美国复习部分1,Size and LocationIn the central part of North America (except Alaska and Hawaii); Canada on the north Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico on the south Atlantic Ocean on the east Pacific Ocean on the westtotal area9,5 million square kilometers; 50 states and the federal district of Columbiathe seat of the Federal Government. 2,五大湖(GreatLakes)是位于加拿大与美国交界处的几座大型淡水湖泊,按面积从大到小分别为:苏必利尔湖(LakeSuperior)、休伦湖(LakeHuron)、密歇根湖(LakeMichigan)、伊利湖(LakeErie)和安大略湖(LakeOntario)。除密歇根湖属于美国之外,其它四湖