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1、 外文翻译 原文 The Social largely food, accommodation, travel and entertainment. While the greatest economic benefit is gained from overnight visitors, substantial benefit can also be extracted from through traffic. Tourism provides opportunities for regional development particularly for regional areas un

2、dergoing structural change. Being a labor intensive industry, with the right encouragement tourism can deliver great employment and training opportunities particularly for young people. Development of tourism product does not necessarily require building “tourist things.” Tourism is often structured

3、 around existing points of interest, be it natural, heritage, cultural experiences or economic activities. Communities need to overcome the perception that they must “build things” to become a tourist destination. Instead, they must focus on what they do best rather than trying to replicate other “t

4、ourist” attractions. Tourism development that “leverages” existing attributes often brings a range of benefits to host communities. Improved infrastructure (power, water, and telecommunications), access, services (banks, transport) and new investments, all serve to enhance the lifestyles of communit

5、ies. Community support will follow developments that service the community and provide ongoing benefits. Tourism can help foster a sense of community pride as visitors choose to visit a location for a reason. However, community pride is generally related to economic prosperity with affluent communit

6、ies more likely to take pride in their district. Well-presented towns and well-maintained facilities help visitors to feel welcome and can contribute to community pride. Tourism is an interface for cultural exchange, facilitating the interaction between communities and visitors (domestic and interna

7、tional).Economic benefits aside, outside contact draws attention to the host community. People want to interact with other cultures, learn about traditions and even confront themselves with new perspectives on life and society. It has been said that travel is a means to “discover those things unknow

8、n or forgotten within ourselves.” Tourism is largely an experience driven industry, and local culture is a unique experiencemore so local personality, hospitality and food than “built attractions.” The more one knows and learns about a destination, the more fulfilling the experience will be. Tourism

9、 can be used as a tool for raising awareness. Branding of local product and achievements creates regional identity both nationally and internationally. Tourism can also raise awareness of local issues and needs. There is a global trend towards investment in interpretation of natural and cultural res

10、ources. Attraction to natural and heritage icons often helps fund conservation efforts and provides opportunities for effective management of sensitive and significant areas. However, cultural attractions are not the sole draw card for visitation but provide one of many experiences. A growing number

11、 of cultural celebrations are emerging highlighting important events and paying homage to ancestry. Cultural events assert cultural identity and help preserve local traditions in younger generations while influencing visitors firsthand. Australias primary urban areas are multicultural and have devel

12、oped their own unique cultures, however many regional areas are still heavily influenced by the food and culture of their founders. Tourism allows for local crafts, foods and personalities to be kept alive while raising funds for the community. Tourism can boost the preservation and transmission of

13、cultural and historical traditions. This often contributes to the conservation and sustainable management of natural resources, the protection of local heritage, and a revival of indigenous cultures, cultural arts and crafts. Negative Impacts of Tourism Many of the fears surrounding tourism are clos

14、ely associated with uncontrolled, unsustainable and massed tourism growth. Tourism is an industry and is dominated by private enterprise with a purpose of making money by selling experiences. Market led planning can fail to achieve the objectives of sustainable tourism and has a tendency to forget e

15、nvironmental, social and cultural impacts. Like all industries, impacts do occur, but the extent to which impacts are negative can be minimized. In the extremes, tourism has contributes to a wide range of issuesmany of which seem insignificant but detract from the quality of life of local residents.

16、 Intrusion on daily life, loss of privacy, and a sense of crowding contribute to ill feelings towards tourism development.IN reality, on average, international visitors represent only 0.2%of South Australias population. Tourism infrastructure is often accused of taking the “best sites “and local sec

17、rets seen as being spectacles and losing their destination appeal. Planning authorities should ensure that only sites that are tourism ready should be selected for tourism development, if necessary. Tourism is often seen as “the solution “to economic hardship rather than a diversification of the loc

18、al economy. It is easy for small communities to become reliant on tourism drawing labor away from staple industries such as agriculture and manufacture. Tourism is a service and experience based industry. Tourists often have their own set images about destinations before they arrive. Communities sho

19、uld concentrate on what they do best and must be careful not to manufacture the tourism experience to meet the preconceived touristy ideals. It is up to tourism agencies and retailers to ensure that travelers receive accurate information about destinations. Many impacts are socio-cultural and an out

20、come of lack of information, false impressions, misinformation, poor communication and poor knowledge. Negative perceptions and attitudes towards visitors and tourism can also affect tourism/communities. Ill feelings towards tourism, delays/obstructions to tourism product development and lack of cou

21、ncil/authority support can prevent tourism from flourishing; perhaps these communities are not ready for tourism. It is easy to blame tourism for any economic, social and environmental problems. Open communication channels, proper consultation, transparency and involvement at the community level at

22、all stages of the planning process can aid in communities taking ownership of their tourism product. To many people the label tourist has become a negative term; in fact many travelers do not consider themselves tourists. There is a noticeable shift in attitude in both communities and travelers to t

