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1、中国教育开放政策展望The Prospects on Opening Policies of Chinas Education,张 力 Zhang Li中国国家教育发展研究中心主任 Director-general of National Center for Education Development Research (NCEDR), MOE, China,世界范围全民教育(Education for All, EFA)两大阶段1990-2000年2001-2015年,UNESCO EFA Monitoring Report 全民教育监测报告:中国处于前1/3位次,近年跻身全球义务教育免费

2、水平较高国家。UNDP HDI 人类发展指数测评:中国从20世纪80年代处于典型低收入国家行列,整体提高15%而步入中下收入国家行列。World Banks Evaluation评估十一五中期中国教育:政府的政治承诺和社会对于教育强有力支持推动了教育的发展。公共教育的提供也变得更加公平。,后全民教育的政策趋势Policy Orientations for Post Education for All 1.有质量的全民教育(Quality Education for All),2003年90多国教育部长共识:关键是义务教育均衡发展。 2.保障全民的基本技能(Ensure Basic Skill

3、for All),世界银行:适应经济社会发展和产业结构调整需要。 3.全民终身教育(Lifelong Education for All)”,OECD20世纪90年代以来政策分析报告:发达国家教育发展政策标志,需要很强的经济实力和完善的公共财政制度。 4.更强的全民教育(Strong Education for All),OECD2008年报告:强调抢占国际人才竞争先机和制高点。 5.面向全民的全纳教育(Inclusive Education for All), UNESCO2008年世界教育大会:尊重学生和社区的需求、能力、特点、预期的多样性,消除一切形式的歧视。,全球“马拉松”?世界高等教

4、育毛入学率变化Global Marathon: gross enrolment rate of tertiary education,国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)中共中央、国务院2010年7月发布Chinas National Plan Outline for Medium and Long-term Education Reform and Development(2010-2020)Issued by The CPC Central Committee and The State Council of P. R. China on July 2010第二章 战略

5、目标和战略主题 Chapter 2: Strategic Goals and Themes第十六章 扩大教育开放 Chapter 16: Further Opening Chinas Education,中国普及九年义务教育后的拐点Inflection Point of Post 9-year Compulsory Education普及有质量与均衡发展的九年义务教育基本普及学前教育和高中阶段教育以就业为导向大力发展职业教育促进高等教育内涵式发展和体制创新构建全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会,从“金字塔”到“梯形” From Pyramid to Trapezoid,高等教育 H E,高中教育

6、S S E,初中教育 J S E,普通小学 P E,2002,2007,2020,在校生万人Students in 10 thousand,2011年版国际教育标准分类下的高等教育渠道ISCED-2011:Various channels,6 学士或同等学历教育Bachelor,5 短线高等教育Short-cycle,7 硕士或同等 Master,7 硕士或同等Master,8 博士或同等学历教育 Doctor,3 高中阶段教育 Upper Secondary,离开学校就业LM,8,2020年中国高等教育展望 Prospection of Chinas Higher Education in

7、2020,(48) 加强国际交流与合作。Promoting international exchanges and cooperation.坚持以开放促改革、促发展。开展多层次、宽领域的教育交流与合作,提高我国教育国际化水平。借鉴国际上先进的教育理念和教育经验,促进我国教育改革发展,提升我国教育的国际地位、影响力和竞争力。适应国家经济社会对外开放的要求,培养大批具有国际视野、通晓国际规则、能够参与国际事务和国际竞争的国际化人才。It is essential to reform and develop education by opening it to the outside world,

8、carry out education exchanges and collaboration at multiple levels and in a broad scope, and raise educations internationalization level. Advanced concepts and experience in education in the world shall be assimilated to boost education reform and development at home, and to enhance the nations glob

9、al position, influence and competitiveness in the field of education. To meet the requirement of opening up the Chinese economy and society to the world, large numbers of talents shall be cultivated that are imbued with global vision, well-versed in international rules, and capable of participating

10、in international affairs and competition.,中国签定的WTO-GATS Schedule on Educarion 教育服务贸易减让表服务提供方式:(1)跨境交付 (2)境外消费 (3)商业存在 (4)自然人流动,(49-1) 引进优质教育资源。Outsourcing quality education resources abroad.吸引境外知名学校、教育和科研机构以及企业,合作设立教育教学、实训、研究机构或项目。鼓励各级各类学校开展多种形式的国际交流与合作,办好若干所示范性中外合作学校和一批中外合作办学项目。探索多种方式利用国外优质教育资源。It

