.Here you can also swim with dolphins and face an attack by the most 10._(danger)

9、 creature in the seathe great white shark. 答案:1.real 2.friendly 3.the 4.that 5.intelligent 6.strangest 7.to attract 8.as 9.smaller 10.dangerous , 学生用书 P14) remind vt.使想起;提醒 (教材 P10)If you miss some information,write a question mark to remind you to listen especially carefully the second time. 如果你错过了

10、一些信息,打上问号 以提醒你第二次特别仔细地听。 remind sb.to do sth. 提醒某人做某事 remind sb.that. 使某人想起 remind sb.of sth./sb. 使某人想起某事/某人 Please remind me to write to my mother tomorrow. 请提醒我明天给我母亲写信。 It reminds_me_that I must order some more butter. 这使我想起我得多订购些黄油。 Ahmed reminded me of the abundant kindness in the world.艾哈迈德使我想

11、起 世界上有许多的善心。 altogether adv.完全;总共;总而言之 (教材 P11)Some fish may disappear altogether. 有些鱼类可能彻底消失。 The noise has altogether stopped. 吵闹声完全停止了。 The school bought 100 computers altogether 学校共买了 100台电脑。 Altogether,the attempt was a success. 总体而言,这次尝试是成功的。 作“总共”解时,altogether 与副词短语 all together意思接近,可用于修饰可数 或

12、不可数名词;但 all together还可以表示“一道,一起” ,此时,不能用 altogether代 替 all together。 【活用】用 altogether或 all together填空 I was (1)_ in favor of your plan that we went to Mount Tai (2)_ 答案:(1)altogether (2)all together responsible adj.负责任的 (教材 P11)often its quite difficult to find whos responsible for pollution. 经常很难找到

13、谁应对污染负责。 sb.be responsible for sb./sth. 某人对某人/某事负责/有职责 sth.be responsible for sth. 某事成为某事的 原因或根源/引 起某事 sb.be responsible to sb. 某人对某人负责 The pilot of the plane is responsible for the passengers safety.飞行员 应对旅客的安全负责。 If any of the children got hurt,I should feel responsible.要是哪个孩子受 了伤,我会觉得自己负有责任。 When

14、 he loses his temper,he isnt_responsible_for his actions.他发脾气 时,不顾自己行为的后果。 present vt.讲演;演示;赠送;颁发;出席;到场 (教材 P11)How will you present your project? 你将如何展示你的计划? (1)present sth.to sh. 把某物呈递或赠给某人 present sb.with sth. 赠送或颁发某物给某人 (2)present n. 现在,目前;礼物,赠品 for the present 就目前而言;暂时 at presentat the present

15、time 现在,目前 up to the present 直到现在 (3)present adj. 出席的,在场的;现在的,目前的 助记 n.现在 v.讲演,演示 v.赠送 adj.在场的,现在的) n.礼物 Please print out all tickets purchased and present at the front entrance of Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium. 请打印出你购买的所有票,在墨尔本海洋生物水族馆前门入口出示。 On his retirement,colleagues presented_him_with a set of go

16、lf clubs. 在他退休之际,同事们赠给他一套高尔夫球杆。 We do not have any further information at the present time.目前我们没有进 一步的消息。 温馨提示 present 作为形容词,作“在场的,出席的”讲时放在被修饰词的后面; 而作为“现在的,目前的”讲时放在被修饰词的前面。 attract vt.吸引,招引;有吸引力 (教材 P12)Some fish attract other fish with a light on their bodyand then eat them! 有些鱼用它们身上的光来吸引其他的鱼,然后吃掉它

17、们! (1)attract ones attention 引起某人的注意 attract sb.to. 把某人吸引到 be attracted by 被所吸引 (2)attractive adj. 吸引人的 be attractive to 对有吸引力 (3)attraction n. 吸引人的地方 tourist attraction 旅游胜地 Better road conditions have also attracted more drivers. 更好的路况也已经吸引了更多的司机。 He was_attracted_by her beauty. 他被她的美貌所吸引。 It is n

