北师大版高中英语选修六Unit 18《Beauty》word导学案1.doc

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1、班级:_ 姓名:_ 层次:_ Unit18 BEAUTY 导学案(5) Lesson 3-Poetry 编写人:都海霞 审核:高二英语组 Tips: A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight.(P. B. Shelley, British poet ) Learning aims(学习目标): A(层次 ): Recite the important words in this part. B:Keep the important words,phrases in m

2、ind;To practise strategies for reading poetry. C,D: Learn to appreciate poems Accumulate some cultural background of Christmas. Important and difficult point:How to appreciate poems (学习重点、难点) Learning procedures(学习过程): Poem A Step Recite Libais poem “静夜思 ” and Read its English version aloud. Then fi

3、nish the following questions. (C 级) 静夜思 李白 A Tranquil Night by Li bai 床前明月光, Before my bed a frost of light, 疑是地上霜。 Is it hoarfrost upon the ground? 举头望明月, Eyes raised, I see the moon so bright, 低头思故乡。 Head bent, in homesickness, I am drowned. (ABAB) 1.What is the poem about? ( ) A. It conveys the p

4、oets affection for a peaceful night. B. It describes the poets love of winter and nature. C. It conveys the poets sadness at being far from his home and family. 2.What is the tone of the poem? ( ) A. sad and sentimental B. cheerful and lively Step Read the poem again and fill in the chart: (C、D 级) M

5、ain idea Style Romantic Lines and rhyming pattern 4 lines ABAB Feelings or themes Words about weather and the moon Step 文句解析。 1.Eyes raised, Head bent 是独立主格结构。独立主格结构是由一个名词或人称代词(主格) 作为逻辑主语,加上一个分词、形容词、副词、不定式或介词短语等构成的复合结构,其 作用相当于状语从句,用来表时间、原因、条件,行为方式或伴随情况。 eg.1.Mother falling ill ,I had to look after h

6、er.译: (B 级) 2.Her glasses broken,she couldnt see anything clearly. 译: (B 级) Poem B Step Read poem B and answer the following questions. (C 级) 1.What is poem B about? ( ) A. Its about the exciting time at Christmas when everyone opens presents. B. Its about the night before Christmas when Santa visit

7、s each house. C. Its about a family getting ready for bed at Christmas time. 2.What is the tone of the poem B? ( ) A. a cheerful lively B.sad and sentimental Step 文句解析。 Para 1 1.It was the night before Christmas. (B 级) It 指代: Para 2 2.In the hope that Santa soon would be there. 短语归纳 In the hope that

8、 (B 级) 我抱着或许可以看到她的希望而到那里 我来译: (C 级) Para 6 Down came stout Santa. 本句为_ 语序(C 级) 。正常语序为: Stout Santa came down. 拓展:以 in,out,away,off,up,down 等副词开头的句子中,若主语不是代词而是名词,用完 全倒装语序。 练一练 :Santa flew away. Away _ _(C 级) 想一想 And up the chimney he rose.(Para 10) And away he flew. (Para 11)为什么没用全倒装?(D 级) Para 8 Tur

9、n up like a bow. 短语归纳 turn up (B 级) Para 11 He jumped into his sleigh and gave a loud whistle. 短语归纳 gave a loud whistle (B 级) 译文: (C 级) Para 12 But I heard him shout before he drove out of sight. (C 级) 译文: 短语归纳 hear sb. do sth. (主动;全过程) eg. I heard him sing an English song. 译: hear sb. doing sth. (主

10、动;正在进行) eg. I heard him singing an English song. 译: hear sb. /sth. done (被动) eg. I heard him beaten last night. 译: 短语归纳 out of sight 我们一直等到船看不见。 我来译: (D 级) Step 当堂检测 (A 级) (1) New words 1. _ adj. 模糊的 2. _ 定居, 安定 3. _ adj.肥胖的 4. _片刻,顷刻 5. _n.马蹄 6. _v.抓,挠 7. _ v.悬挂 8. _n. 雪橇 9. _n.烟囱 10. _ 猛地一动 11. _a

11、dj.椭圆形的 12. _n. 一跳, 一跃 (2)Complete the sentences with the words or phrases above. (B 级) 1.The train moved off _. 2.They recognized him_. 3.I can hear the sound of _ clearly outside my cottage on the farm. 4.Santa clause has a _ body and a cute nose. 5. Mind you dont _the table with those scissors. 6

12、.Jack _ back in his chair and closed his eyes. 7.The _shape of a man loomed thought the fog. 8.It is believed that the Santa clause entered the house through the _ 9.She has an _ mirror and she likes it very much. 10. Satan clause s _is pulled by deer. 11.Suddenly a huge dog came _ towards me. Step Enjoy a poem. To see a world in a grain of sand 一粒沙中看世界 And a heaven in a wild flower, 一朵野花见天堂 Hold infinity in the palm of your hand 将无垠握于手中, And eternity in an hour. 见永恒于一瞬间 (BY William Blake) 注释: infinity /infiniti/ Un.无限,无穷 eternity /it:niti/ Un.永远,永恒;不朽 小结与反思:


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