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1、学业指导Academic Guidance for Undergraduates,南京工业大学教务处2012-08,几个值得注意的现象,有些人刚刚明白大学是怎么回事,就已经毕业了;有些人还没有明白,就糊里糊涂毕业了;有些人最后终于明白了,不过没能毕业;还有些人一直没明白,也没能毕业。,课程说明,课程之目标从总体上探讨何谓大学、大学学什么和如何学的问题为此,从三方面展开认识大学回答什么是大学的问题(1讲)感受大学了解我们的大学(学生以自我体验方式完成)成就大学讨论学什么和如何学的问题(2讲)课程实施讲课(3)+学生体验(1)+讨论(1)课程团队陈新民、孙芸、郑乐、费翔(联系方式:58139182

2、,),大家对课程的预期是什么,?,认识大学,什么是大学,学业指导-1 Academic Guidance for Undergraduates,思考?,何谓大学?如何认识大学?我们的认识路径,认识大学的两条路径,从中学与大学的比较中认识大学横向从大学的发展历史中认识大学纵向,思考?,大学与中学有何不同?,中学与大学之区别,FOLLOWING THE RULES IN HIGH SCHOOLGOING TO HIGH SCHOOL CLASSESHIGH SCHOOL TEACHERSTESTS IN HIGH SCHOOLGRADES IN HIGH SCHOOL,CHOOSING RESPO

3、NSIBLY IN COLLEGESUCCEEDING IN COLLEGE CLASSESCOLLEGE PROFESSORSTESTS IN COLLEGEGRADES IN COLLEGE,中学与大学之区别-1,FOLLOWING THE RULES IN HIGH SCHOOLCHOOSING RESPONSIBLY IN COLLEGE,中学与大学之区别-1,High school is mandatory and usually free.College is voluntary and expensive.,中学与大学之区别-1,Your time is structured b

4、y others.You manage your own time.,中学与大学之区别-1,You need permission to participate in extracurricular activities.You must decide whether to participate in co-curricular activities.,中学与大学之区别-1,You can count on parents and teachers to remind you of your responsibilities and to guide you in setting prior

5、ities.You must balance your responsibilities and set priorities. You will face moral and ethical decisions you have never faced before.,中学与大学之区别-1,Most of your classes are arranged for you.You arrange your own schedule in consultation with your adviser. Schedules tend to look lighter than they reall

6、y are.,中学与大学之区别-1,You are not responsible for knowing what it takes to graduate.Graduation requirements are complex, and differ from year to year. You are expected to know those that apply to you.,中学与大学之区别-1,Guiding principle: You will usually be told what to do and corrected if your behavior is out

7、 of line.Guiding principle: You are expected to take responsibility for what you do and dont do, as well as for the consequences of your decisions.,中学与大学之区别-2,GOING TO HIGH SCHOOL CLASSESSUCCEEDING IN COLLEGE CLASSES,中学与大学之区别-2,Classes generally have no more than 50 students.Classes may number 100 s

8、tudents or more.,中学与大学之区别-2,You may study outside class as little as 0 to 2 hours a week, and this may be mostly last-minute test preparation.You need to study at least 2 to 3 hours outside of class for each hour in class.,中学与大学之区别-2,You seldom need to read anything more than once, and sometimes lis

9、tening in class is enough.You need to review class notes and text material regularly.,中学与大学之区别-2,You are expected to read short assignments that are then discussed, and often re-taught, in class.You are assigned substantial amounts of reading and writing which may not be directly addressed in class.

10、,中学与大学之区别-2,Guiding principle: You will usually be told in class what you need to learn from assigned readings.Guiding principle: Its up to you to read and understand the assigned material; lectures and assignments proceed from the assumption that youve already done so.,中学与大学之区别-3,HIGH SCHOOL TEACHE

11、RSCOLLEGE PROFESSORS,中学与大学之区别-3,Teachers check your completed homework.Professors may not always check completed homework, but they will assume you can perform the same tasks on tests.,中学与大学之区别-3,Teachers remind you of your incomplete work.Professors may not remind you of incomplete work.,中学与大学之区别-3