11、is necessary to seek the cooperation of renowned schools, education institutions, research institutes and companies outside this nation to establish education, teaching, training and research organizations or undertake such projects. Schools at all levels and of all varieties should be encouraged to

12、 engage in diverse forms of international exchanges and cooperation, and a good job should be done in running demonstrative joint schools or joint projects in cooperation with foreign partners. Multiple approaches to utilizing quality education resources from abroad shall be searched for.,(49-2) 引进优

13、质教育资源。Outsourcing quality education resources abroad.吸引更多世界一流的专家学者来华从事教学、科研和管理工作,有计划地引进海外高端人才和学术团队。引进境外优秀教材,提高高等学校聘任外籍教师的比例。吸引海外优秀留学人员回国服务。More world-class experts and scholars shall be attracted to teaching, research and managerial jobs in China, and high-level professionals and academic teams invi

14、ted from overseas in a planned way. Quality textbooks shall be imported, and the percentage of foreign teachers in college faculty increased. More outstanding Chinese students shall be attracted back to serve the nation after they have finished their studies in other countries and regions.,中外合作办学、高教

15、学历互认、孔子学院Joint Schools, Higher Education Accreditation, Confucius Institutes 国务院2003年2月19日第68次常务会议通过中华人民共和国中外合作办学条例,该条例自2003年9月1日起施行,目前依法获得批准的中外合作办学项目达1100余个。中国将按照“加强规划,分类指导,科学决策,强化监督”的思路,加强统筹规划,明确准入标准,优化办学结构,建立退出机制,促进中外合作办学事业提高质量水平。截至2010年12月30日,中国共与35个国家(地区)签署了相互承认高等教育学位、学历和文凭的双边协议或备忘录。据称国外学习汉语者已达

16、5000万人。其中在中国汉办支持下,2010年96个国家(地区)建立322所孔子学院和369个孔子课堂(共691所),专兼职教师4109人,当年注册学员36万人。,(50-1) 提高交流合作水平。Upgrading exchanges and cooperation.扩大政府间学历学位互认。支持中外大学间的教师互派、学生互换、学分互认和学位互授联授。加强与国外高水平大学合作,建立教学科研合作平台,联合推进高水平基础研究和高技术研究。加强中小学、职业学校对外交流与合作。加强国际理解教育,推动跨文化交流,增进学生对不同国家、不同文化的认识和理解。Agreements on mutual recog

17、nition of academic credentials and degrees between governments shall be concluded with more countries and regions. More support shall be given to exchanges of students and teachers, mutual recognition of academic credits, and mutual or joint conferment of academic degrees between Chinese and foreign

18、 colleges. Collaboration between Chinese colleges and their counterparts abroad shall be stepped up, platforms for collaborative teaching and research projects set, and collaborative high-level researches in basic or high technology promoted. Exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and foreign pri

19、mary and middle schools and vocational schools shall be boosted. Education to enhance international understanding shall be stepped up to promote level of cross-cultural communication and to help students better understand different countries and cultures.,(50-2) 提高交流合作水平。Upgrading exchanges and coop

20、eration.推动我国高水平教育机构海外办学,加强教育国际交流,广泛开展国际合作和教育服务。支持国际汉语教育。提高孔子学院办学质量和水平。加大教育国际援助力度,为发展中国家培养培训专门人才。拓宽渠道和领域,建立高等学校毕业生海外志愿者服务机制。Education institutions with high quality shall be encouraged to run schools overseas, and international cooperation and service in education undertaken extensively. The teaching

21、 of Chinese as a foreign language in other countries shall be supported, and the Confucius Institutes running quality and level shall be elevated. International aid to education shall be boosted, so as to cultivate and train professionals for other developing countries. A framework shall be shaped t

22、o make Chinese college graduates overseas volunteer service available in more fields and through more avenues.,Statistics on Entrants at ISCED 3, 5, 6, by 2011,China,ISCED 5 & 6,ISCED 3(vocational),ISCED 3(general),2011年度中国出国留学人员情况Statistics on Chinese students to study abroad总数为33.97万人,比上年增长19.3%,其

