1、【课堂新坐标】 (教师用书)2013-2014 学年高中英语 Unit 10 Money教案 北师大版必修 4 【美文阅读】 在作者眼里,零用钱是教会孩子们学会预算,节省开支和作出决定的重要工具,而不 是简单地教孩子如何省钱。在你的眼里,零用钱是什么概念呢? An allowance(零用钱) is an important tool for teaching kids how to budget, save and make their own decisions.Children remember and learn from mistakes when their own dollars
2、 are lost or spent foolishly. How large an allowance is appropriate? Experts say there is not right amount.Actual amounts differ from area to area, and from family to family. To set an appropriate allowance for your child,work up a weekly budget.Allow for entertainment expenditures(花费)such as movies
3、 and snack.Next, include everyday expenses such as lunch money, bus fare, school supplies.“If you make the child responsible for these bills, ” says Josephine Swanson,a consumer specialist, “he or she will learn to budget for necessary expenditures.” Finally,add some extra money to make saving possi
4、ble.If you can, keep your childs allowance in line with that of his friends.A child whose purchasing power falls away below his peers can feel left out. It can be tough,but avoid excusing your children when they make a mistake with their allowance.When Brooke Stephens was ten and growing up in Jacks
5、onville,her mother gave her $5 a week, $1.75 of which was for bus fare and lunch.“If you lose money, ” Brookes mother told her, “you walk home.” One week the girl spent all her allowance in a candy store, and then she called home for a ride.“Mom made me walk home, ” recalls Stephens,now a financial
6、planner in Brooklyn.“At first I was angry.But I finally realized that she was trying to teach me an important lesson.” Experts advise an allowance should not be tied directly to a childs daily chores(琐事)Kids should help around the house not because they get paid for it but because they share respons
7、ibilities as members of family.You might,however,pay a child for doing extra jobs at home.That can develop his or her initiative(主动性) 【诱思导学】 1According to the passage,if your parents give you some allowance,how will you deal with it? _ _ 2Why does the author mention Brooke Stephens? _ _ 【答案】 1.If so
8、,I will work out a budget and deal with it carefully. 2To explain that parents should not excuse their children when they make a mistake about their allowance. Period Previewing (教师用书独具) 教学目标 本课时主要是通过学生对学案所给内容的学习,了解下一课时即将出现的词汇,初步 了解课文以及相关的背景知识,将对下一节课内容的全面理解起到铺垫作用。 教学地位 此部分内容是对下一课时的感悟和预习,合理利用本学案,能大大提
9、升下一课时的课 堂效率,有效提升学生学习英语的热情,促进课堂的积极活跃程度,并能在课上与老师形 成较为默契的配合。 (教师用书独具) 新课导入建议 让学生讨论零花钱对各自生活和学习的影响,直接导入新课。在设计这堂课时,要从 激发学生的兴趣出发,介绍有关的背景知识,给学生布置具有一定挑战性的任务,让学生 以“我的压岁钱”为话题进行讨论或口笔头描述。 教学流程设计 导 入 新 课 。 学 生 阅 读 “美 文 阅 读 ”与 “诱 思 导 学 ” 见 学 案 第 1页 。学 生 就 “美 文 阅 读 ”进 行 讨 论 , 统 一 答 案 。 让 学 生 快 速 阅 读 课 文 见 课 本 第 8页
10、并 完 成 “语 篇 理 解 ” 见 学 案 第 2页 。 师 生 共 同 讨 论 并 统 一 答 案 。学 生 再 次 阅 读 课 文 见 课 本 第 8页 并 完 成 “篇 章 结 构 ” 见 学 案 第 1页 。 学 生 共 同 讨 论 , 并 让 学 生 发 表 各 自 见 解 , 最 后 统 一 答 案 。学 生 再 次 仔 细 阅 读 课 文 见 课 本 第 8页 , 进 行 深 度 理 解 , 并 完 成 “课 文 缩 写 ” 见 学 案 第 2页 。 老 师 指 导 学 生 讨 论 , 共 同 找 出 答 案 。 让 学 生 根 据 所 给 出 的 表 格 进 行 自 我 评
11、估 见 学 案 第 2页 。 学 生 讨 论 , 并 让 学 生 代 表 发 表 他 们 讨 论 得 出 的 答 案 。 老 师 予 以 更 正 。让 学 生 完 成 “知 识 初 探 ”部 分 见 学 案 第 2页 。 老师布置作业,让学生阅读 Who wants to be a Millionaire?并完成课文第 8页第 2、3 题;预习学案 Period 见学案第 3页 。 .篇章结构 阅读 P8的 Reading部分,在表格中填入恰当的单词或短语 The 1._ of Charles Gray Life in the past A college 2._ with a huge si
12、xbedroom house and a 3._ of D|S2 million. The reason for not being a rich man 4._ of being a person with everything in a world 5._ many people had nothing. The way to deal with his money He gave 6._ all his money to 7._,and small bank notes in the streets of local poor areas. Life now He lives in a
13、small 8._ with only secondhand 9._.A small garden is outside with a few fruit trees.He grows some vegetables and gets his daily goods from charity shops. His feelings now He is much 10._ now. 【答案】 1.story/life 2.professor 3.fortune 4.Tired 5where 6.away 7.charities 8.dormitory 9.furniture 10.happier
14、 .语篇理解 阅读 P8的 Reading部分,从每题所给的 3个选项中选择最佳答案 1Charles Gray is an example to show_. Athat people can be happy without money Bthat a rich man can find happiness by giving his wealth away to charities Csome millionaires will continue to be concerned about money after they become millionaires 2What was th
