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1、 外文翻译 原文 International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Material Source:Management ISSN.2009(5)-6119 Author:Anastasios Zopiatis Introduction In general terms, an internship is viewed as a short-term practical work experience in which students receive training and gain experience in a specific fie

2、ld or career area of their interest. For their contributions, students may or may not earn money depending upon the specific situation. The internship experience enables students to apply classroom theory within the actual world of work thus bridging the gap between theory and practice. According to

3、 Thiel and Hartley (1997), the University of Cincinnati s Cooperative Education Program developed the first college-endorsed internship program in the USA in 1906. The program was developed based on the premise that college students pursuing a professional program of studies needed to find a way to

4、finance their education. The first framework of managing the practical experience element was adapted in the field of education where a major requirement of the teaching certification is practice. Damonte and Vaden traced the origins of hospitality experiential learning to E.M. Statler , the father

5、of the American hotel, who emphasized the need for hospitality students to experience the demands of management in the real world via a “ hands-on” learning experience. Today, almost all hospitality programs throughout the world incorporate internship practices in their curriculum, in one form or an

6、other. Various studies outline the value and variety of the benefits enjoyed by those students participating in internships, including a better understanding and knowledge of the tasks and practices performed by industry professionals, improved self-confidence, enhanced employment and professional g

7、rowth opportunities, the ability to network within the industry by creating personal contacts, exposure to management activities, and the development of skills relevant to their particular career choice. Furthermore, internships provide an opportunity for students to apply classroom theories to prac

8、tical issues in the actual business setting, and most importantly to evaluate whether their career choice is compatible with their interests and personality. Nevertheless, the provision of any experiential learning activity, such as hospitality internship, does not necessarily provide a meaningful l

9、earning experience. It is important not to overlook the significant benefits that internships provide both to the hospitality properties that employ student interns and the educational institutions that are involved in such practices. Hospitality establishments, for example, enjoy such benefits as t

10、he ability to educate and mentor the next generation of hospitality industry leaders by demonstrating career potential and opportunities, easy access to seasonal and inexpensive labour markets, and the opportunity to employ someone without any long-term employment obligations and legal commitments.

11、Internship involvement imparts substantial advantages to educational institutions and their faculty members. Such relationships may provide channels for testing the compatibility and relevance of academic theory with the operational requirements of industry. In addition, improved relationships may b

12、e extended with further cooperation to other fields of mutual concern .Finally, successful internship programs may generate invaluable publicity by reiterating with tangible evidence an institution s commitment and contribution to wards the local economy. Hospitality internships have became an integ

13、ral component of all hospitality programs offered in Cyprus since their inception in the late 1980s. Internships are viewed as an opportunity to assist the local hospitality industry during the “ high”volume season by providing qualified labour, while at the same time enhancing the student learning

14、experiences and career opportunities. Educational institutions are responsible for overseeing student interns by conducting on-site visits to hospitality establishments and through consultations with their on-the-job supervisors. As a major requirement stipulated by the Cyprus Ministry of Education

15、and Culture,students are responsible for maintaining an up-to-date logbook, which partially describes the role and contribution made by them during their internship practice.Students are paid a token wage for their services, and in some cases are offered accommodation as part of their compensation p

16、ackage. Research purpose and objectives The primary purpose of the research study conducted was to investigate hospitalityinternships and improve such practices within the distinct environment of the hospitality industry of Cyprus by acquiring new knowledge, related and of value, to its primary stak

17、eholders. The objective was to assist in the development of a new and innovative approach to hospitality internships, one that would maximize student work placement opportunities, enhance their experiential learning experience, and provide the industry with talented individuals who might make a genu

18、ine and valuable contribution to the service delivery process. Principally, such innovative learning experience should provide the future foundation for student career development and strengthen the working relationship between hospitality students, the industry and those educational institutions of

19、fering related programs. In an attempt to reliably measure the issues surrounding internship practices in Cyprus, the author developed a unique research activity that reflected the characteristics of each group under investigation. Based on a review of related literature, the author developed three

20、questionnaires that enabled data to be collected from hospitality students, educators, and professionals. The distinctive characteristics of the three groups necessitated the utilization of different research methods and techniques an approach known as methodological triangulation. The hospitality e

21、ducator sample included only those individuals who were responsible for overseeing student internship practices in their respective educational institutions. All participating educators had long-term experience and knowledge of the topics and issues under investigation and their participation and in

22、put had a huge impact on the significance and value of the current research study. Closed questions were developed and included in all three surveys and each respondent was asked to select an answer from a number of predetermined alternatives. A combination of multiple choice questions, rating scale

23、 questions, and classification questions were used, to measure the views of the stakeholders. Questions were converted to statements and respondents were asked to indicate the degree to which each statement reflected their opinion using a five-point ordinal Likert scale. All three questionnaires wer

