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1、仙游县第二教研片区 2009-2010 学年上学期期末联考 八年英语试题 (实验班) (满分:150 分;考试时间:120 分钟) 亲爱的同学,如果这份试卷是一片蔚蓝的天空,你就是那翱翔的雄鹰。请自信 地握起你的笔,也许你会比雄鹰飞得更高、更远! 第一部分:听力(30 分) . 听句子,找出与所听内容相符的图片。句子读一遍。 (5 分) 1. _ 2._ 3. _ 4._ 5. _ . 听句子,选择正确答语。句子读一遍。 (5 分) ( )6. A. My home. B. The countryside. C. My school. ( )7. A. Rabbits. B. Roses. C

2、. Trees. ( )8. A. The cat. B. The horse. C. The dog. ( )9. A. Good idea. B. I agree with you. C. I like cats best. ( )10. A. Bamboo. B. Meat. C. Insects. . 听对话,选择正确答案。对话读一遍。 (5 分) ( )11. Bruce thinks its _ to keep a dog as a pet. A. bad B. good C. not interesting ( )12. Lanlan thinks dogs can help p

3、eople _ . A. look after things B. buy newspapers C. carry things ( )13. We know dogs can share_ with us. A. happiness B. sadness C. A and B ( )14. Sometimes dogs are _. A. dirty B. unfriendly C. clever ( )15.still likes keeping dogs as pets. A. We dont know. B. Lanlan C. Bruce . 听短文,判断正(T)误(F) 。短评读两

4、遍。(10 分) ( )16. Miss Zhao is our English teacher. ( )17. On the first da y,we visited the Be ijing Zoo in the afternoon. ( )18. We saw many old buildings around the zoo. ( )19 We spent two hours getting to the Great Wall by bus. ( )20. We enjoyed ourselves during last weekend. .听对话,填表格。每段对话读一遍。 (5 分

5、) Names Hobbies _21_ playing sports Philip _22_ stamps. Lanlan _23_ the drums _24_ Listening to music Jecky _25_ 第二部分:英语知识应用 . 选择(15 分) ( )26. Would you like to _ us for coffee? A. join in B. join C. take part in D. takes part in ( )27. The building is about _ . A. 25 meter wide B. 25 meters tall B.

6、 tall 25 meters D. tall 25 meter ( )28. Many people think _ tea can relax them. A. drinks B. drink C. drinking D. drank ( )29. Must I finish the work tonight? _ . A. Yes, you can. B. No, you cant. C. Yes, you have toD. No, you neednt. ( )30. We can look _ new words in a dictionary. A. up B. for C. a

7、t D. out ( )31 Susan was doing the housework while her son _ the machine. A. repairs B. repaired C. was repairing D. is repairing ( )32. Who taught _ maths last year? A. their B. they C. them D. theirs来源:Zxxk.Com ( )33. I _ collect stamps, but now I like it very much. A. used to not B. didnt use to

8、C. wasnt used to D. used to ( )34. -Could you _ me your bike, please? -Sorry, Ill use it. You can _ Jacks. A. borrow, lent B. borrowed, lend C. borrow, lend D. lend, borrow ( )35. You are right, I agree _ you. A. of B. about C. with D. o n ( )36. A traffic accident happened yesterday, but luckily, t

9、here was _ with the driver. A. serious something B. something seriously C. nothing serious D. serious nothing ( )37. Its bad for your health _ you go to school without breakfast. A. whether B. if C. and D. so ( )38. There is little water in the bottle, _ _? A. isnt there B. is there C. there is D. t

10、here isnt 来源:Zxxk.Com ( )39. _ clever boys they are! A. How B. What C. Why D. Where ( )40. This book is _ than that one. A. much interestingB. much more interesting C. more much interesting D. inte resting . 口语应用。 (15 分) A). 从栏中选出与栏相对应的正确答语。 (5 分) ( )41. Why not go out for a walk? A. N o, thanks ( )

