必修五 Unit 5 First aid.doc

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1、第 1 页 共 8 页Unit 5 First aid阅读理解组块专练练速度(限时:35 分钟).阅读理解A(2016烟台 3 月诊断)Donating blood is a simple thing to do, but it can make a big difference in the lives of others. The donation process from the time you arrive until the time you leave takes about an hour. The donation itself is only about 810 minut

2、es on average. The steps in the process are:Step 1: Registration1Our staff and volunteers will sign you in and go over basic eligibility (资格 ) and donation information.2You will read information about donating blood, and will be asked to show a donor card, drivers license, or other form(s) of ID.Ste

3、p 2: Health History find others with the same problem and help each other beat it.语篇解读:网瘾会给人们的生活带来很大的影响,本文就如何避免网 瘾提出了建议。1选 D 上文谈到网瘾会导致你对生活的其他方面失去兴趣,下文的几条建议则是有关如何避免网瘾的,D 项对全文起着承上启下的作用。2选 G 本段的主旨是“Admit you are at risk of an addiction”,再结合本段讲述的“越来越多的人有网瘾,这是一个普遍 现象”可知, 选 G 项“不要觉得不好意思,找到和你一样有网瘾的人,互相帮助去

4、战胜网瘾” 。3选 B 根据空前的“Try keeping the lid closed when you are not using it.”可知,作者建议你不用电脑时,把它合上,故 选 B 项“看不到电脑时,你用它的可能性就小” 。4选 F 本段的主题是“给朋友打电话而不是在网上发信息 ”,上文的 “call friends and ask them to go outside”与 F 项 中的“phone your friends or ask for help in person”,还有上文的“on weekends”与 F 项中的“on weekdays”前后呼应。5选 C 本段的主题是“Use an alarm clock or timer”,作者建议使用闹钟或定时器来限制上网的时间,空前的“shutdown timer”与 C 项中的“shut down your computer after the set time”相 对应。


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