18、atural for people to be attracted to beautiful things.人被美丽的事 物所吸引是很自然的事情。 Natural scenery has always been attraction for tourists.自然风光始终吸引 着游客。 Icecream is attractive to children. 冰淇淋对孩子们非常有吸引力。 【活用】用 attract的相关词语完成句子 The scenery is so (1)_that it (2)_many touristsattention every year,and it will ke

19、ep on holding much (3) _for more travellers. 答案:(1)attractive (2)attracts (3)attraction trick n 戏法;窍门 vt.欺骗,戏弄 (教材 P13)I think its cruel to make them do tricks. 我认为让它们表演戏法太残酷了。 (1)play tricks/a trick on sb. 戏弄某人 (2)trick sb.out of sth. 从某人处骗取某物 trick sb.into doing sth. 哄骗某人干某事 Dont egg him on to pla

20、y a trick on others. 不要怂恿他捉弄别人。 Her partner tried to trick_her_out_of her share. 她的合伙人企图骗走她的股份。 The merchant tricked him into buying the fake gold. 商人欺骗他买了假的金子。 Could you tell me the trick of making such tasty cakes?你能告诉我制作那 么美味的蛋糕的窍门吗? measure v (长度、数量)为;测量;打量;估量 nU尺寸;量度 C措施;法规 (教材 P13)An average f

21、ish like this measures 90 centimetres in length. 像这样的鱼平均 90厘米长 make sth.to sbs measure 照某人的尺寸做某物 take ones measure/take the measure of 给量尺寸 to ones measure 按照某人的尺寸 take measures 采取措施(多用复数) The policeman measured the situation of the accident and decided to send the driver away. 警察估量了一下事故的情况,决定把那个司机打

22、发走。 Our government is_taking_measures to make the housing price go down.政府 正在采取措施降低房价。 Clothes made to his own measure make him look smart.按他自己的尺寸做的衣 服让他看起来很精神。 温馨提示 当 measure表示“量起来有长/宽/高”时是不及物动词,此种情况 下不用被动语态,像这样的词还有 weigh等。 The room measures 10 metres across. 这房间宽 10米。 The box weighs 20 kg.这个箱子重 20

23、公斤。 ban vt.禁止(banned;banned;banning) n禁令;禁止 (教材 P115)In the worst areas they ban fishing completely for a few months at a time so that the fish numbers can grow again. 在最差的区域他们每次几个月 全面禁止捕鱼,从而使鱼的数量能再次增加。 (1)ban sb.(from sth./from doing sth.) 禁止某人(做某事) ban on/against. 禁止 (2)put a ban on. 禁止 remove/lif

24、t the ban on. 解除对的禁令 Parents ban me from going out alone in the night. 父母禁止我晚上独自外出。 Everybody is banned from putting up notices randomly. 谁也不许胡乱张贴布告。 The government has_banned/has_put_a_ban_on the use of chemical weapons.政 府已经禁止使用化学武器。 易混辨析 prohibit,forbid,ban prohibit 一般指通过法律、法令、警告等禁止某些事物。(正 式用语) p

25、rohibit sth. /doing sth. prohibit sb. from doing sth. forbid 其主语多半是与被禁止的人有直接或亲密关系的人, 如父母、雇主等,含有“不许做某事”的意思。(普 通用语) forbid sb. from doing sth. ban 指官方或舆论对应受谴责或反对的事物下令加以禁止。 (语气最重) ban sb.fromdoing sth. deal with 应付,处理;对待 (教材 P10)How can we deal with this problem? 我们如何处理这个问题? Although serious problems s

26、till remain and need to be dealt with, the world is a safer and healthier place. 尽管一些严重的问题仍然存在,需要处理,但是世界已是一个更安全更健康的地方。 Be careful.She is very difficult to_deal_with 可得当心,她很难对付。 易混辨析 deal with,do with do with与 deal with都有“处理,应对”的意思。 deal with deal with中的 deal是不及物动词,常与连接(或疑问)副词 how连用。 do with do with中

