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1、命题教师使用班级鄂尔多斯市卫生学校考试试卷2011-2012学年度第一学期 课程:英语 考卷编号:A卷题号一二三四五六七八九总 分评卷人分数I. 选择最佳答案.(201=20)( ) 1. Trains run than buses.A. fast B. faster C. the fastest D. the faster ( ) 2. cars in the street? A. Are there some B. Is there any C. Are there any D. Is there some( ) 3. Neither you he knows these words.A.

2、 or B. nor C. and D. but( ) 4. Of all the students in the class, Tom is .A. good B. better C. the best D. well( ) 5. you like to have some drinks?A. Would B. May C. Can D. Should( ) 6. A: Can I take your now?B: Yes, Id like some salad. A. meal B. dinner C. order D. time( ) 7. He is ready _ order now

3、.A. to B. for C. at D. of( ) 8. The desk is made _ wood. A. from B. for C. of D. to( ) 9. is not good for our health.A. Milk B. Beef C. Fast food D Fruit( ) 10. Do you know to start the machine?A. how B. what C. that D. which( ) 11. Class begins at 8 oclock. You _ get to the school before 7:55.A. wi

4、ll B. must C. can D. could( ) 12. his English every morning?A. Does he practices B. Do he practice C. Did he practice D. Does he practice( ) 13. We enjoy listening the musicA. on B. in C. to D. for( ) 14. Your advice is good. Ill it.A. advice B. give C. make D. take ( ) 15. He works in a factory. He

5、 is engineer.A. a B. an C. / D. the ( ) 16. Excuse me. Could you tell me the _ to the railway station? A. way B. road C. street D. path( ) 17. Dont go out. It _ heavily outside.A. rain B. rained C. rainy D. is raining( ) 18. Jiuzhai Gou is well-known _ its scenery.A. as B. for C. to D.from( ) 19. We

6、 _ to the concert tomorrow evening.A. go B. goes C. will go D. going( ) 20. Andy _ home at 7:00 this morning. A. leave B. leaving C. left D. leavedII: 用括号内给出的词的适当形式填空. (151=15)1. At about 6:00 every afternoon, she _ (go) back home.2. Most Canadians _ (speak) both English and French. 3. Tom gets up _

7、 (early) than Dick.4. Henry is the _ (tall) students in the class.5. There _ (be) lots of people in the supermarket.6. We dont have _ (some) tea here.7. You should do your homework instead of _ (play) games.8. Listen, who_ (sing) in the music room?9. He _ (not remove) the paper from the printer yest

8、erday.10. _ (give) me a hand, please.11. Youd better_ (no stay) in front of the TV for long time.12. We _ (visit) a factory next week.13. With my mothers help, I can _ (cook) several dishes.14. _ he _ (press) the wrong button on his first day at work? III:搭配连线,把相应的字母写在括号内.(81=8)( )give a hand A. dri

9、ve somebody to a place( )usually B. often( )out of order C. go from one place to another( )give up D. break down( )be well-known for E. help somebody( )travel F. stop doing something( )give somebody a ride G. of high price( )expensive H. be famous for 第 1 页(共 3 页)线 名姓 封号学密级班次层业专 IV. 用方框中的句子补全对话,把相应的

10、字母填在空白处。 (51=5)A: Its about two kilometers away. B: Which bus should I take?C: Where is the bus station? D: Youre welcome. E: Go down this street and turn left at the traffic lights.Alice: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the cinema?Policeman: Of course. 1 Alice: Is it from here?Policeman: Ye

11、s. 2 Alice: Oh, Ill be late for the film!Policeman: Well you could take a bus.Alice: 3 Policeman: The No.2 bus, it stops just outside the cinema.Alice: 4 Policeman: Its around the corner.Alice: Thanks a lot.Policeman: 5 V: 在括号内选出你认为正确的词语填到相应的横线上. (121=12)1. He doesnt know how to use the machine. Can

12、 you tell _? (he/him)2. I often clean my house _ the evening.(at/in)3. They are late. Shall we wait for _.(they/them)4. The show begins _ half past seven.(on/at)5. I hope to become a tour guide, _ I dont want to work long hours.(but/and)6. They ask _ a question but I dont know the question. (them/me

13、)7. The factory is _ the school. (beside/besides)8. I always go to school _ foot. (on/by)9. Do you want to be a cashier _a factory worker? (and/or)10. This school is different _ other schools. (with/ from)11. Mary does _ exercise than Jenny. (more/much)12. I _ shopping yesterday evening. (went/go) V

