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1、 北师大版教材重点短语打印(必修+选修) 必修一第一单元课时总结 重点短语: Couch potato 电视迷 Sit on the sofa坐在沙发上 Sit in the chair坐在椅子上 Sit at ones desk坐在桌上 Tell sb about sth告诉某人某事 Wake up=awake醒来 Get up immediately立刻起床 Turn on =switch on打开 Go downstairs下楼 In the living room在卧室 In the dining room在餐厅 At the moment现在Eat sth for lunch/bre

2、akfast/dinner早中晚饭吃 Watch TV series看电视剧 Switch over 换台 Switch off=turn off关掉 Do some exercise 做锻炼 Take the dog for a walk遛狗 Walk the dog遛狗 Portable TV便携式电视 Laptop computer笔记本电脑 Make meals做饭 Walks round in a circle绕圈走 Make the bed铺床 Live this lifestyle过的生活 Lead alife过的生活Live alife过的生活 Remote control遥控

3、器 A remote place遥远的地方 At your feet and in your hand近在咫尺 Work ones way through做.来谋生 Go off响起 Jump out of从.跳出来 It takes sb+时间+to do花费时间做某事 It costs sb+时间/金钱+to do花费时间金钱做某事 Take up占据时间和空间I spend+时间/金钱+(in) doing/on sth花费时间金钱做某事 Be filled with充满Be full of充满 Get changed/dressed换衣服、穿衣服 I am full吃饱了 Urgent

4、 matters紧急事件 By around 8 oclock八点钟左右 Be/get bored with sth无聊Answer the phone/e-mails接电话、回邮件 Be ready for doing sth/sth准备好做 Be asleep/alive/awake醒着、活着 Do sth for fun做.事寻乐 Far away from离得远Complain to sb about/of sth向某人抱怨某事 Try ones best to do sth尽力做某事 Do ones best to do sth尽力做某事 Make sure=ensure确保 Sup

5、port the family养家糊口 Travel to work 去上班 Be tired of对.疲惫 Arrive at(小)/in(大)到达 Check numbers核对账目 In a nearby shop=in a shop nearby在附近的商店里 Return to=go back to返回 Take a weekend break周末休息 Be at work投身工作Do good to=be good for对.有好处 Grow wheat种麦子 Be good to sb某人对某人很好 In the north of在.北方 Have the same work h

6、ours有相同的工作时间 Early in the morning and late at night起早贪黑 Be free of sth免于 Look after sth照顾 Study by distance learning远程学习 Be interested in感兴趣 introduce sth引进Get/have a chance/an opportunity to do sth有机会做某事 Be busy with/doing忙于做be fond of=be crazy about喜欢,痴迷于 interrupt others打断某人的话 make notes of=take

7、notes of=note down做笔记 introduce sb to sb向某人介绍某人.last for several hours持续几个小时 come up with 想到 catch up with赶上 as a result=in consequence结果是 as a result of=in consequence of由于.的缘故invite sb to do sth邀请某人做某事 be served as=be served to do被用来做. 重点句型 1,Not.until 直到.才 He didnt go to bed until his father came

8、 home. 2,So/such that/so.as 如此.以至于be on the same course as sb与.上一样的课 in order to=so as to 为了 be popular with流行 play an important role/part in sth起很重要的角色、作用 such as=for example=for instance比如 as well as也 offer sb sth提供某人某物 do their business经商谈生意 In fact=actually事实上 Daily routine日常生活 Give sb some advi

9、ce提建议 I t makes a difference to起作用,有影响 Look forward to sth/doing sth盼望做某事The question is so difficult that nobody can solve it. It is such a difficult question that nobody can solve it.定语从句接完整句子 The question is so difficult as nobody can solve. 3,far away from/far from The village is far away from t

10、he city.(远离.) The money is far from enough.(远远不够) 第二单元课时总结 基础短语 Manned spaceship载人飞船 Man-made spaceship人造飞船 Lift off发射升空 Take off起飞 Choose sth from 从.选择 Sth be chosen from从.选择 Launch a campaign发起某个活动 Feel the high gravity 感到很强的重力 Separate sth from sth 分隔 Divide sth into sth 分割 Soar into the sky翱翔太空