15、e sign for Charles to be a millionaire sixteen years ago? AHe was a college professor. BHe had a huge sixbedroom house and 2 million dollars. CHe worked hard to get money. 3Which of the following is true according to the passage? ACharles doesnt have any new furniture in his dormitory room. BCharles
16、 is making a living by growing vegetables and flowers now. CCharles can only afford cheap things now. 4How did Charles Gray deal with his huge amounts of money? AHe gave it away to charities. BHe gave it away to local poor people. CHe gave it away to hungry people in the world. 5How does Charles thi
17、nk about his present life? ATired and worried. BFunny but enjoyable. CFree and happy. 【答案】 15 B B A A C .课文缩写 从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语,完成下列短文 enjoyable;be a millionaire;have nothing;dormitory room;being rich;happy;charities;tired of;determine;concern about A lot of people are 1._ to become a millionaire.They
18、hope to do all the 2._ things once they got rich.Actually, some millionaires continue to be 3._ money, so they are hardworking to make sure they never lose it.However, there are some people who dont want to 4._.Charles Gray is one example.Charles Gray was a millionaire sixteen years ago, but he was
19、5._ being a person who had everything in a world where many people 6._.So he gave all his money away to 7._.Charles now lives in a small 8._ where there is only secondhand furniture.Though he has given away all his money, he lives a 9._ life than before.When asked whether there were any things he mi
20、ssed, he replied he wouldnt go back to 10._ for anything. 【答案】 1.determined 2.enjoyable 3.concerned about 4be a millionaire 5.tired of 6.had nothing 7.charities 8.dormitory room 9.happier 10.being rich .词义搭配 1earn Ato pay out money in order to get sth. 2spend Bto succeed in doing sth.or causing sth.
21、to happen 3achieve Cto get money for doing work; get (sth.) because of ones qualities or actions 4sign Dnoticing that sth.is present, or that sth.is happening 5aware Efeeling pleasurable satisfaction over something 6pleased Fa movement of the body intended to express a particular meaning or command
22、【答案】 16 CABFDE .短语填空 out of work; be determined to; dream up; be concerned about; turn one back on; drop out; give away; go back 1We need to _a marketing plan for our product. 2She_ of school to become a waitress. 3Being _, he hasnt got much money. 4The young men _ fight it out. 5Dont _ to the publi
23、c when we will start. 6Many people _ the pollution of the environment. 【答案】 1.dream up 2.dropped out 3.out of work 4.are determined to 5.give away 6.are concerned about .句型背诵 1But do all millionaires find the happiness that they thought they would get when they achieve their goals? 但是当他们达到目标后,所有的百万富
24、翁都找到了他们以为他们要得到的幸福了吗? 2Charles Gray decided to drop out and has discovered that having only a little money makes_you_free. 查尔斯格雷决定退出(富人圈),他发现拥有少量钱财可以使人自由。 3Today he lives in a small dormitory room where_there_is only secondhand furniture. 现在他住在一个只有二手家具的宿舍里。 Period Warmup a car radio; a laptop; a leat
25、her jacket; a mobile phone; a headphone) Why? 2Have you ever given away your pocket money to charity? If you have done so, how were you feeling at that moment? 教学流程设计 导入新课。让学生老 师 检 查 上 堂 课 所 布 置 的 作 业 , 检 查 学 生 对 学 案 预 习 的 情 况 。 就“要点讲练”(见学案第 10页)进行讨论,让学生各自发表自己的见解,然后让各个讨论 组派代表汇报各自讨论结果。 让 学 生 讨 论 “语 法
26、 精 析 ”部 分 见 学 案 第 14页 , 并 让 各 个 讨 论 组 发 表 各 自 见 解 。 老 师 针 对 难 点 和 重 点 词 汇 进 行 讲 解 , 补 充 一 些 必 要 的 练 习 。让 学 生 针 对 各 自 不 同 的 意 见 展 开 讨 论 , 然 后 老 师 给 出 详 细 的 正 确 答 案 。 老 师 对 语 法 部 分 给 予 点 拨 。 让 学 生 掌 握 本 单 元 语 法 知 识 。 让 学 生 完 成 “当 堂 双 基 达 标 ” 见 学 案 第 16页 。师 生 共 同 讨 论 “当 堂 双 基 达 标 ”并 给 出 答 案 , 并 对 难 以 理
27、 解 的 或 有 争 议 的 地 方 给 出 详 解 。 自我评估 见学案第 17页 。布置作业。让学生完成课本第 56页第 3题,第 59页第 4、6 题, “课时作业”和预习 Period 见学案第 17页 。 1bargain vi.讨价还价 Most people in Britain dont bargain for things, you know, argue about the price of something.(教材 P114)大多数英国人不会就物品讨价还价,也就是对物品的价格 进行争论。 I bargain with him for some rare stamps.