12、,Teachers approach you if they believe you need assistance.Professors are usually open and helpful, but most expect you to initiate contact if you need assistance.,中学与大学之区别-3,Teachers are often available for conversation before, during, or after class.Professors expect and want you to attend their s

13、cheduled office hours.,中学与大学之区别-3,Teachers have been trained in teaching methods to assist in imparting knowledge to students.Professors have been trained as experts in their particular areas of research.,中学与大学之区别-3,Teachers provide you with information you missed when you were absent.Professors exp

14、ect you to get from classmates any notes from classes you missed.,中学与大学之区别-3,Teachers present material to help you understand the material in the textbook.Professors may not follow the textbook. Instead, to amplify the text, they may give illustrations, provide background information, or discuss res

15、earch about the topic you are studying. Or they may expect you to relate the classes to the textbook readings.,中学与大学之区别-3,Teachers often write information on the board to be copied in your notes. Professors may lecture nonstop, expecting you to identify the important points in your notes. When profe

16、ssors write on the board, it may be to amplify the lecture, not to summarize it. Good notes are a must.,中学与大学之区别-3,Teachers impart knowledge and facts, sometimes drawing direct connections and leading you through the thinking process.Professors expect you to think about and synthesize seemingly unre

17、lated topics.,中学与大学之区别-3,Teachers often take time to remind you of assignments and due dates.Professors expect you to read, save, and consult the course syllabus (outline); the syllabus spells out exactly what is expected of you, when it is due, and how you will be graded.,中学与大学之区别-3,Teachers carefu

18、lly monitor class attendance.Professors may not formally take roll, but they are still likely to know whether or not you attended.,中学与大学之区别-3,Guiding principle: High school is a teaching environment in which you acquire facts and skills.Guiding principle: College is a learning environment in which y

19、ou take responsibility for thinking through and applying what you have learned.,中学与大学之区别-4,TESTS IN HIGH SCHOOLTESTS IN COLLEGE,中学与大学之区别-4,Testing is frequent and covers small amounts of material.Testing is usually infrequent and may be cumulative, covering large amounts of material. You, not the pr

20、ofessor, need to organize the material to prepare for the test. A particular course may have only 2 or 3 tests in a semester.,中学与大学之区别-4,Teachers frequently rearrange test dates to avoid conflict with school events.Professors in different courses usually schedule tests without regard to the demands

21、of other courses or outside activities.,中学与大学之区别-4,Teachers frequently conduct review sessions, pointing out the most important concepts.Professors rarely offer review sessions, and when they do, they expect you to be an active participant, one who comes prepared with questions.,中学与大学之区别-4,Guiding p

22、rinciple: Mastery is usually seen as the ability to reproduce what you were taught in the form in which it was presented to you, or to solve the kinds of problems you were shown how to solve.Guiding principle: Mastery is often seen as the ability to apply what youve learned to new situations or to s

23、olve new kinds of problems.,中学与大学之区别-5,GRADES IN HIGH SCHOOLGRADES IN COLLEGE,中学与大学之区别-5,Grades are given for most assigned work.Grades may not be provided for all assigned work.,中学与大学之区别-5,Consistently good homework grades may raise your overall grade when test grades are low.Grades on tests and ma

24、jor papers usually provide most of the course grade.,中学与大学之区别-5,You may graduate as long as you have passed all required courses with a grade of D or higher.You may graduate only if your average in classes meets the departmental standard-typically a 2.0 or C.,中学与大学之区别-5,Guiding principle: Effort cou

25、nts. Courses are usually structured to reward a good-faith effort. Guiding principle: Results count. Though good-faith effort is important in regard to the professors willingness to help you achieve good results, it will not substitute for results in the grading process.,从中学与大学的比较中认识大学横向从大学的发展历史中认识大

26、学纵向,大学的理念,关于大学的思想、观念,是纯粹理性的概念。如:霍尔丹勋爵:“大学是民族灵魂的反映”。 亚伯拉罕弗莱克斯纳:“保存知识和观念、解释知识和观念、追求真理、训练学生以继承事业”。关于大学的理想,是对大学的价值、目的、使命等的认识与追求。 如:伯顿克拉克:“进行科研和研究生教育的探究的场所”。 克拉克克尔:“社会服务站”。,三种具有影响的大学理念,1.纽曼(John Herry Newman,1801-1890)的大学理念:大学的理想大学是一个提供博雅教育(liberal education),培育绅士的地方(虽然他也认为大学可以训练职业人才)。大学的目的在于“传授”学问,而不是“发

