.浅谈分块矩阵的性质及应用 摘要:本文主要谈及分快矩阵的思想在线性代数的证明。解线性方程组,矩阵得知逆及矩阵的逆,和初等变换中的应用。关键词:分块矩阵;线性方程组;矩阵的秩及矩阵的逆;初等变换On the nature of block matrix and its applicationAbstract: this thesis uses the blocking matrix method into proving and applying the linear algebra, tries to solve the linear equations, and the proof of other relative matrix rank and elementary matrix. Key words: Block matrix; Linear algebra; rank of matrix; elementary matrix.前言:矩阵得分快是处理问题的一重要方法,把一个告诫矩阵分成若干个地界矩阵,在运算中把低阶矩阵当作数