27、的 do是及物动词,常与连接代词what连用。 I dont know how they dealt with the problem. I dont know what they did_with the problem. 我不知道他们是怎么处理那个问题的。 make a living 谋生 (教材 P11)They also try to help people to get other kinds of jobs so there are less people trying to make a living from fishing. 他们也尝试帮渔民们得到其 他类型的工作,这样以捕鱼

28、为生的人会少一些。 Error! 谋生,挣钱维持生计 live/lead alife 过的生活 Without having received education one can earn ones living all the same. 一个人尽管没有文化,照样能谋生。 My parents are retired and now live_an_easy_life 我的父母都退休了,现在过着安逸舒适的生活。 It is unbelievable that Mr.Lucas leads a simple life despite his great wealth. 尽管卢卡斯先生有大量的财

29、富,但是他过着简朴的生活,这真是让人难以置信。 watch out 注意 (教材 P12)They have a huge mouth and can eat fish as big as themselves.Watch out! 它们的嘴很大,可以吞下与它们自身一样大的鱼。当心! watch itwatch out 当心 watch out for 小心提防,密切注意 look out (for) 当心 watch over 照看;看守 Watch out!Theres some broken glass on the floor. 当心,地板上有一些碎玻璃。 Watch_out_for

30、cars when you cross the road. 过马路时当心车辆! If you dont look out,you will come to grief. 你若不当心,你会倒霉的。 Will you watch_over my bag while I do some shopping?我去购物时,你帮我看 一下包好吗? 温馨提示 watch out 后不能直接加名词作宾语,watch out for 后可以直接加名词 作宾语。 【活用】用 watch相关短语完成小片段 (1)_!There is a fierce dog (2)_ the gate.If you want to

31、go through the gate, you must (3)_ it. 当心,有一条烈狗在看门。如果你想通过那个门,你要当心那条狗。 答案:(1)Watch out (2)watching over (3)watch out for on the one hand.on the other hand. 一方面另一方面(相当于 for one thing.for another thing.) (教材 P13)“On the one hand,we loved most of the attractions,especially the one for the children.On th

32、e other hand,I didnt think that the caf was as good as it should be.” “一方面,我们喜欢大部分吸引人的区域,尤其是儿童专 区;另一方面,我认为餐厅还可以更好。 ” 易混辨析 on the other hand,on the contrary on the other hand 用以说明问题的另一方面。 on the contrary 用来表示相反的意见。 On the one hand I admire his gift,but on the other hand I distrust his judgement.一方面我钦

33、佩他的天赋,但另一方面我不信服他的判断。 On_the_contrary,it fills me with strength and courage. 相反,它让我充满了力量和勇气。 Starting your own business could be a way to achieving financial independence.On the other hand, it could just put you in debt. 开始你自己的事业可能是一种获得经济独立的方法。另一方面,它可能将你置于债务 之中。 .词汇自测 1The more he worked,the more_(有活

34、力的)he became. 2They are so well_(受教育的)that they have been assigned in a very important position. 3Up till now no_(有效的)medicine can cure cancer. 4Now young people are so_(现实的)that they never do things before decision. 5Mary is a girl of high_(智力) 6This is a_(最新的)map. 7What_(吸引)me most to the job was

35、the chance to travel. 8Will I get a_(折扣)if I buy a whole case of wine? 9Here is the dress that the tailor made to her_(尺寸) 10The_(发现)that her assistant had lied made Patty decide to fire him. 答案:1.energetic 2.educated 3.effective 4.realistic 5.intelligence 6.uptodate 7.attracted 8.discount 9measure

36、10.discovery .选词填空 deal with;take turns;watch out;on the one hand;make a living 1I advised them to_for slick spots on the sidewalk. 2_,I am your manager,and on the other hand,I am also your friend. 3He leaves his office job to try to_on the land. 4I have a matter of importance to_ 5You cant both use