27、展”知识。“如果大学的目的在于科学与哲学的发明,那么,我看不出为什么大学应该有学生”。大学是一个教育机构,是培养人才的机构。,三种具有影响的大学理念,2.弗莱克斯纳(Abraham Flexner, 1866-1959)的大学理念:现代大学论洪堡的柏林大学办学理念:大学是研究中心。大学重在发展知识而不是传授知识,当然,通过教学来传授知识也是一个任务。发展知识是为了更好地传授知识。大学应该是一个“有机体”,应该探讨“物理世界”、“社群世界”等方面的知识。大学不应该训练“实务人才”,不应该开设职业训练课程。大学应该注意创造学校和社会文化。研究在大学的出现被看作是“现代”的标志。,三种具有影响的大学

28、理念,3.克尔(Clark Kerr)的大学理念:大学的功用美国赠地学院的出现,大学积极参与到社会发展进程中。学术与市场结合,大学成为社会的“服务站”。“多元巨型大学”的称谓。大学就是一个完整的社会,是一个“知识性的社会”。克尔说:纽曼心目中的大学是“乡村”,弗莱克斯纳心目中的大学是“市镇”,当代的大学是“城市”。,大学之变,大学从培养贵族(传统大学)到培养学者(德国现代大学)到最后培养公民(美国近现代大学)大学从象牙塔(ivory tower) 模式变成社会发动机 (social engine) 模式,再到成为服务站 (the community service station) 和创业型

29、(entrepreneurial university) 模式,大学的内涵,大学是思想库,精神文明的辐射源,社会发展的智慧源大学是知识经济的辐射源大学培养的是“大”人才,而不是一般的工匠、技师大学所要解答的总是带有根本性的问题 大学是培养通才,给学生发放不同价值文凭的学府,大学的品味,人们主要是通过大学校园文化的特征来识别大学所属的品味等级,即是以大学里所有可以看见的事物和可以听到的话语、自然流露出来的信息所传递的格调来评判大学的品味的。 大学物质文化的品味:“意”大学行为文化的品味:“雅”大学制度文化的品味:“和”大学精神文化的品味:“真”,意,事物流露的情态如春意校园物质文化的实用性校园物

30、质文化的哲学沉思、科学物理、伦理规范、科学追求崇尚广博、自然、深邃,雅,“大学人”应作为一个相对独立的文化精英(而非社会精英,不属于政治学意义上的官僚,也不属于经济上丰盈的“上层阶级”和“新中产阶级”) 群体而存在崇尚创造性和个性风格,追求思想的独立性、伦理的严肃性与艺术的完美性不同于体制文化的正统趣味和大众文化的流行趣味,和,应具有包容和吸纳各种学问的胸怀和气魄教师和学生在教与学的过程中应主动打破壁垒分明的系科限制,主动探讨,相互辩难,以汲取各种文化知识的营养, 使自己尽可能多地接触universal knowledge 的分支, 成为真正意义上的“大学人”,真,大学是探求高深学问的殿堂,高

31、深学问忠实于真理哈佛大学的校训:“与柏拉图相知,与亚里士多德相知, 更重要的是与真理相知”Let Plato be your friend, and Aristotle, but more let your friend be truth.,大学之“大”,大学之“大” ,因有“大家”而谓大大学之“大” ,因有“大师”而谓大大学之“大” ,因有馆藏丰富的图书馆和浓郁的校园文化氛围而谓大大学之“大”,因对知识探究的高深与博大而谓大。大学之“大”,因有“大学生”而大,学生,学者,学长,学时,学期,学年,学制,学籍,学历,学位,学分,学子,学问,学识,学费,学风,学界,学科,学派,学术,大学之“学”,欢迎咨询与讨论,邮箱:网址:地址:南京工业大学江浦校区教务处邮编:211816,


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