23、he concept of “visitor.” The visitor concept reinforces the fact that travelers are guests within a community, and that their stay is a privilege and not a right. South Australian Community Attitudes Survey McGregor Tan Research conducted a community attitudes survey in 2001.The results were very po

24、sitive with the majority of South Australians seeing the value of tourism and related developments. The big challenge is to encourage tourism growth but to ensure that this growth is sustainable. Most South Australians consider that tourism is a positive impact on their region and can be sustainable

25、 in the future. Concerns were only expressed in environmentally sensitive areas. South Australian residents recognize that tourism can create employment opportunities and can create demand for business. There are high levels of community pride, although there is a perception that tourism places unre

26、asonable demand on communities. The Town of Gawler Commitment to Sustainable Tourism The Town of Gawler is committed to the sustainable development of tourism services. As a Council, the needs of the community are a priority. Many of these needs are directly relevant to tourism for example roads, fo

27、otpaths, bridges, walking trails, parks and gardens and public amenities. The “Gawler Tourism Strategic Plan: 2005-2009” identified heritage and events as the key tourism strengths. The Plan sets out clear steps to grow tourism as an industry in the town by utilizing existing infrastructure and sell

28、ing the personality of the town. Key objectives of this plan were incorporated into the Town Strategic Plan. 译文 旅游业的社会文化影响 资料来源 : 高勒游客信息中心 作者: David Clayton 旅游业是一个快速发展的产业和有价值的部门,对澳大利亚的经济发展做出了重要贡献。旅游影响经济和社区生活,已被证明是许多目的地的救星。有一些现实和想象的恐惧,在很大程度上归因于相关旅游管理不善或大众旅游项目的风险。如同任何经济活动一样,旅游业对社区会产生一定的负面影响。旅游所带来的利益都会

29、减少和被划分掉。 有人担忧旅游业的发展会导致为了迎合游客的感知需求,尤其是为了迎合国外市场,而 丧失固有的文化身份这一最终结果。有这种担忧是因为事物其他方面的身份已然丧失了。然而,有研究表明,多数的游客不想离开家后看到和国内一样的东西,因为他们想感受澳洲小镇、社区和景点的真实特点。游客在旅途过程中的经历了和他们在国内所见所做不一样,这也包括他们在旅游目的地感受的当地真是的生活方式。可持续旅游业是深思熟虑的发展模式,是“派生出来的”,并非“人为的”。 实施旅游业规划的社区赢得更为积极的支持态度,也比那些挤满人的景点更容易获利。可持续旅游业发展的众多核心要素中,其中一个是社区的发展。这也给了社区做

30、决定的过 程和能力来考量所有社区的长期的经济、生态和平等。 旅游业利润 旅游业的经济利益是有良好记录的, 1997、 1998 年度澳大利亚 的旅游业收入达到 582 亿美元,占澳大利亚总 GDP 的 4。 5%和总就业的 6%。像旅游业这类的服务业在支持社会大众方面充当了一个缓冲器,特别是农村地区,服务业在经济衰退期间比制造业更明显地证明了经济的萧条。旅游业是一个散的概念,只对农村中心和旅游业的进口存在很小的依赖性。建立在可持续发展社区基础上的旅游业依赖当地的小型企业,当地的景观、特产和当地个人热闹的创业现状。 特别是那些当地经营的旅 游资金收入通过再流通给当地的经济带来更大的乘数效应。旅游

31、者通过购买当地的产品、服务、经验、大量食品、住宿、旅游和娱乐投入资金。最大的经济利益是来自于一日游的旅客,稳固的经济利润也可以从交通也上获得。 旅游业为区域发展特别是那些正在面临结构转换的区域提供发展机会。作为一个劳动力密集产业,借助于适当的鼓励政策旅游业将为人们特别是年轻人提供很好的就业和训练的 机会。 发展旅游产品并不一定要求建造“旅游景观”。旅游一般都是基于已存在的有意思的点而构造的,应该是自然产物、古迹、文化现象或是某种经济活动。社区应该克服那 种认为必须建造一些“旅游景观”才能成为一个旅游地的观念。取而代之的,他们应该关注于如何做到最好而不是简单地复制别的旅游景点。 旅游业的发展,

32、“ 充分利用 ” 现有的属性往往会 给 主办社区带来一系列的好处。改善基础设施(电力,供水,电信), 接待 ,服务(银行,运输)和新的投资,都有助于提高社区的生活方式。社会的支持将关注事态发展,服务社会和提供不断产生的益处 。 旅游业可以帮助促进社区的自豪感 ,是 游客选择一个 地方游玩的 原因。不过 , 社区 自豪 比 一般涉及到经济的繁荣与富裕 社区 更有可能 使当 地引以自豪。主办城市和维护良好设施 使 旅客 感到宾至如归, 更 有助于 社区 的骄傲。 旅游业是一个文化交流,促进社区和参观者(国内和国际)之间交流的平台。抛开经济利益不说,和外部的接触让人们注意到参观地社区。人们想和其他的