23、中:国家公派1.28万人,单位公派1.21万人,自费留学31.48万人。2011年度各类留学回国人员总数为18.62万人,比上年增长38.1%,其中:国家公派0.93万人,单位公派0.77万人,自费留学16.92万人。从1978年到2011年底,各类出国留学人员总数达224.51万人。截至2011年底,以留学身份出国,在外的留学人员有142.67万人,其中110.88万人正在国外进行相关阶段的学习和研究。改革开放以来,留学回国人员总数达81.84万人,有72.02%的留学人员学成后选择回国发展。,(50-3) 提高交流合作水平。Upgrading exchanges and cooperati

24、on.创新和完善公派出国留学机制,在全国公开选拔优秀学生进入国外高水平大学和研究机构学习。加强对自费出国留学的政策引导,加大对优秀自费留学生资助和奖励力度。坚持“支持留学、鼓励回国、来去自由”的方针,提高对留学人员的服务和管理水平。The mechanisms by which government-funded students are sent to study abroad shall be renovated and put on a sound basis, and outstanding students shall be openly selected nationwide fo

25、r studies in elite universities and research institutes overseas. Policy guidance shall be intensified for students studying abroad on their own expenses, while financial aid and rewards for those who excel shall be increased. The policy of “supporting students to study abroad, encouraging them to r

26、eturn upon finishing their studies, and allowing them to come and go freely” shall be upheld, and the services catered to those studying abroad shall be improved.,2011年全国来华留学生数据Statistics on international students to China总数首次突破29万人,同比增长10.38%。共有来自194个国家和地区,分布在660所高等院校、科研院所和其它教学机构中学习。与2010年相比,2011年中

27、国政府奖学金生增长14.73%;自费生增长9.98%。来华留学生人数名列前10位的国家是韩、美、日、泰、越、俄、印尼、印度、巴基斯坦、哈萨克斯坦。中国争取到2020年全国当年外国留学人员数量达到50万,成为亚洲最大的国际学生流动目的地国家。,(50-4) 提高交流合作水平。Upgrading exchanges and cooperation.进一步扩大外国留学生规模。增加中国政府奖学金数量,重点资助发展中国家学生,优化来华留学人员结构。实施来华留学预备教育,增加高等学校外语授课的学科专业,不断提高来华留学教育质量。More international students shall be ad

28、mitted for studies in this country. Chinese government scholarships shall be increased, with financial assistance offered mainly to students from other developing countries, and the composition of students coming to this country for studies shall be optimized. Foundation courses shall be given to in

29、ternational students before they start college in China; more disciplines shall be taught in foreign languages in Chinese colleges; and education quality for those studying in China shall be improved.,(50-5) 提高交流合作水平。Upgrading exchanges and cooperation.加强与联合国教科文组织等国际组织的合作,积极参与双边、多边和全球性、区域性教育合作。积极参与和

30、推动国际组织教育政策、规则、标准的研究和制定。搭建高层次国际教育交流合作与政策对话平台,加强教育研究领域和教育创新实践活动的国际交流与合作。Cooperation with UNESCO and other international organizations shall be intensified. This nation will take a more active part in bilateral, multilateral, regional and global collaboration in education. China shall also actively par

31、ticipate and promote the study and formulation of education policies, rules, regulations and standards of international organizations. Platforms shall be established for high-echelon international exchanges, cooperation, and policy dialogs on education; and global exchanges and cooperation shall be

32、stepped up in education research and innovation.加强内地与港澳台地区的教育交流与合作。扩展交流内容,创新合作模式,促进教育事业共同发展。Education exchanges and cooperation between the mainland and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan shall be stepped up. Extending exchange content and innovating modes of cooperation, the common educational development

33、 should be promoted.,胡锦涛主席(2010-07-13): Remarks by President Hu Jin-tao: 在经济全球化深入发展、我国参与国际经济合作和竞争日益广泛深入的新形势下,我们必须加强教育国际交流合作,提高教育交流合作水平,充分利用国内国际两种教育资源。 要借鉴国外先进教育理念和有益教育经验,引进优质教育资源,提升我国教育的国际地位和影响力、竞争力。,胡锦涛主席(2010-07-13):Remarks by President Hu Jin-tao: 要积极吸引更多世界一流专家学者来华从事教学、科研、管理工作,有计划引进海外高端人才和学术团队,推动我国高水平教育机构海外办学。 要坚持支持留学、鼓励回国、来去自由的方针,创新和完善公派出国留学机制,提高对留学人员的服务和管理水平,吸引海外优秀留学人员回国服务。,非常感谢诸位!Thank you very much!2012年3月9日,北京March 9, 2012, Beijing,


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