11、because of=thanks to=owning to因为 circle the earth 绕地球转 for the sixth time第六次 six times六次 speak with 与某人交谈 complete tasks完成任务 express ones opinion表达观点 explore and use space peacefully和平开发利用太空 land safely安全着陆 glow red烧得通红 come back into=return into返回进. the earths atmosphere大气层 let out parachute打开降落伞 m

12、illions of百万all over China全中国 climb out of爬出 wave to the crowds向人们挥手 collect information搜集信息 do research做研究 call an ambulance 打电话叫救护车 fight for 为.而奋斗 fight against与.作斗争 lead the revolution领导革命 in my opinion在我看来 from my point of view在我看来 listen to倾听as far as I am concerned在我看来 agree with sb同意某人 if it

13、 is possible如果可能 if possible如果可能 go to poison进监狱 Organize protests组织抗议 Organize the march组织游行 Make a speech做演讲 Give a lecture作报告 receive a medical degree获得医学学位 sb in need需要帮助的人 come out of prison出狱 travel around the world环球旅行 change ones opinions on sth改变对.的看法 move up to first获得第一 Draw/claim ones at

14、tention吸引某人注意 Encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事 get involved with参与 All kinds/sorts of各种各样 Say goodbye to sb告别某人 react to sth对.做出反应 Think of sth/doing sth想到做某事 Come to do sth开始做. Commit suicide自杀 Give up doing sth放弃做某事 Pull through=overcome difficulties 渡过难关 get involved in陷入,卷入. improve the quality of提

15、高.质量 be friendly/kind to对.友好、善良speak about the time when.讲诉那段时光. practice doing sth练习做. look back=recall=retrospect回顾,回首 compete against与某人竞争 complete/finish ones school完成学业 express/show an interest in sth对.感兴趣 come to an end结束 make progress取得进步 be strict with对.严厉 cause problems引发问题 be worried about

16、担心. do the dishes洗碗 wash the dishes洗碗 go/get on well with each other与.相处融洽 be keen about 喜爱 make films制片 be in college在大学 be famous for以而出名 be popular with流行 be familiar with sth/to sb熟悉. at first/last最初/最后 on ones own=by oneself独自 start a new life=lead a new life开始新生活 do sth with great courage有勇气做某

17、事 raise money for sb/to do sth为筹集钱 donate money to sb.为捐款 Promote research into促进对研究 be confident of /that/to do sth对有信心 be far too busy with sth/doing sth做.太忙 come off it别吹牛了,别胡说 be dead right完全正确 in the course of 在.过程中 space exploration太空探索 make the journey into space太空之旅 in order to do为了做. at the

18、 risk of doing sth冒.风险做某事 air crash空难 soon after不久之后 have a hunger to do sth渴望做某事 重点句型1. 定语:Yesterday I helped an old man who had lost his way. 昨天我帮助了一位迷路的老人。 That is the teacher who teaches us physics. 那就是教我们物理的老师。 Li Ming is just the boy ( whom ) I want to see. 李明正是我想要见的男孩。I still remember the day

19、 when I first came to this school. 我仍然记得第一次来学校的那一天。 Shanghai is the city where I was born. 上海是我出生的城市。2、not only.but also.句型 He can not only play the piano but also play the violin. Not only can he play the piano but also he can play the violin. 3、if possible If possible, we should check numbers agai

20、n If possible, I want to become a doctor when I grow up. 第三单元课时总结 一、短语积累 Celebrate the Spring Festival过春节 On this special occasion在这种特殊场合 All kinds of=all sorts of各种各样 All over the world全世界 Be made with有.参与制作 Be made of由.做成 Be made from由.做成 Bean paste豆沙 Fall on落在 Lunar month农历月份 Light lanterns点亮灯笼 D

21、estroy the building摧毁大楼 Burn down烧毁 Fool sb戏弄某人 Thousands of成千上万 In the past在过去 Decorate sth with sth用.装饰 Light bulbs电灯泡 In many shapes/sizes形状、大小各异 In recent years=recently最近 Take part in=participate in=join in参加 Fill out the form填表 Wash away冲走 Splash the car洗车 Police on duty值班警察 Be related to 与.有关

