英语万能模板:话题作文这个模板的中文大意是:在某种场合,发生某种现象,并提供一些相关数据,然后列出这种现象的三个原因,并将三个原因总结为一个最主要原因,最后提出避免这种现象的两个办法。总的来说,利用这个模板写英语作文,是相当容易的,您只要将适当的内容,填写到对应的方括号中,一篇通顺的英语作文即可完成。下面就是这个模板。Nowadays, there are more and more 某种现象 in 某种场合. It is estimated that 相关数据. Why have there been so many 某种现象? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. The first one is 原因一. Besides, 原因二. The third one is 原因三. To sum up, the main cause of 某种现象 is due to 最主要原因. It is high time that something were done upon it. Fo