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1、 高中学业水平考试 英语试卷 2009.1.4. 第 卷(总分 70 分) 第一部分:听力 (共两节,满分 20 分) 第一节: (共 5 小题;每题 1 分,满分 5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A, B, C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What does the woman feel? A. Pleased. B. Tired. C. Fresh. 2. How old do you think Jennifer should learn t

2、o drive? A. Above 18. B. Under 18. C. At the age of 16. 3. How long do you think the lady will have stayed here before she leaves? A. For about one year and a half. B. For about two years. C. For about half a year. 4. What would the man do? A. Open the window. B. Open the door. C. Close the window.

3、5. Where does this conversation take place? A. In a garden. B. At a market. C. At a flower shop. 第二节( 共 10 小题;每题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A, B, C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。 6. What did the man do

4、yesterday? A. He went to see his friends. B. He visited his brother. C. He watched a play. 7. Why was the man late? A. He had to leave school. B. He talked with his friend. C. He had to finish his homework first. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。 8. How does frozen food taste? A. Fine. B. Terrible. C. Better t

5、han fresh foods. 9. Why do we think frozen foods are convenient? A. We can shop every day. B. We can shop every two or three weeks. C. We neednt shop any more. 10. How long can frozen foods keep? A. 7 months. B. 8 months. C. 9 months. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。 11. Where is the City Library? A. On Prin

6、cess East Road. B. On Roosevelt Road. C. On Oxford Road. 12. Which direction is Roosevelt Road on Princess East Road? A. To the north. B. To the west. C. To the south. 13. What is the sign of Oxford Road? A. A brown building. B. A big crossing. C. An overpass (立交桥 ). 听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 15 题。 14. What

7、 is the possible relationship between the two speakers? A. Colleagues. B. Husband and wife. C. Sister and brother. 15. Where did the woman first check the reading glasses? A. In her pocket. B. In a drawer. C. Under the newspaper. 第二部分:英语知识运用 (共 85 分) 第一节:单项选择 (共 15 小题,每题 1 分,共 15 分) 16. - Do you con

8、sider Cai Yilin a good singer? - _. She has a beautiful voice. I like her very much. A. Of course B. Of course not C. I dont think so D. I agree 17. Karl Marx first developed _ political theory known as _ communism (共产主义 ). A. a; a B. the; the C. the; / D. a; / 18. _ in the climate and soil depends

9、in a way on the experiment _ carried out by the experts. A. That grows best; has been B. What grows best; being C. How it grows best; is to be D. What it grows best; was 19. He is always helping people without expecting anything _. A. in need B. in turn C. in fact D. in return 20. - How about the bo

10、ok you are reading now? - Excellent indeed. You can find many problems we have come across _ in it. A. covered B. covering C. are referred D. referred 21. - Did Alice win the 100-meter race? - No. She did _ I. A. no better than B. no worse than C. so well as D. as well as 22. On my fathers birthday,

11、 I gave him a special present, _ I had spent my own money buying for the first time. A. it B. the one C. that D. one 23. - Does you brother serve in the army? - No, not now, but he _ in the army for 8 years. A. has served B. served C. is serving D. had served 24. In Disneyland, every year, some 8000

12、00 plants are replaced because Disney refused to _ signs asking his “guests” not to step on them. A. break up B. call up C. put up D. build up 25. - Why do you drink so much tea? - Well, _ it doesnt keep me awake in the nights. A. although B. as long as C. as soon as D. while 26. He was educated at

13、a local grammar school, _ he went on to Cambridge. A. from which B. after that C. after which D. from this 27. There was a very interesting remark in a book by an Englishman that I read recently _ he thought was the reason for this American characteristic. A. to give that B. to give what C. giving t

14、hat D. giving what 28. - Tom didnt pass the exam. _ he failed the exam did he realize the importance of hard work. - I think the result is a good lesson to him. _ should he waste so much time playing computer games. A. Not until; In no case B. Not until; In this case C. Only before; In this case D.