11、42. Would you like a cup of tea? B. Of course not. Please do ( )43. Im sorry for losing your book? C. I have a headache. ( )44. Would you mind if I try it again? D. Good idea. ( )45. Whats wrong with you? E. Never mind. B). 选用方框中所给的句子补全对话, (有两项为多余) (10 分 ) A. Do you eat a lot of vegetables? C. Theyr

12、e very good for me. E. I dont eat. G. I like to eat. B. What do you drink, then? D. Well, swimming and running F. Theyre very bad for me. Tina: What are your favorite sports? Ben: _46_ Tina: Now, tell me what you like to eat?来源:学+科+网 Z+X+X+K Ben: Err, I like fish and eggs. But _47_ any meat. Tina: _

13、48_ Ben: Oh, yes. I love vegetables. Tina: Do you drink wine. Ben: No, I never drink wine or coffee. _49_. Tina: _50_ Ben: I drink a lot of milk. Its very good for my health. . 完形填空。 (10 分) We live in the “computer age”. People _51_ scientists, writers and even students use computers to all kinds of

14、 work. But more than 30 years ago, _52_ couldnt do much. They were very big and expensive. Very _53_ people were interested in them and knew _54_ use them. Today computers are smaller and cheaper. _55_ they can do a lot of work, many people like to use them. Some people even have them at home. Compu

15、ters become very important because they can work _56_ than men and make fewer mistakes. Computers can _57_ people do a lot of work. Writers now use computers to write. Teachers use them to help teaching. Students use them to study and children use them to play games. Computers can _58_ remember what

16、 you put into them. Computers are very _59_ and helpful. They are our good friends. Do you want to _60_ a computer? ( )51. A. for example B. are like C. like D. instead ( )52. A. scientists B. teachers C. students D. computers ( )53. A. a few B. a little C. few D. little来源:学_科_网 Z_X_X_K ( )54. A. wh

17、at to B. how to C. when to D. where to ( )55. A. But B. So C. Since D. If ( )56. A. slow B. slower C. fast D. faster ( )57. A. help B. make C. use D. stop ( )58. A. either B. neither C. also D. too ( )59. A. beautiful B. useful C. careful D. heavy ( )60.A. lend B. own C. sell D. pay . 阅读理解。(40 分) (A

18、) The pyramids in Egypt are world-famous. Long ago, kings built them as their tombs. The Great Pyramid of Khufu is the largest one. It is one of the “Seven Wonders” of the ancient world. Until the 19th century, it was the tallest building on earth. It took about 100, 000 people over 20 years to buil

19、d it. Khufu ordered his men to build the Great Pyramid as his tomb in about 2560B.C. The building is made up of two million stones and each stone weighs more than two tons. The Great Pyramid has four sides and each side is 230.4 meters long. Its 146.5 meters high. How did the ancient Egyptians build

20、 the Great Pyramid? We still dont know. Many people believe the Great Pyramid is the oldest and greatest building in the world. ( )61. What did kings build the pyramids for? A. To live in B. For people to visit C. To keep their bodies after they died ( )62.Until when was the Great Pyramid of Khufu t

21、he tallest building on earth? A. 1800 B.1900 C.2000 ( )63. “Each stone weighs more than two tons” means “_” A. Each stone is about two tons heavy B. Each stone is two tons heavy C. Each stone is over 2, 000kg ( )64. How many stones is the Great Pyramid made up of ? A. 200, 000 B. 2, 000, 000 C. 20,0

22、00, 000 ( )65. Which is TRUE according to the passage? A. About 100, 000 people built the Great Pyramid after Khufu died. B. A pyramid has a square and three triangles. C. No one knows how the ancient Egyptians built the Great Pyramid. (B )来源:Z#xx#k.Com Once there was an old man in a town, he always

23、 forgot a lot of things. So his wife always had to say to him, “Dont forget this”. One day he went on a long trip alone. Before he left home, his wife said, “Now you have all these things. They are what you need for your trip. Take care of your things during the trip. ” He went to the station. He bo