28、我与他讲价,想买些稀有邮票。 bargain with sb.about/over/for sth. 就和某人讨价还价 bargain away做亏本交易;贱卖;轻易放弃 bargain for/on sth.(常用于否定句)预料到;料想到 bargain n 协议,交易;减价品,便宜货 make a bargain约定 In the market several women were bargaining with the dealer over the price of the coffee. 几个妇女在市场上正与商人就咖啡的价钱讨价还价。 That secondhand table wa
29、s a real bargain. 那张二手的桌子非常便宜。 He and his partner had made a bargain to tell each other everything. 他和他的合伙人约定,要互通信息,毫无保留。 【提示】 “Ive got a bargain.”意思是“我买到了便宜货。 ”“Its a bargain.”意思是“这可是便宜货。 ”在这两种说法中,无需用 good修饰 bargain。a bad bargain意思是“吃亏的交易,对方占便宜的协议” ;a good bargain“自己占便宜的交易” 。 用合适的介词或副词填空 The leader
30、s bargained _ the freedom of their people. He made a satisfactory bargain _ them. Tom didnt bargain _ his wife returning so soon. Dealers bargain with growers _ the price of tea. 【答案】 away with on over/about/for 2product n 产品;出品 She only says bad things about the product.(教材 P10) 她仅仅说这个产品不好的方面。 We h
31、ave done a market survey on this product. 我们已经对这种产品做了市场调查。 The countrys main products are gold and cocoa. 这个国家的主要产品是黄金和可可。 product/production/produce product 指“工业产品” 。 production 指“产量;制造,生产”时为不可数名词;指“推出的作品(尤指戏剧、影片)”时为可数名词。 produce 是不可数名词,尤指“农产品” 。 Production has stopped still since the war began. 从战
32、争爆发以来,生产就停止不前。 Our chefs use only the freshest produce available. 我们的厨师只用现有最新鲜的农产品。 用 product,production,produce 的适当形式填空 On the show,there were several national_. They organised a campaign to increase sales of the firms_. Yesterday my sister came to my house and brought some native_. 【答案】 production
33、s products produce 3something that is of very good value(P 10) 非常有价值的东西 句中 is of very good value是“be of n.”形式。 be of n.be adj.,表示主语的类属或属性。 这一结构中的抽象名词前可以用 great,no,little,some,any,not much 等词修 饰,以表示不同的程度。 “be of表示年龄、颜色、重量、身高等的名词” ,表示主语的特性,of 可有可无。 What he said at the meeting was of great value(was ve
34、ry valuable) 他在会上的讲话非常有价值。 The two pairs of shoes he bought yesterday are (of) the same colour.他昨天 买的两双鞋颜色一样。 When I was (of) your age,I had already started to work for a living. 我在你这个年龄时,早已经开始谋生了。 【教师备课资源】 常见的抽象名词及其对应的形容词有: n. importance重要 value价值 use用途 interest兴趣 help帮助 adj. important重要的 valuable有
35、价值的 useful/ useless有 用的/无用 的 interesting有 趣的 helpful/ helpless有 帮助的/无助 的 同义句转换 They are(of)the same height. _ This question is of importance. _ The medicine is of no use to him. _ 【答案】 They are as tall as each other. This question is important. The medicine is useless to him. 4ashamed adj.羞耻的;惭愧的 Sh
36、e is not ashamed to say she has not got much money.(教材 P10)她并不羞于说 她钱不多。 Error!be ashamed feel ashamed for sb.替某人感到羞愧的 He felt ashamed of having done so little. 他为自己干得太少而感到羞愧。 I was ashamed to tell him that I had failed. 我惭愧地将我的失败告诉了他。 She was ashamed that she was shabby. 她衣衫褴褛,很惭愧。 ashamed/shameful
37、ashamed 指事物使人感到羞耻、惭愧、尴尬等,意为:羞愧的,尴尬的。主语一般是人。 shameful 指事物或行为本身可耻的、不道德的,意为:可耻的,丢脸的。主语多为事物或行为。 He is ashamed of his shameful conduct. 他为自己可耻的行为感到羞愧。 用 ashamed的相关短语填空 I _ myself _ having stayed so long. He _be seen going to the dentists. He _he had lied. Mary _having failed. 【答案】 am ashamed of;for was a