15、Only before; In no case 29. - Mum, I climbed to get the Toy Bear from the top of the shelf. - My goodness! You _ yourself. You _ do that next time. A. must have hurt; mustnt B. shouldnt have hurt; cant C. might have hurt; mustnt D. might have hurt; wont be able to 30. Just imagine! What _happen to t

16、he world without electricity, even only for one hour? A. will B. would C. is to D. must 第二节:完形填空 (共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分) A storekeeper was sticking a sign above his door that read “puppies for sale.” Signs like that have a way of attracting 31 , and sure enough, a little boy appeared under the st

17、orekeepers 32 . “How much are you going to sell the puppies for?” The storekeeper replied. “Anywhere from $30 to $50.” The little boy reached into his pocket and 33 out some change. “I have $2.37,” he said. “Can I please 34 them?” The storekeeper smiled and whistled and 35 kennel (饲养宠物处 ) came Lady,

18、 who ran down the aisle (通道 ) of his store followed by five 36 balls of fur. One puppy was lagging (落后 ) behind. Immediately the little boy pointed to the 37 limping (跛行 ) puppy and said, “Whats wrong with that little dog?” The storekeeper 38 that the doctor had 39 the little puppy and discovered it

19、 would always be lame. The little boy became 40 , “Thats the one I want to buy.” The storekeeper said, “If you really want him, I will give him to you.” The little boy looked straight into the storekeepers 41 , pointing his finger and said: “I dont 42 you to give him to me. That little dog is worth

20、every bit 43 the other dogs and Ill pay 44 price.” The storekeeper said, “He is never going to be able to 45 and play with you like the other puppies.” To this, the little boy reached down and rolled up his trousers leg to reveal a badly twisted, crippled leg supported by a big metal brace (支柱 ). Lo

21、oking up at the storekeeper, he softly replied, “Well, I dont run so well myself, and the little puppy will need someone who understands.” 31. A. by-standers B. people C. small children D. students 32. A. door B. sign C. store D. ladder 33. A. picked B. handed C. brought D. pulled 34. A. buy B. look

22、 at C. take away D. touch 35. A. out of B. from behind C. in D. around 36. A. big B. pretty C. tiny D. weak 37. A. jumping B. lagging C. barking D. running 38. A. explained B. answered C. admitted D. apologized 39. A. treated B. operated C. examined D. cured 40. A. sad B. angry C. pity D. excited 41

23、. A. hands B. head C. mouth D. eyes 42. A. want B. allow C. advise D. force 43. A. coin B. money C. as many as D. as much as 44. A. higher B. full C. more D. most 45. A. jump B. hear C. bark D. see 第三节:阅读理解 (共 20 小 题,每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) A In the Caucasus region of Russia, nearly 50 out of every 100,000

24、 people live to celebrate their 100th birthday, and many dont stop at 100! By comparison, in America only 3 people in 100, 000 reach 100. But these Russian old people arent alone The Pakistanis, who live high in the Himalaya Mountains, and the Ecuadorans of the Andes Mountains seem to share the secr

25、et of long life, too These people remain healthy in body and spirit despite the passage of time While many older persons in industrial societies become weak and ill in their 60s and 70s, some Caucasians aged 100 to 140, work in the fields beside their great-great-grandchildren Even the idea of aging

26、 is foreign to them When asked “at what age does youth end?” most of these old people had no answer Several replied, “Well, perhaps at age 80.” What accounts for this ability to survive to such old age, and to survive so well? First of all, hard physical work is a way of life for all of these long-l

27、ived people They begin their long days of physical labor as children and never seem to stop For example, Mr. Rustam Mamedov is 142 years of age His wife is 116 years old They have been married for 90 years Mr. Mamedov has no intention of retiring from his life as a farmer “Why? What else would I do?