24、ught a ticket and got on the train with it. About an hour later, the conductor began to see the tickets. He came to the old man and said, “Will you please show me your ticket?” The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets, but he could not find it. He was very worried, “I cant find my ticket

25、. I really bought a ticket before I got on the train.” said the old man. “I think you are right. I believe you bought a ticket. All right. You dont have to buy another ticket.” said the conductor kindly. But the old man still looked worried and said sadly, “You dont know why Im worried. If I dont fi

26、nd my ticket. I cant remember my station. Where am I going?” ( )66. The old man bought a ticket _. A. as soon as the conductor told him to buy one. B. before he got on the train C. when he found he had no ticket with him. D. after he got on the train. ( )67. About an hour later, the conductor began

27、_. A. to buy the tickets. B. to sell the tickets C. to check the tickets D. to show the tickets ( )68. The conductor told the old man that he didnt need to buy another ticket because _. A. the old man was a famous person. B. he thought the old man had no money with him. C. the old man had showed him

28、 the ticket. D. he believed the old man ( )69. The old man still looked worried because _. A. he couldnt get on the train B. he lost his ticket and a lot of money C. he thought his wi fe would get angry with him D. he forgot where he was going ( )70. Which of the following is still unknown to us? A.

29、 Whether the old man went on his trip with his wife. B. Whether the old man found his ticket at last.来源:学科网 C. Whether the conductor knew why the old man was worried. D. Whether the old man had to buy another ticket. (C) Most people always like to collect things. For example, they like collecting st

30、amps, books, pictures. But my friend Mr. King likes collecting clocks. He has five hundred clocks now. There are clocks everywhere in his house. You can see shelves standing in every room. All the shelves are full of clocks. Though Mr. King is glad to do this, his wife doesnt enjoy it at all. She ha

31、s a lot of work to do every day. Its not easy for her to clean hundreds of clocks. She is also angry at the noise. Each clock keeps its own time, so she can hear clock strike( 敲) almost any time during the day and night. “There is something even worse. I am never able to know what time it is with so

32、 many clocks around.” ( )71. Mr. King is _. A. a clock maker B. a clock seller C. interested in clocks D. good at mending clocks ( )72. Which one of the following is right? A. Mr. King keeps the clock only in his bedroom. B. Mr. King doesnt put any shelves in the sitting-room. C. There are some shel

33、ves with nothing on them. D. All the shelves are filled with clocks on them ( )73. Mrs. King _. A. is busy cleaning the clocks every day B. likes collecting clocks, too C. helps Mr King collect clocks D. likes cleaning the clocks ( )74. Mrs. King doesnt know A. her husbands favorite thing B. which c

34、lock tells the right time C. when the clocks strike D. how to clean the clocks ( )75. From the passage we know A. few of the clocks keep the right time B. most of the clocks keep the right time C. all the clocks strike at the same time D. its always quiet in their house (D)来源:Zxxk.Com There are many

35、 animals in the world. Some are dangerous, but some are not. S ome live in the forests. Some live in the zoos. We can see tigers,elephants,monkeys,pandas and many other animals in the zoos. Among them pandas only live in China. Pandas are lovely animals. Most of them live in the deep forests of Sich

36、uan Province in China. Their fur is white. Their shoulders,legs, ears and eyes are black. Pandas are usually very heavy. Some of them can be about 1.5 metres and weigh about 100 kilos. However, pandas are very agile. They can climb trees as easily as some other animals do. Pandas live mainly on bamb

37、oo leaves. They have big and sharp teeth. Every day each grown-up panda eats about 15-30 kilos of bamboo leaves. And they often spend 1020 hours eating. Pandas also have spare time hobbies. Two of their hobbies are climbing trees and sleeping. Sadly, there are not many pandas left in the world. That