24、e accompanied by a cover letter, which explained the purpose,value, and objectives of the survey to respondents. The three questionnaires were pilot tested before being administered to study participants in order to assess the validity and reliability of the questions. Descriptive and inferential st

25、atistics, including frequencies and t-tests were used to present and analyse the data, and determine if there were significant differences in opinions, perceptions, and attitudes among internship primary stakeholders. Analysis of the research findings The research study revealed that hospitality int

26、ernship practices in Cyprus are facing a myriad of challenges. The primary deficit that hinders the overall quality of the practice is a lack of commitment by all the major stakeholders involved. The research activity revealed that existing internship practices lack sufficient clarity and purpose,ap

27、propriate academic assessment and industry recognition, and effective integration with the rest of the hospitality curriculum. Educational institutions seem to focus their efforts in “ finding a place” for their student interns, whilst overlooking other issues such as the organization, planning, and

28、 implementation of the experience. Hospitality professionals are failing to provide interns with meaningful work. They do not assign them to a qualified on-the-job supervisor, and do not provide them with a positive organizational environment in which they might develop both personally and professio

29、nally. In addition, the current practices, most of which reflect the limitations of the established governmental policies, seem to widen the gap between student career expectations as developed in the classroom setting, and the reality of employment in the actual hospitality environment. Overall, ho

30、spitality internship practices in Cyprus fail to present the learning opportunities anticipated by students from an experience of this nature. The research activity revealed that while almost all local educational institutions instil quality assurance procedures into their course curriculum delivery

31、, internship practices receive no such treatment. Inconsistencies in a variety of operating issues include discriminatory approaches against international students, preferential treatment of government-sponsored students, and exclusions from governmental subsidies. The above are just some of the fac

32、ts that confirm the lack of any internship-specific quality assurance mechanisms. Consequently, the absence of any internship-specific quality standards causes a discrepancy between the practical and theoretical components of the student hospitality curriculum, which may intensify the perception of

33、a gap between classroom theory and internship practices. In several internship-specific variables, such as the arrangement of the intern s placement, monetary rewards, internship reporting requirements, legal administrationand intern s rotation, the study revealed significant differences between the

34、 three stakeholder groups. In contrast, no significant differences were noted in variables such as the desired length plus the academic prerequisites of internships, the frequency of faculty on-site visits, the issue of unpaid versus paid internship practices, the need for interdepartmental and inte

35、rdivisional rotation, the necessity for immediate restructuring of the policy pertaining to international student interns, and the role of the internship coordinator. Table I presents the primary differences between the three stakeholder groups on five internship-related variables. This study, the f

36、irst of its nature conducted in Cyprus, emphasizes the major discontent of all stakeholders towards the established policy, and reiterates the need for an immediate and drastic change. The participatory hospitality educators, professionals, and students agree that such a modification should enhance

37、the educational experience of each student as well as develop a mutually beneficial relationship for everyone. Recommendations for internship stakeholders . All stakeholders agree that there is an urgent need for modernizing internship practices in Cyprus. . Hospitality students demand to be given a

38、 substantial, meaningful, and career-related job assignment, not just mindless drudgery unrepresentative of the values and vision of the industry. . Educational institutions should develop their own framework of good practice for managing their students internship practices. . The research activity

39、revealed that existing internship practices give interns little incentive to reflect, formally or informally, upon their experience, integrate the newly acquired experience with hospitality theories and practices, and actively apply hospitality theories and concepts in further learning experiences.

40、. Educational institutions must promote experiential learning as an inseparable part of their hospitality curriculum while nurturing realistic expectations in their students. . Hospitality educators must ensure that internships adequately prepare students to enter the hospitality industry upon their

41、 graduation by complementing their theoretical knowledge with the actual practice. . While most of the hospitality professionals, who participated in the research study, recognize the value and importance of the “ right” internship experience,they find difficulty at the same time in committing to su

42、ch a practice. . Student interns must fully commit themselves to the internship practice while at the same time demonstrating a responsible attitude and a demeanour ofprofessionalism equal to that of hospitality professionals. . Research findings have established the crucial role undertaken by inter

43、n on-the-job supervisors to the success of the internship experience. . It is imperative that all stakeholders involved distinguish the difference between student internships, regular internship practices, and management trainee programs. . Cyprus s accession to the European Union will provide local

44、 hospitality students the opportunity to experience overseas internships. 译文 在塞浦路斯的酒店实习:学术体验还是持续的挫折? 资料来源 :国际现代酒店管理杂志 .2009(5)-6119 作者: 阿纳斯塔斯亚布提斯 引文 一般来说,实习是指学生通过企业培训从而获得经验的这样一种短期的实践活动。正如尼克扬所说:“实习为学生提供了了解社会的契机,使学生学到很多他们不可能在课堂中学到的东西。”由于学生能为企业做的贡献是有限,他们很可能在实习期间是没有工资的。但是实习能将学生在课堂中的学到的东西应用到实践中来,为以后的就业打下