37、 the bike at once,youll have to_ 答案:1.watch out 2.On the one hand 3.make a living 4.deal with 5.take turns (教材 P11)Well,theyre animals of high intelligence and they can communicate. 哦,它们(海豚)是高智商的动物,能够进行交流。 句法分析 句中的 of high intelligence作后置定语,修饰 animals,用以说明 animals的性质、 特征(注意:此处的 of结构不是名词所有格)。 “(be) o

38、f名词”结构表示人或事物所具有的性质、特征或所属。 Machines are of different types and sizes. 机器有不同的型号和规格。 Speaking loudly is of_great_importance to beginners of English.大声说对英 语初学者很重要。 (教材 P11)Ok,Im going to make a project book with lots of pictures in it. 好,我将做一份有许多示意图的计划书。 句法分析 句中的“with lots of pictures in it”是“with n.介词短

39、语”结构,在句中作 定语。 with的复合结构: with宾语宾补 adj. adv. 介 词 短 语 v.ing形 式 ( 表 主 动 ) v.ed形 式 ( 表 被 动 ) to do( 表 将 来 ) ) He likes to go to sleep with the window open. 他喜欢开着窗子睡觉。 Jack left the classroom with_the_lights_on 杰克离开了教室,灯还亮着。 I cant focus my attention on my study with the boys shouting.男孩子们大 喊大叫,我不能集中注意力学

40、习。 In his black and blue suit and with_an_oxygen_tank_fastened on his back, Larry dived from boats into the middle of the ocean.穿上黑蓝色衣服,氧气瓶固定 在背上,Larry 从船上潜入到大海中去。 The manager was very worried with so many problems to settle.有这么多问题 要解决,经理很忧心。 (教材 P12)See these and many more!Special discount before t

41、he 22nd so the sooner the better!Were open every day from 10:00 till 19:00. 快来参观吧,还有好多生物呢!22 日前特价,越早越好!每天早上 10点开门,晚上 7点关门。 句法分析 the more.,the more.表示“越,就越” ,是一个复合句,其中前面的句 子是状语从句,后面的句子是主句。 The more he explains,the more I am puzzled. 他越解释,我就越糊涂。 The_more_tickets you sell,the_more_money you will get.你卖

42、的票越多,挣的 钱就越多。 温馨提示 (1)此句型中,若主句用一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时表示将来。 (2)这种句型的特点是前后都可以有所省略。特别是谚语、俗语,只要意义明确,越简 练越好。 The more,the better.多多益善。 The sooner,the better.越快越好。 (3)这种句型中的比较部分通常是状语、宾语、表语,也可以是主语。 .完成句子 1由于有许多工作要做,他很焦急。 _,he was very anxious. 2由于天气暖和,我们都想去散散步。 _,we all like to go out for a walk. 3这两个男孩一样大。 The t

43、wo boys are_ 4这些花的颜色各异。 These flowers are_. 5你请求越柔婉,请求就变得越客气。 _you soften a request,_it becomes. 答案:1.With a lot of work to do 2.With the weather warm 3.of an age 4.of different colors 5.The more;the more polite .句型转换 1The murderer was brought in and his hands were tied behind his back. The murderer

44、 was brought in, with _ 2Because he has no one to talk to, John felt miserable. With _, John felt miserable. 3The work I am doing is not much valuable. The work I am doing _ 4They are great helpful to learners of English. They _ to learners of English. 5Read more books, and youll get more knowledge.

45、 _ you read, _knowledge you will get. 答案:1.his hands tied behind his back 2.no one to talk to 3is not of much value 4.are of great help 5.The more;the more 课时作业 2 (A 卷) .品句填词 1The _(long) the war lasts, the more the people there will suffer. 2With the day _(fine), we are going to swim. 3The experience gained will be of great _(valuable) to us. 4We have to watch out _ fast traffic along here. 5How we make _ living helps determine how long we live. 6Have you any concrete thoughts on _ to deal with this difficulty? 7He _(measure)


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