22、 Be linked to与.有关 Be connected with与.有关 Operate on sb给某人做手术 Go abroad出国 Put out the forest fire扑灭森林大火 Make a speech about做有关.的报告 Marry sb嫁给某人 Have hot pot吃火锅Job with good salary/wage高薪工作 The answer to.的答案 A bunch of flowers一束花 Pass the examinations通过考试 Turn off关掉 Win a match/ competition比赛获胜 Get mar

23、ried with sb与某人结婚 Raise money for 为筹钱 Well done=good job干得好 Be about to do sth将要做某事 Dress up打扮 Celebrate the marriage ceremony婚礼庆典 On religious occasion宗教场合 Put on穿上 Get an invitation to收到邀请去. Ought to do=should do应该做某事 Take photos照相 Attend the reception出席招待会 At the entrance/exit在出口、入口处 The entrance

24、/exit to.的出口、入口 Take off脱掉The key to.的关键、钥匙 Donate money to为.捐钱 Contribute sth to贡献. A symbol/mark of象征,标志 Symbolize/mark sth 象征、标志着 Stay awake保持清醒Last through the night一整晚 Give advice to sb给某人建议 Agree with sb同意某人 Agree on sth同意某事 On the envelope在信封上 Open the year calendar翻开日历 Carol service圣歌 Make s

25、nowman堆雪人 Have snowball fights打雪仗 Put up竖起、装饰 Stay up late熬夜 As.as possible/you can尽可能 Swallow food吞咽食物 Laugh at sb嘲笑某人 Look down on/upon看不起某人 By bedtime睡觉时间 Have a shower=take a bath洗澡 As soon as一就. Fall asleep入睡 Fall into a deep sleep睡得很沉 Are you joking开什么玩笑! Hold a party举行聚会 Put out the mat铺开毛毯 F

26、ry food煎食物Complain to sb about sth向某人抱怨某事 Be in a mess一团糟 Harvest the crops收割庄稼 Dance in costumes盛装跳舞 Invade sp入侵某地 Adopt the proposition采纳提议 Adopt an orphan收养孤儿 Make a bonfire点燃篝火 Frighten away吓走 Go from door to door串门 Collect information about收集的信息 Thorough cleaning大扫除 the festival atmosphere节日气氛

27、last for 3 days持续三天 family gathering大团圆 be supposed to do应该做某事 thank you for doing sth多谢某人做某事重点句型 1、as as possible/you can (1)、 For the limited time, I have to be there as soon as possible(2)、To catch the early bus, you have to arrive at the bus station as soon as you can. (3)、The baby is sleeping,

28、you ought to keep as quiet as possible/you can. 2、fall on (1)、The spring festival falls on the first day of the first lunar month. (2)、The burden would then fall on the Europeans. (3)、Much of the losses will fall on public spending. 必修二Unit e true/be realized 实现 2.take measures 采取措施 3.be located介词 位

29、于 4.take steps 采取步骤 5.hang on 别挂机 6.be up to 做,从事,在于7.be ofn. .的 8.get into touch 取得联系 9.fancy doing sth . 想做某事10.in the flesh 本人;亲身 11.be to do sth. 将做某事 12.make an arrangement安排13.offer sb sth / offer sth to sb提供某人某物 14.settle down定居下来15.on average 平均 16.be optimistic about 对乐观 17.a large populati

30、on人口众多18.settle up 结帐,清债 19.call on sb 拜访某人 20.lie on River Thames 位于泰晤士河畔21.be prepared for 为做好准备 22.be prepared to do 愿意,乐意干23.for purpose 为的目的 24.search sb/some place 搜查某人 / 某地 25.cut offfrom/separatefrom 与隔开 26.live on pension 靠退休金生活Unit5 1.have an effect on对. 有效果/起作 2.in other words 换句话说 3.in s

31、ome ways 在某些方面4.at times 有时;不时 5.back and forth 往返;来回 6.tap dancing 踢踏舞7.be impressed on 给.留下印象 8.be responsible for 为.而负责9.key to 的关键 答案 钥匙 10.be related to 与.有关联11.go on to do sth 继续做(另外一件事) 12.go on doing/with sth继续做(同一件事) e about 发生 14.pick up 拣起;学会;听到;恢复;接人15.as with 同一样;至 于 16.in between 处于之间