28、” he asks All these people get healthful rewards from the environment in which they work They all come from mountainous regions They live and work at elevations of 1,660 to 1,000 meters above sea level The air has less oxygen and is pollution-free This reduced-oxygen environment makes the heart and

29、blood vessel system stronger Another factor that may contribute to the good health of these people is their isolation To a great extent They are separated from the pressures and worries of industrial society Inherited factors also play some role Most of the longest-lived people had parents and grand

30、parents who also reached very old ages Good family genes may, therefore, be one factor in living longer It is clear that isolation from urban pressures and pollution, clean mountain air, daily hard word, moderate diets, good genes, and a youthful approach to life all contribute to the health and lon

31、g life of all these people 46 In the Causasus region of Russian, how many people can reach the age of 100 in 10,000? A 5 B 3 C 50 D 10,000 47 The example of Mr. and Mrs. Mamedov implies that _ A some Caucasians aged 100 to 140 become weak B some Caucasians aged 100 to 140 are too old to work in the

32、fields C physical work contributes a lot to their long life D some Caucasians aged 100 to 140 are still working in the fields besides their great- great -grandchildren 48 What is the main way of life for all of these long-lived people? A Retiring from their lives as farmers B Having been married for

33、 90 years C Hard physical work D No intentions 49 At elevations of 1,220 to 1,000 meters above sea level, the air _ A has less oxygen B is pollution C is pollution-free D both A and C 50 The following factors except _ contribute to the health and long life of all these people A clean mountain air B

34、daily hard work C stress and pressure D good genes B In America, seldom do you go anywhere without hearing a principle called WIN-WIN It sounds strange to me at first because throughout my childhood, I have always been taught to try everything possible to win an upper-hand, rather than to help other

35、 people win However, as time goes by, I have gradually comprehended the essence(真谛) of WIN-WIN principle it is the attitude of seeking mutual benefit When I was little, I used to play Chinese checkers(跳棋) which include two basic tactics(战术) : One is to create paths for yourself; the other is to bloc

36、k the passages of your rival Players may apply these two totally different approaches in the game, but the key for the player to win is to continuously create paths for him even if his opponent may take advantage of it Finally he can always reach the destination(目的地) a few steps ahead of the other p

37、layer Meanwhile, some player may take another approach to prevent his opponent from moving forward at all costs By this he may get a short-term benefit, but couldnt fix attention on the final goal, thus he would never truly develop further In the 1990s, a strategy called WIN-WIN became widespread in

38、 the western world Its core is to achieve your objective while giving other people some benefits, so there is no real loser One example of applying the WIN-WIN principle is the voluntary system in US Most Americans advocate(提倡) the spirit of social service and voluntary contribution In US, schools a

39、nd children organizations usually encourage and support kids to be engaged in community service so that the voluntary spirit can be enrooted in their minds from childhood Moreover, a crucial(决定性的)standard for universities to judge new students is whether they have worked for the community or not In

40、China, it is quite usual that some people are too selfish and never take other peoples interests into consideration, while someone who really has courage to do something for the public is often called “foolish” or “stupid” Actually helping other people can be of great delights for the helper, for he

41、 can also learn something crucial for his life such as sympathy, care, devotion, etc So only if you take other peoples interests into earnest consideration can you assure your own gain 51 The purpose of the author in writing the passage is _ A to tell us the cultural differences between China and US

42、A B to tell us the different educational systems both in US and China C to tell us the importance and meaning of WIN-WIN D to show that WIN-WIN is popular in US and China 52 Which of the following can be the best example of carrying out the Win-Win principles? A Volunteers B Chinese checkers C Servi

43、ce workers D Children 53 What is the authors attitude towards Win-Win? A criticism B encouragement C disagreement D doubt 54 Which of the following statements in NOT true for WIN-WIN principle? A to take others interests seriously B to learn something useful for our life C to gain mutual benefit D t

44、o try to get some benefits from others 55 The underlined words “at all costs” in the second paragraph means “_” in Chinese A代价高 B不惜任何代价 C完全失败 D以全部费用 C TAIBEI Increasing numbers of Taiwanese students are joining the islands “China rush”, seeking education on the Chinese mainland According to official

45、 Chinese figures, the number of Taiwanese students admitted into college and postgraduate(研究生) programs on the mainland totaled 461 in 1996, 928 in 1997 and 839 in 1998 Although no latest official numbers were available,” Netbig. Com Said this number had risen between 30 to 50 percent annually in the past two years with well over 1000 entering mainland campuses last year. The Internet site, based in the Chinese city of Shenzhen, provides education service and information on Chinese mainland college and universities. “Many Taiwanese believe a Chinese education givi


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