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1、女人的胸 在爱情里到底有多重? 2009-11-17 | 来源: 荆楚网 | 查看:72618 次 | 我要评论(0) 记得那是一年中最热的日子,女人们竭尽所能让自己穿的又少又好看。几个无聊的朋 友就声称,夏天是男人们大饱眼福的季节,我们爱夏天!我终于明白男人为什么要在夏天 戴墨镜了,抵抗紫外线是其次,重要的是看女人的时候,女人并不知道墨镜后面藏有一双 色得发光的狼眼。男人没有不色的,不色就不是男人了。这个只要听过七十多岁的老头还 强奸幼女的人,都会坚定不移的相信。 女友是个乖女女 我的女友是怎样一个人呢?从没有穿过吊带衫,那样她妈妈会说她自甘堕落;从来没 有穿过裙子,她自己觉得小腿太粗。我把

2、她带到朋友面前,他们像观察外星人一样的看她。 我对他们说,这样的女人够单纯,我喜欢。她相当的自信,她说自己穿吊带衫是肯定好看 的,为了不让其她女人嫉妒而死,她只好不穿了。我笑她,行了吧,你这个老实的乖女儿。 我要是你妈妈,我会幸福的晕过去。现在到哪里找这样乖的女儿?除非她也笑,除非 什么?我说,除非我和你生的女儿,她肯定像你那样乖。 她说,你是认真的吗?我吓了一跳,我说,什么? 我知道她是一个容易认真的女人,所以我对她很小心。我只是拉拉她的手,偶尔的抱 抱她,有过几次亲吻。再进一步,我怕我和她都承受不起。认真是世界上最伟大的品格, 可是有时候女人的认真会让男人害怕,特别是不愿意承担的男人。我还

3、不想结婚,不想那 么早的被一个女人捆住。我想她是知道的。 看到了她丰满的胸部 那天我们去郊外玩,她兴致很高的要我背她爬山。当她趴在我背上的时候,我感受到 来自她乳房的压力。柔软的,温和的。我叫她,嗨,你自己走吧,我背不动。她没有回答。 我再叫。她还是沉默。我赶快把她放下来,她已经处于昏迷状态。我重新背起她,下山找 诊所。那是个只有一个医生的小诊所。医生说,中暑了,我去准备药,你先把她衣服脱了。 我说,什么?医生说,快脱。我手忙脚乱的脱她的衣服,那是一件长袖的黑衬衣,把她裹 的像个粽子。当她穿着粉红文胸躺在我面前,我连气都喘不上来了。她有那样丰满的胸部, 难怪她妈妈反对她穿吊带。她总算是醒过来了

4、,我和她隔了一块屏风。她叫我,我答应着。 她说,你进来。我硬着头皮进去,她说,是你脱的衣服吗?我说,当时很急,所以-她 说,谢谢你。背得我很累吧。我说,应该的,应该的。她说,今天只是因为我中暑才在你 面前失态了,你不要多想。 我问她,我想什么?她说,你自己知道,我并不会因为你给我脱了一件衣服就要缠着 你娶我的。我捂她的嘴,你说什么啊?她不再说话,只是用眼睛悲切的看我,慢慢流出眼 泪。我给她擦眼泪,她就抓我的手。我们什么都没有说,至少我什么都说不出。 本来这个夏天,我真的只是想要那种没有结果的爱情。大家好好的利用夏天享受爱情 的幸福,然后很自然的分开。我不知道我怎么就找上了她。 她一直没有给我打

5、电话,我也一直的闷在家里。 Where a womans chest in love in the end weigh? 2009-11-17 | Source: Sports Network | View: 72618 times | I want to comment (0) * Exclusive to eat raspberries weight rule of law, Vivian Chow, insomnia, depression - there are new ways to use the focus of dark circles eye bags under the e

6、yes cured paste face detoxification, so that face is more tender and Remember that it was the hottest day of the year, women who do their best to make their own to wear a small, good-looking. A few bored friends on the claim that men feast their eyes on summer season, we love the summer! I finally u

7、nderstand why a man wearing sunglasses in the summer, and resistance to ultraviolet light is secondary, it is important to see a woman when the woman hidden behind dark glasses did not know there was a two-color luminous Lang Yan. Men do not do not color, not color is not man. This simply listened m