38、shamed to was ashamed that felt ashamed of 5annoyed adj.烦恼的;心烦的 If the person says“no”,she is annoyed.(教材 P10) 如果那个人说“不” ,她会恼火。 I couldnt see her face, but she sounded pretty annoyed.我看不见她的脸,但 听起来她很烦恼。 annoyance n. U 烦恼C烦恼的事 annoyed adj. 生气的;烦恼的,常用于下列结构: be annoyedError! annoying adj. 使人颇为生气或烦恼的 The
39、 kids hadnt stopped talking,and I was beginning to get annoyed with them. 孩子们没有停止说话,我开始有点烦他们。 I was really annoyed that I hadnt been invited. 我没被邀请,这真让我心烦。 【提示】 许多人误认为 annoyed只能修饰人,不能修饰物,annoying 只修饰物,不 修饰人,这是一种错误认识。ed 形容词强调一种感受;而ing 形容词强调人或事物的性 质“令人的” 。 用 annoy的适当形式填空 I was _at those _things becaus
40、e my mind was full of _and those things were always _me all the time. 【答案】 annoyed annoying annoyances annoying 6comment vt.评论;评价 n 评论;评语;评注 Comment on the object.(教材 P11) 对物品的评价。 Dont comment on others appearance. 不要对他人的外貌品头论足。 Do you have any comments to make on the event? 你对这件事有什么评论吗? comment on/
41、upon评论 comment that.说/称/议论道 ask for comment征求意见 make/give comments on/about sth.评论某事 Everyone commented on her new hat. 大家都在评论她的新帽子。 Jean commented that she thought it was time for us to go home.琼说她觉得我 们该回家了。 Its impolite to make comments on a persons appearance.对他人的外貌做评价 是不礼貌的。 comment/remark comme
42、nt 指某人对某事作简短的口头或书面的评论或说明; remark 指某人事先没有准备,临时对某人或某事发表意见 Mrs Smith remarked that she seemed a very nice girl. 史密斯太太评价说她似乎是个很好的女孩。 【教师备课资源】 offer comments提意见 no comment无可奉告 without comment未作解释 用 comment,remark 填空 The play has been favourably _ by the audience. I beg your pardon;I did not catch your _.
43、 Lets learn how to make _ on a film. 【答案】 commented remark comments 7do with 处理;对待;与相处 What can you do with 5 yuan?(P 12) 用 5元钱你能做什么? He didnt know what to do with the property his father had left.他不知道如 何处理他父亲留下的财产。 The new teacher didnt know what to do with the class.那位新老师不知应该如 何对待那个班的学生。 do with/d
44、eal with do with 一般与连接代词 what连用时,表示“怎样处理,对付” 。 deal with 表示“怎样对付,处理”时,与连接副词 how连用。 用 do with/deal with填空 我不知道怎样处理这个问题。 I dont know what to _ the problem. I dont know how to _ the problem. 【答案】 do with;deal with 8appeal to 向呼吁(请求);投合的心意;引起的兴趣 Well, if buying a bag of candies or cookies doesnt appeal
45、to you, how about buying a tree instead?(教材 P12)如果你对买包糖果或甜点不感兴趣的话,买棵 树怎么样? The idea of camping has never appealed to me. 对露营这种想法我从来就不感兴趣。 Her sense of humour appealed to him enormously. 她的幽默感把他强烈地吸引住了。 appeal to sb.for为向某人呼吁(请求) have appeal有吸引力,引人入胜 make an appeal to sb. 向某人提出呼吁;引起某人的兴趣 The design h
46、as to appeal to all ages and social groups. 设计要雅俗共赏,老幼皆宜。 The life of a policeman has no appeal for me. 警察生活对我没有吸引力。 用适当的介词填空 Do these paintings appeal _you? He appealed _his mother_her forgiveness. 【答案】 to to;for 9The soil contains materials to keep the natural balance_of the area.(教 材 P12) 这些泥土含有保持该地区