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1、1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 6. ldilure 66. arantinn 69. nrgnnie 7fl. spproaehing I6 -20 C.4IIBC 42-46AflCUU 47-51 A02UC S2-%S*0US 2014.7 57. e c1slrml S6. pt 59. l tl. ytfmxce ytfmig 6I . laving lnnn)t a G ase Ming fipeip on our eanpus. ll ia er1nlu1e1 tu snrt o

2、n june lD . anl lo nn anth .etz1tg on Jv 9, yuri g this per,al al the u nate ust r sol int ree.Yclalle anrİ 26 27 the dog 3aRM head deCu)e) e uou d &Bn 6ug)di g aMze) pgnuI/fD7n u M 0 Midt 2 /H gT Mraih a ! rEgT)t)afl k k dt lce & xd ie lxtiM e fwtaaic gima affix aa4 kxiLiag in (s getden k xa his nl

3、4 +mxlo hut. kfaJ fraught kinuelf, *! ran uee the sxxl ftw fla dt hut. “ He sianert o pull Lhe ohm htu aiul rhen csJziel all I(e url iJtu his umtcshop u!ere )te eauld tilt up dre uxxsI ancf alazt making little IJnnie4s freaza pirate ahlp. lliM e . t pulls n the big dwH-. Tl14 Ie wee fihc big &rpri R

4、 New I thsi be hegea jump ig and lan. ” Uh sru! dav grclfatket at gxolwn legui a pleri fn an ndvenui rue journey, into the big 28 (2 I -25 J) ( 16 - 20 - (6 - ID ) 29 30 you )ike skgre e ujsi tn the sizjurt* ST :Fha1 sntn4s jpvat . but I :anI. I have In lake this zejxxrt In for. Smith at nur ftnne n

5、ffice. (before his l IN nelxb meeting, u I aas IliinLing ehnut gning tn the airjxrt alraighl lmnl lkeze. If vnufl liLe, I cmilr) n+eel vnu nt the aizjxrt. 6* in lknt raae. has zJout meeting at 12 In have lunrh gr.ther I efnre aur ftight. .tl :flia i *ounils like a plan. Ill see vui in ill 4up on the

6、 flair nvui. HK* : Int uil.g fntll aWn I lg, lil *wur m)ial f*aTc) , Tr a /hf f* hill azil ing Title your 9 : *ure. I mi just have io fil1 nut rim fnrm. T : 6 ronming. A dianL vou tn vnur )ieal teache, r ltr. Jnnea. Far invising me tn enme aiul taJL ahaul our special .6ienne .hihLs at the Cirv liene

7、e luseun. Evezr etenl is rn a IilTereitt lopie anci ! ho(e srute nl* vnu u”iI) ft nlle u ennw aiul iaLe ( azt m niu neef nr e. 31 to, shat in a Science Night* Ymi mvi*e ai 7 p. ni. . ilo Inta of iwtemsiiiig activities an1 ihmi . or 1tl 3B . you go to keep. In ilin next noting. sfter liteakfeai. you

8、a film arid s-e txt mcnth , we lnrl a Science. Night alxiut car reeiog. tier next ighi ie alriut plaetfi. Nve . if *wu thirrk jw might like to eorm , chic is elm you need to know. V e give mar soHuihiiig to elep IM Hut edu heVe 3o bring wlur 11 NlhbrUah end alefipiag fieg. *hfl eBH eome *ell , 1u nve O be l4 veMTe old or uI1 r. You heee to e iG gfoupa , which im iav iih time whole rime. Well , thniik von for liaieninp. Ill In here for the next hull sn*ahing e1a, e juat come aim sak me. 32


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