8、ore than 70-year-old old man also raped young girls who are firm belief. His girlfriend is a well-behaved woman woman My girlfriend is how a people? Never crossed halter top, so her mother would say she was unwilling to degeneration; never wore skirts, she felt too thick legs. I took her to a friend

9、 in front of them the same as the observation of extraterrestrial look at her. I told them that such a woman simply enough, I like. She was rather self-confidence, she said he was sure nice to wear halter top, in order to prevent a woman she was jealous of his death, she had not worn. I laugh at her

10、, Hang Leba, your daughters in this honest. If I were your mother, I will happy halo in the past. Now and where to find such a well-behaved child? Unless - she laughed, unless what? I said, unless you and I born daughter, and she certainly behaved as you did. She said that you are serious? I was sho

11、cked, I say, what? I know that she is an easy-serious woman, so I found her very careful. I was just pulling her hand, the occasional hug, she had to kiss several times. A step further, I am afraid she can not afford me. Seriously is the worlds greatest character, but sometimes women make men afraid

12、 of a serious, in particular, is unwilling to undertake man. I also do not want to get married, did not want to be a woman tied up early. I think she knows it. Saw her plump breasts Day we went outside to play, her high spirits wanted me to carry her mountain climbing. When she was lying on my back,

13、 I felt the pressure from her breasts. Soft, gentle. I told her, Hey, you go, I would not move back. She did not answer. I then told. She was silent. I quickly put her down, 女友真的穿了吊带 有天朋友对我说,小子,我看见你女朋友了。你怎么调教的这么好,人家现在穿着个 吊带连衣裙,小模样真是迷人啊。我说,你肯定看错了。他说,我希望看错了,那我立马 上去泡她。 我简直坐不住了,一想到她将被无数男人墨镜后的眼睛袭击,我脑子火一样

14、的烧起来。 我于是打电话给她,约她。我说,担心你中暑后身体没有恢复,所以没找你。 她真的穿了吊带连衣裙,巧笑颜兮的立在我面前。我故意装作没有认出她,问她,小 姐,你有没有看到一个裹的像粽子的女人啊?她很优雅的说,没有看到啊,先生,难道我 不比她好看吗?我笑着揽过她的腰,我说,你真好看。 我们在秋天定了婚 那个晚上,我们亲吻了很久,但我始终不敢有下文。她把我的手放到她的胸部,她说, 不管我们的结果怎么样,我都认了。我抽开手,把头靠在她温热的双乳上,我说,我也认 了。她问我,认什么?我知道她非要逼我说出那三个字,我只好很虔诚的捧着她的脑袋说, 我爱你。她又问,以后呢?给我一个结尾,不管结尾是悲是喜

15、。我说,我现在最想见你妈 妈,告诉她你这个女儿太不乖,想要逼婚!她摸着我的头发,她说,好吧,现在我命令你 把你手的放到我的乳房上来。 我们在秋天定了婚。后来我从一本书上看到,女人只有对一个男人信任才会让男人触 摸自己的乳房。我想她一定是用了很大的勇气,还用了很多的信任和爱,温柔又野蛮的捆 绑了我。 我还是喜欢夏天,是夏天给了我一个被捆绑的机会,那是千栽难逢,此生不再的机会。 His girlfriend is really wearing a sling One day a friend said to me, kid, I see you have a girlfriend. How do

16、you tune so well, people are now wearing a harness dress, appearance is really charming little ah. I said, you are definitely wrong. He said, I hope am wrong, then I flew up her bubble. I could not sit still, and one thought she would be the eyes of countless men, sunglasses after the attacks, in my

17、 mind like fire and burn up. I then called her, about her. I said, do not worry about your body after heat recovery, so they did not find you. She really wearing a harness dress, clever smile Come to stand in front of me. I deliberately pretend that did not recognize her and asked her, Miss, you hav

18、e not seen an image of rice dumplings wrapped in a woman ah? She was very elegant to say, do not see ah, sir, can I do better than that she pretty? I laughed Languo her waist, I said, you really look good. We set the wedding in the autumn That night, we kissed for a long time, but I never dared to c

19、ome into sight. She put my hand into her chest, she said, no matter how the results of our sample, I confessed. I am drawn to open hands, his head leaning against her warm breasts, I said that I had admitted. She asked me to identify what is? I know that she insisted that force me to say three words, I had a very pious holding her head that I love


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