.闻香识酒:气味的重要性A friend of mine who works in the retail wine business suffered the worst fate imaginable for somebody in his trade: He lost his sense of smell. One day he came down with a bad cold. When it finally lifted, he could no longer distinguish between a Cabernet Sauvignon and a Sauvignon Blanc, or even a Chardonnay from a Pinot Noir. The aromas were gone. More than a year later, theyve yet to return.一个在葡萄酒零售业工作的朋友遭遇了该行业从业者能想象到的最糟糕的命运:他失去了嗅觉。有一天他得了重感冒。病情最终好转以后,他却再也分不清赤霞珠(Cabernet Sau