38、s because some bad hunters are trying to kill them for money. This is why the Chinese government is doing its best to protect pandas against being hurt and killed. 根据短文内容判断正误(正确的标“T” ,错误的标“F” ) ( )76. Pandas are in danger ( )77. Most of the pandas live in the zoos now. ( )78. Pandas cant climb trees

39、 easily because they weigh about 100 kilos. ( )79. We still should do our best to protect pandas from being killed and hurt. ( )80. Pandas spend their time sleeping and eating every day. 第三部分 写(40 分) .词汇:根据汉语提示,完成句子( 7 分) 81. Thats very kind of you, but I can _ it _ (自己解决) 82. People often _ some ma

40、n-made objects such as kites or balloons _ (把误认为) UFOs. 83. Collecting stamps _ _ (一定是) great fun. 84. I _ _ (恐怕)she isnt in right. 85. You arent a student, are you? -_, I _(不,我是). 86. Whats the price of the book?(同义句转换) _ _ is the book? 87. Would you mind _ _ (关小) the radio? . 任务型阅读。 (5 分) Color he

41、lps you see things . But man and some monkeys and apes(猿)are the only mammals(哺乳动物) that can see color. To any other mammal, such as the dog ,the world looks like a black and white photo. Dogs hunt mainly by listening and smelling. Like other animals, dogs see best when things move. The animals they

42、 hunt seem to know this. A rabbit or deer will freeze when they find that they are being hunted. Then the dog may not see it at all. Birds can see color. They need to ,becaus e they fly and need to find place to land. Color helps them know how far the place is and what it is like so that they are ab

43、le to catch flying things in the air or land on something they think safe. Some birds see things even better than man do. The birds that eat bugs (飞虫) can see them from far away. And even a very young bird can see a house from high up in the sky. So good eyes and being able to see colors help birds

44、find food and also help them find out if there are any animals that are dangerous to them. 猜猜划线单词的意思,用适当的形式填空 88. A craft(宇宙飞船) _on earth on a night in 2001. 89. Most of us will _ when we see a snake. 90. He went to the forest to _ animals. 根据短文,回答下列问题: 91. When can dogs see best?_ 92. Can all the a

45、nimals see color?_ _ .综合填空(8 分) 根据首字母及空格填空。 Water is the life of our earth. Its _93_ for us. It makes up the l_94_ part of the human body. It covers most parts of the earth. Its in lakes, rivers, seas and oceans. We can swim in lakes or rivers. I think its more_95_ than other sports in summer, It ca

46、n give us j_96_. There are t_97_ of fishes in seas and oceans. Whales live in oceans. They are the largest and heaviest animals in the world. But now they are in _98_. Because the ocean water is becoming dirtier. Water is so important to all living things. W_99_ water, there can be _100_ life on ear

47、th. So we must save every drop of water. .书面表达。 看图各写出一句意思合理,语法正确的句子,所提供的词要全部用上。(8 分) 101. we, are, a , sports, meet, now_ 102. it, duty, improve, environment_ 103. children, have, fun, play, yesterday_ 104. sister, good, at, sing_ B)提示写作(12 分) 105.网络遍及世界各地,给我们带来哪些好处或坏处,作为中学生该如何使用网络,请运 用所学过知识写一篇关于 In

48、ternet 的文章。 仙游县第二教研片区 2009-2010 学年上学期期末联考 八年英语试题 答案( 实验班) (满分:150 分;考试时间:120 分钟) 客观题答案表 .词汇(12 分) 根据汉语提示, 完成句子(7 分) 题号 答案 题号 答案 得分 评卷人 81 manage myself 82 mistake for 83 must be 84 am afraid 85 Yes am 86 How much 8 7 turning down . 任务型阅读。 (5 分) 题号 答案 得分 评卷人 88 landed 89 freeze 90 hunt 91 When things move 92 No, they cant. .综合填空(8 分) 笔试部分来源:学科网 ZXXK 听力部分来源:学科网 Part One 语言知识应用 Part Two 阅读理解 Part Three 写 总 分 来源:学科网 ZXXK 题 号来 源:Z|xx|k.Com


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