14、I. 阅读理解(102=20)(A)Bob Smith is a little boy. On the first day at school, his teacher, Ms. Green, teaches him three words“you, he and I”. Then the teacher says, “I am your teacher. You are my student. He is your classmate.” When school is over, Bob goes home. His mother asks him, “What does your teac

15、her teach you today?” Bob says with a smile, “Listen, Mom. I am your teacher, you are my student and he is your classmate.” His mother says, “No, dear. You are wrong.” Then she says, “I am your mother. You are my son. He is your father.” The next morning at school, Bobs teacher asks Bob to make sent

16、ences with the words “you, he and I”. Bob stands up and says, “I am your mother. You are my son. He is your father.” Choose the best answer:( ) 1. _ teaches Bob three words. A. Bobs mother B. Bobs father C. Bobs teacher D. Bobs classmate( ) 2. Bob answers his mother with a smile because _. A. He thi

17、nks he can give a good answer. B. He goes to school on the first day. C. He is at home now. D. He is glad to see his mother.( ) 3. Bobs mother is _. A. right B. wrong C. well D. make a mistake( ) 4. _ is Bobs mother. A. Ms. Green B. Mr. Smith C. Mrs. Smith D. Mr. Green( ) 5. Which one is right? A. B

18、obs teacher made a mistake. B. Bobs mother made a mistake. C. Bob is right all the time. D. Bob made a mistake.(B)The Ford Motor Company was named after Henry Ford .When he started the company in 1903, he was just a young man with big dreams. Now, over one hundredyears later, Ford is one of the top

19、five companies in the car industry, and is famous all over the world. 第 2 页(共 3 页)线 命题教师使用班级 名姓 封号学密级班次层业专 Ford is one of the largest US companies. It has produced millions of cars. Ford also owns eight of the worlds most famous car brands, such as Volvo, Lincoln, Land Rover and so on. They produce

20、many different types of car. Some cost just a few thousand dollars but an expensive one could cost you over 200,000dollars. Ford is also popular in China and a great number of Ford cars have been produced in China. Maybe in the years to come, you will have a car of your own. I wonder if you will cho

21、ose a Ford!True or False:1. The Ford Motor Company started in 1913. ( )2. Ford is one of the top five companies in the car industry. ( ) 3. Ford owns several most famous car brands of the world, such as Volvo, Lincoln and Benz. ( )4. Ford cannot be produced in China now. ( )5. Ford produces many dif

22、ferent types of car. ( )VII. 翻译. (54=20)1. We are drinking tea and watching colourful Sichuan Opera.2. We are going to visit a factory next week.3. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.4. 我家里有七口人。5. 学生们昨天下午打扫了教室。答题纸I. 选择最佳答案.(201=20)1-5 _ _ _ _ _ 6-10 _ _ _ _ _11-15 _

23、 _ _ _ _ 16-20_ _ _ _ _II: 用括号内给出的词的适当形式填空. (151=15)1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10_11._ 12. _ 13._ 14._, _III:搭配连线.(81=8)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _IV. 用方框中的句子补全对话. (51=5) _ _ _ _ _V: 在括号内选出你认为正确的词语填到相应的横线上. (121=12) 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._11._ 12._VI. 阅读理解(102=20)A: 1-5 _ B: 1-5 _VII. 翻

24、译. (54=20)1._2._3._4._5._ 第 3 页(共 3 页)命题教师使用班级 名姓 封号学密级班次层业专 命题教师使用班级A卷答案:I: 选择题(每题1分,共20分)1-5 BCBCA 6-10 CACCA 11-15BDCDB 16-20 ADBCCII:适当形式填空(每空1分,共15分)1. goes 2.speak 3.earlier 4.tallest 5.are 6.any 7.playing 8. is singing 9.didnt remove/did not remove 10.Give 11.not stay 12. will visit 13.cook 1

25、4.did pressIII: 搭配(每个1分,共8分) E B D F H C A GIV: 补全对话(每个1分,共5分) E A B C DV: 选出正确的词语(每个1分,共12分)1.him 2.in 3.them 4.at 5.but 6.me 7.beside 8.on 9. or 10.from 11.more 12.wentVI:阅读理解(每个2分,共20分)A篇1-5 CAACD B篇1-5 F T F F TVII:翻译(每个4分,共20分)1. 我们一边喝茶一边欣赏多彩的川剧。2. 我们下周将去访问一个工厂。3. 早睡早起可以让人健康,富足,聪明。(睡得早起的早,富足、聪明、身体好。)4. There are seven people in my family.5. The students cleaned classroom yesterday afternoon. 第 4 页(共 页)名姓 封号学密级班次层业专


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