45、良好基础。 基于蒂尔和哈特利一书, 1997 年美国辛辛那提大学 首次提出了为学生提供带薪实习的项目。在此大前提下,该项目得到了发展。第一份关于管理实践经验要素的框架是在教育领域提出的。其中该实践的主要要求是具有教育资格证。美国酒店管理之父,斯塔特勒先生强调管理专业的学生在酒店中通过切身的学习来增加管理经验是十分必要的。当今世界,几乎所有的酒店管理专业都会为学生提供实习的课程。 大量的研究指出学生通过实习能够得到各种好处,包括能够更好地理解企业的运作方式,增强个人自信,增加以后就业机会或升迁机会,增强团队协作能力,拓宽人脉以及提高自身在某方面的专业技能。而且,学生能学以致 用。最重要的是学生能

46、够知道这份职业到底适不适合他们。然而,企业向学生提供像酒店实习这样的实践工作,并不意味了学生能够学到很多。 但是我们不能忽视的一点是酒店实习机制的建立,对为学生提供实习机会的酒店和帮助学生参与实习中的教育机构有着巨大的意义的。比如说,酒店可以在任何时候都可以获得廉价劳动力,而且终止合同时又不需要付相关法律责任,而教育机构可以得到充足的生源。 从 20 世界 80 年代末开始,在塞浦路斯所有酒店管理的项目中,酒店实习成为了其中不可或缺的一部分。在当地旅游旺季,酒店实习项目被视为能为当地酒店提供高素 质的劳动力,同时也丰富了学生的经验,增加就业机会。此时,教育机构会负责监督学生实习生。塞浦路斯文化

47、教育部规定中最主要的要求就是学生在实习期间要有一本即时记录本,记录自己在实习期间所做的事情。学生能得到的工资很少。在某些情况下,学生会被提供住宿。 研究的目的和意义 此研究的主要目的是调查研究酒店实习项目,提高像塞浦路斯这样有着独特环境的地方酒店产业的发展。研究意义即有促进助于在酒店实习项目的新颖方法的发展。这种方法可以最大程度上帮助学生找到工作,学到重要的工作经验,同时也为酒店产业提供对其发展有利的人才。 为了得到关于在塞浦路斯的酒店实习项目的可靠数据,本文作者提出一种很特别的研究方法。查阅相关资料后,作者提出分别针对酒店实习生,培训老师和业内人士改善了调查问卷。由于被调查的三个人群均有其独

48、特性,因此著名“三角研究法”应用于此研究。该研究的目标人群包括所有在塞浦路斯正在攻读高等教育机构攻读酒店管理学位的学生和已经又一次实践经验的学生;在塞浦路斯各城市三星级以上的酒店工作的员工;那些负责监督学生在酒店实习的老师。 而针对酒店老板们的 问题类型就更丰富,不仅包括上述的“三角研究法”,而且每个回答问题的人必须在几个选项中选取一个作为答案。研究者想通过问卷中的三种题型,多选题,评分题和归类题来得出酒店老板们对酒店实习的看法。由于问卷中问题设置的关系,所得的数据将是十分明显。从得到的数据中,我们可以看出酒店老板们对实习生看法,态度是否存在巨大的差异。 分析研究所得 该研究表明在塞浦路斯的酒

49、店实习项目面临着巨大的挑战。其中最主要的问题是酒店老板们对实习生的状况漠不关心,而这严重影响了酒店实习的质量。该研究还表明现在的酒店实习项目存在诸多问题,比如 缺乏明确的实习思路及目的,缺乏适当的学术评价标准,业内认可程度低,其他酒店管理课程整合的缺失。总之,由于学生在酒店实习时做的工作都不能发挥其所学知识,多数为无意义的工作,因此塞浦路斯的酒店实习项目是比较失败的。 尽管当地的教育机构已在强调其课程是具有质量保证的。但事实上,存在了不少潜规则,比如会国际留学生的歧视,优先考虑政府资助的学生,实习时没有津贴等。由于缺乏实习质量保证机制,理论和实践将会越来越脱节,这恶化了学生在课堂中所学的理论不能运用到实践中来的现象。 此研究是首次在塞浦路斯进行,其着重强调了酒店老 板对现存的实习政策的不满,重申该体制急需变革。酒店业教育机构,学生和业内人士对此均表示认同。 1)业内人士:实习项目的问题和学生素质 同时,业内人士也指出了实习项目的问题以及学生自身素质的问题。其中最大的问题是实习资格的标准是由塞浦路斯政府强制规定的。政府旨在用这些规定限制外国劳工的就业机会。尽管如此,很多业内人士非常不情愿按规定办事。第二个问题是如何辨别有能力的实习生,发现他们身上的潜质。 多年来,塞浦路斯的酒店业专家一直在抱怨


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