33、文化互动,认识传统思想,甚至和生活和社会中的新视野产生碰撞。曾经有人说过,旅行意味着“发现那些未知的东西或忘记我们自身”的一种途径。旅游业很大程度上是一种靠体验驱动的产业,地方文化是一种独特的体验,更多的是和当地的地方特质、好客程度、美食有关,而不是“建造的景点”。一个人了解目的地越多,其个人体验将越具个人成就感。 旅游业可以成为一种提高知名度的方法,打上当地产品和成果的品牌将显示国家和国际上的区域特性。旅游业也可以提升对当地问题和需要的关注程度。 在自然和文化资源展示方面的投资已成为世界性的趋势。自然和文化遗产标志的魅力常常对资助保护遗产上的努力有帮助作用,而且提供了对敏感和关键区域进行有效

34、管理的机会。然而,文化景点不是吸引参观的唯一招牌,只是提供了众多体验中的一个方面。 随着越来越多的文化庆祝活动的出现 , 而且主要突出对重大节日和尊崇祖先的庆祝。文化活动在年轻一代中断言文化特色和帮助保护当地的传统,而直接影响游客。澳 大利亚的主要城市地区的多文化,并形成了自己独特的文化,然而仍然有许多地方仍深受食物和文化的削弱。旅游让当地工艺品、食物保持着销售活力同时提高了社区基金。 旅游可以促进保护历史文化的传播与传统的发展 。 这有助于保护和进行自然资源可持续管理、本地文物保护的复苏 , 本土文化、文化工艺品。 旅游业的负面影响 对旅游业产生大的影响,和无规划,团队旅游的无限制增长有很大

35、关联。旅游业是一个以产业为主,通过旅游经济达到创收的目的任由旅游业市场发展会像其他的产业一样,影响当地环境,社会和文化的可持续发展,但可以让其将影响减少到最 低。 另一方面,有利于旅游业的问题,许多看似微不足道,但实际上降低了当地居住者的生活质量,隐私并使旅游业向一个糟糕的方向发展,实际上,外来旅游者占澳大利亚全部人口的 0.2% 旅游基础设施经常被认为建造在最好的地段,而忽视了当地人的权益,为了旅游业的可持续发展,如果有必要的话,当局应当将旅游设施建造在最适合发展的地方而非最繁华的地段。 相比多元化经济,发展旅游业经常被认为是解决经济贫困地区的一个最佳方案。这很容易使他们依赖旅游业而丢弃传统

36、的农业和制造业。 旅游是一项以服务和信息为基础的产业,在游客来当地旅游之 前,他们有对当地自己的一个印象,我们应向游客们展示我们做得最好的一面,而不是先入为主得制造旅游观光思想。改旅游机构和当地企业应该确保旅客获得旅游目的地的准确信息。 很多影响都是社会 -文化性的,它是缺乏信息,错误印象,错失信息,缺乏交流及缺乏知识的结果。 对游客或旅游业的负面看法也会对旅游业 /社会产生影响。对旅游业反感,延迟或阻碍旅游产品的发展以及缺少政府组织的支持都会阻碍旅游业的蓬勃发展。也许是社区还没做好充分的准备 , 人们将很多经济 社会和环境问题归咎于旅游业的开发。开放的沟通渠道,适当的咨询,规划过程各 个阶段

37、的参与与透明制度可以帮助社区关照自己的旅游产品。 对很多人来说,旅游标签已成为负面词,实际上人们并不在意自己的旅游。这里有一个社区和旅游者关于“游客”概念的重要的态度上的转变。游客的概念强化了这一事实:游客是一个社区内的客人,他们的逗留是一种特权,而不是一种权利。 南澳大利亚人社区态度调查 麦格雷戈谈调查中心于 2001 年做了一个社区态度的调查。调查显示 当看到旅游及其相关发展的价值时,绝大多数南澳大利亚人都非常的积极。而对他们来说最大的挑战不是鼓励旅游业的大力发展,而是保证它的稳步发展。 很多人都认为 旅游业对当地会产生积极地影响并将在未来可持续发展。人们对环境敏感地区表示了相当的关注。

38、南澳大利亚居民认为旅游业为当地居民增加了就业机会并创造了很多的商机。虽然旅游业对社会有一些不是很合理的要求,但是人们还是对社区产生了相当的自豪感。 高勒镇关于可持续旅游业的承诺 高勒镇承诺将致力于旅游服务的可持续发展。将把社区的需求放在第一位。这些需求也往往与旅游业密切相关,比如道路,小径,桥梁,人行道,公园花园及其他公共设施的建设。 “高勒旅游战略计划: 2005 2009” 确定了将历史遗迹和历史事件作为主要的旅游优势来 吸引游客。这个计划提出了明确的步骤将旅游业作为高勒镇重点产业来发展,其间,可以利用现有的设施设备,也可以销售我们小镇特色。这一计划的主要目标已被纳入了高勒旅游战略计划。


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