32、17.pull/put on 穿上18.a noble mind 崇高的思想 19.refer to 说到,提及 20.in reference to 关于21.in time 合节拍,迟早 23.out of the ordinary 不寻常的,超凡脱俗的24.blood type 血型 22.in the form of 以 的形式 25.start off开始,起程26.be disappointed to do失望做 27.throughout the month 整整一个月28.on stage 出场Unit 61.fix ones eyes on 凝视 2.(be) of valu

33、e 有价值的 3.in detail 详细地;充分地4.sort of 有几分;有点 5.date back to / date from 追溯到 6.relate to 把联系起来7.try out 试验,试用 8.try on 试穿,试戴 9.hold ones breath 屏住呼吸10.in ruins 灭亡,荒芜 11.the roof of the world 世界屋脊 12.under sbs roof 在某人家里13.on occasion 间或;有时 14.add sth to sth添加 15.take possession of 占有;拥有16.leave alone 别

34、惹,让独自呆着 17.for rent 出租 18.pipe off 把列入黑名单19.show mercy on / to sb 对某人表示怜悯 20.cast / throw a damp over泼的冷水,使沮丧21.at least 至少,不管怎样 22.go bathing 去游泳 23.on the fence 抱观望态度24.a narrow escape from death 九死一生 25.out of breath 上气不接下气26.air conditioner空调 27.on the other side 在另一边 28.wake up 把叫醒29.be surroun

35、ded by 被包围 30.with ones help 在的帮助31.be made out of 由制成 32.make noise 制造噪音 33.take a bath 洗澡 34.be adapted from 由改编 35.be determined to do 决定做 36.agree to do 同意做37.reach / draw /come to / arrive at a conclusion 得出结论 38.in conclusion 最后,总之39.beyond imagination 出乎意料地 40.take a deep breath 深吸一口气 必修三UNIT

36、 71. keep/bear sth in mind 牢记在心 3. long before 很久以前 before long不久之后 set off/ out for sp.=leave for sp 动身去某地 set out to do sth = set about doing sth着手做某事 force sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事 by force 武力,强行 set sail for sp. 起航去某地 come into force 生效 have trouble with sth =have trouble (in) doing sth 做某事有麻烦persua

37、de sb (not) to do sth 说服某人做(不做)某事 persuade sb into/ out of doing sth8. make it to sp. 到达某地 make it 成功,约定时间 2. participate in 参加9. in search of= in ones search for寻找 search sb 搜身 search sp. 搜查某地 search for =look for寻找 all at once = all of a sudden 突然10. ban sb from doing sth = forbid sb to do sth 禁止某

38、人做某事 recover from 从中恢复过来11. be responsible for sth = take responsibility for 对负责12. make a living by doing sth 靠谋生 in the direction of 以的方向16. expect sb to do sth期望某人做某事 expect to do sth 期望做某事17. rather than 而不是 ohter than 除了 18. cling to 附着,依靠19. break off 折断,中断 break up 分裂 break down (机器)坏了,(身体)垮了

39、break through突破 break out 爆发 break away from 脱离 UNIT 81. imagine doing sth 想象做某事 imagine sb doing sth 想象某人做某事2. lead sb to sp. 带领某人到某地 lead sb to do sth 使某人做某事 lead to 导致3. make arrangements for 为作安排 at a cost of 花费at all costs = at any cost 不惜一切代价5. turn up 出现,露面;调大音量 6. back out 食言,违约7. 喜欢 be into

40、 sth, be keen on sth be fond of, care for, be attached to8. go through 经历;穿过,通过;仔细检查 get through 完成,通过(考试),接通(电话)9. be worth doing sth 值得做某事= be worthy of being done = be worthy to be done10. get across 理解 get in 收割 stand by 支持,袖手旁观 stand for 代表,象征look through 浏览 15. attach to附着于 in turn 相反by turns

41、轮流Its ones turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事 take turns to do sth 轮流做某事 be caught in 遭遇 be caught doing sth 被当场抓住做某事14. on no condition 决不 on conditions that 在条件下promise to do sth 答应做某事 promise sb to do sth答应某人做某事UNIT 9be fed up with = be bored with 厌烦1. benefit from 从中受益 be of benefit to 对有益处 for the benefir of 为了的利益2. It is convenient for sb to do sth 某人方便做某事 at ones convenience 在某人方便的时候3. allow doing sth 允许做某事 allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 4. allow for 允许把考虑在内,包括5. set/ break a record 创造/打破记录 keep a recor


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