Module 10 Fitness期末复习题.doc

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1、 Module10 班别_ 姓名_ 学号_ 成绩_ 一、 本模块重点词组 1.train for the Olympics 为参加奥运会而训练 2.the best way to do 做的最好 方法 3.keep/stay fit 保持身体健康 4.weight training 塑身训练 5.a bit 一点点 6.give up 放弃 7.need to do 需要做 8.take a lot of exercise 做大量的运动 9.go running 跑步 10.notany more 不再 11.bump into 碰见 12.Whats up? 怎么啦? 13.look lik

2、e 看上去像 14.junk food 垃圾食品 15.healthy food 健康食品 16.on the menu 在菜单上 17.get things done 把问题解决 18.make changes to sth. 改变 19.feed sb. Better 把 养好点 20.go back to 回到 bad for 对有害处 22.behave badly 行为不佳 the kitchen 在厨房 24.decide to do 决定做 25.hard work 艰巨的工作 26.refuse to do 拒绝做 the end 最后,终于

3、 28.persuade sb. to do 说服某人 做 29.educate sb. 教育某人 30.agree with 同意 二.本模块的重点句子. 1. Children whose midday meals were unhealthy were difficult to teach in the afternoon. 2. Hes the person whose camera I nearly lost. 3. Jamie is a cook whose ideas are changing school dinners. 三.选择填空 ( )1.Why dont men do

4、 housework? A.a bit B. a little of C. a bit of ( ) 2. Smoking is bad for your health. Youd better . A.give up it B. give it up C. take it out ( ) 3.The tree leaves have fallen is 300 years old. A. whick B. who C. whose ( ) 4. Lucy has three rooms, but none of them is to hold the party. A. small enou

5、gh B. big enough C. enough big ( ) 5. The boy prefers housework rather than homework. A . to do, to do B. to do, do C. do, do ( ) 6.This is the best movie has been shown this year. A . whose B . who C . which ( ) 7.No one now lives in the room window are broken. A . whose B . whick C . who ( ) 8 .Lo

6、ok at the clouds. Youd better your raincoat with you. A . take B . to take C .taking ( ) 9 .Either you or I wrong. A . are B . am C . be ( ) 10. I live in a room window opens to the south. A . whick B . whose C . that ( ) 11.Have you seen the man car was stolen just now? A . whick B . whose C . who

7、( ) 12. Do you know Mike, car was stolen last night. A . who B . whose C . that ( )13. The police caught the thief in a supermarket. A . By the end B . At the end C . In the end ( )14. It was very happy to my old friend in the street this morning. A . drop in B . look for C . bump into ( )15. Amy pr

8、efers at home to out at the weekends. A . staying , going B . stay , going C . staying , go 四. 综合填空:根据短文内容及首字母提示,写出最恰当的词完成下面短文。 Jamie Oliver is a young cook who wants to (1) i _ school dinners. In 2005 he went back to school to see what the children were (2) e_. Jamie asked the children what their m

9、eals were (3) l_. He thought the menu was terrible. The children were eating junk food, and it was a problem. Junk food isnt just bad for the body. Children whose midday meals were (4) u_ were difficult to teach in the afternoon. Teachers said that children (5) b_ badly after lunch. When Jamie took

10、vegetables into class, the children didnt know what they were. Jamie realized that the children didnt know about healthy food. Then he talked to the people who worked in the (6) k_. He found out that they didnt know (7) e_ about food and health, and they didnt have very much money to (8) s_. He deci

11、ded to teach the cook and the children about healthy food. It was (9) h_ work! He cooked healthy meals for them including meat, rice, pasta and vegetables, but a lot of the teenagers (10) r_ to eat the new food. (1)_ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_ (5)_ (6)_ (7)_ (8)_ (9)_ (10)_ 五. 完形填空. On April 19,we 1 told to lea

12、ve school and stay at home because of new disease called SARS. We started an unusual holiday. Its not very nice 2 us to stay at home all day. I think going to school is much better than staying at home. Although our classes are sometimes 3 . It would be good to see my classmates because I started to

13、 4 them so much. After two weeks. My parents took me to the Great Wall. I felt happy when I 5 able to be outside again. It was not crowed there because 6 people were leaving their houses. My school had asked me to do a special job during this unusual holiday. Every day I phoned ten of my classmates

14、and asked them to take their temperature. I also asked them if they had done their homework. Then I 7 the information to our teacher. This was a lot of fun. I had 8 made so many phone calls to my classmates before. Its the end of the month now. 9 knows how long this holiday will last. When we go bac

15、k to school, I 10 everything will return to normal, and SARS will never come back again. ( ) 1. A . are B . were C . was D . been ( ) 2. A . up B . for C. to D . in ( ) 3. A .interesting B . moving C. surprising D . boring ( ) 4. A . think B . hate C . miss D . know ( ) 5 . A . is B . was C . am D .

16、were ( ) 6. A . little B . many C . no D . few ( ) 7. A .give B . gave C. take D . carry ( ) 8. A. already B . yet C . ever D . never ( ) 9. A . Somebody B . Everybody C . Anybody D . Nobody ( ) 10. A .hope B . find C .decide D . cheek 六.完成句子:按照下面各题的汉语意思用英语完成句子,把答案写在横线上,词数不 限。 1. 我对她一见钟情。 I _ her at

17、 first sight. 2. Why She didnt _when she got married. 3. 猜我今天遇到了谁? Guess who I _ today? 4. 电视机有毛病,我得请人修理。 There is something wrong with the television set. I _ 5. 孩子昨晚上表现得很好。 The boy _ last night 6. 医生嘱咐我多参加锻炼. The doctor advised me . 7. 昨天我们说服他改变主意. He chance his mind by us yesterday. 8. 运动后你最好喝点水. You some water after sports. 9. 他更愿意倾听而不是倾听. He . 10. 我有一位好朋友, 他的爸爸是教授. I have a good friend a professor.


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