高中英语人教新课标必修3Unit2 Healthy eating单元练习.docx

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1、高 中 英 语 人 教 新 课 标 必 修 3Unit2 Healthy eating 单 元 练 习一、听力(听力)(共 20 小题;共 20 分)第一节 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the woman think of climbing the stairs?A. Healthy. B. Boring. C. Interesting.2. Who has a new roommate?A. Mike. B. Alice. C. Alices friend.3. What are t

2、he two speakers talking about?A. Having a healthy lifestyle.B. Eating delicious food.C. Keeping a diet.4. Why does the woman like shopping online?A. It is very convenient.B. It is very fashionable.C. It saves time and money.5. Who usually cooks in the womans family?A. Alice. B. Her mother. C. Her pa

3、rents.第二节 听下面 5 段材料。每段材料后有几个小题,从题中所给出的 A、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段材料读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。6. Why is the woman so busy?A. She is busy with chemistry exams.B. She has a lot of work.C. She has a lot of homework.7. Whats the relationship between the speakers?A. Colleagues. B. Classmates. C. Teacher and stu

4、dent.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。8. How old is the girl now?A. Six. B. Sixteen. C. Ten.9. What does the woman think of English?A. Rather hard. B. Really good. C. Very useful.10. What does the girl enjoy most?A. Listening. B. Writing. C. Talking.听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。11. Why does the man dislike his neigh

5、bors?A. They are dangerous to him.B. Their dog is noisy.C. Theyve just moved here.12. Whats the most likely relationship between the two speakers?A. Boss and worker. B. Patient and doctor. C. Friends.13. What does the woman think of the man?A. Stubborn. B. Dangerous. C. Horrible.听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17

6、 题。14. How much pocket money does Lily get a month?A. About 20 pounds. B. About 15 pounds. C. About 5 pounds.15. When can Lily have more pocket money?A. When she proves she is good at her school work.B. When she no longer argues with her mum.C. When she is old enough in her mums eyes.16. How much po

7、cket money does Lilys friends get?A. More than Lilys. B. Less than Lilys. C. The same as Lilys.17. What does David suggest Lily to do?A. Have a discussion with her mum.B. Argue with her mum about the pocket money.C. Sit down and wait calmly.听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。18. How old was Joel?A. 3 years old

8、. B. 4 years old. C. 1 years old.19. Why did the speaker and her family stop at a restaurant?A. To get ready for the zoo.B. To have lunch.C. To look for the glasses.20. Where did the husband put his foot?A. On the elephant. B. On his shirt. C. On his glasses.二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共 10 小题;共 10 分)21. Lets c

9、 my scientific knowledge and your business skills and start a company.22. She is overweight, and has to d and take exercise.23. Her anxiety l her ability to speak English.24. As a student, you have to b work and play, or you might fail your exams.25. If you cant face the problem bravely, then you ha

10、ve a sign of w of your character.26. In order to attract more customers, the company advertised the b of their products.27. The shopkeeper owed a lot of money and could not pay all his d .28. Both of the two restaurants have their s and weaknesses, so they decided to combine them together into a lar

11、ger one.29. If you meet new words in the text, please c the dictionary.30. The food will d more quickly if you chew it well.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共 15 小题;共 15 分)31. In the English Speech Contest, I will have to (限制) myself to 10 minutes.32. The couple had to work hard day and night in order to pay off

12、their d (债务).33. Childrens (好奇心) with everything plays an important part in their study.34. She (叹气) as she lay back on the bed.35. We should spend money on something that will (有益于) everyone.36. As a coach, he knows what (优点) and weaknesses his athletes have against their rivals.37. He thought that

13、 crying was a sign of (软弱).38. We (结合) our forces in order to defeat the enemies.39. As a student, you have to (平衡) work and play, or you might fail your exams.40. Yong Huis restaurant provides a lot of fruit and (未加工的) vegetables.41. I (请教) a doctor about my pains.42. Mary has been on a (节食) for we

14、eks but still hasnt lost any weight.43. Your food will (消化) more quickly if you chew it well.44. Perhaps with a (折扣) and a new sign Wang Peng could win his customers back.45. He is not (苗条的) enough to wear these tight trousers.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共 12 小题;共 24 分)46. 他死时负债累累。(词数不限 )He died heavily .47. 这

15、孩子应受到惩罚。他撒谎你不应该让他逃脱惩罚。(get) (词数不限)The child should be punished. You shouldnt let him .48. You (不应该) go on living this way.49. 他们的平衡食品非常用效。他很快就瘦了,而她也胖了。Their became a success that he became slimmer and she put on more weight.50. 你的年龄已经足够大,可以自食其力了。(词数不限)You are old enough to .51. 约翰强烈希望能重新赢得他父亲对他的爱和信任

16、。(词数不限) (win)John strongly hopes to .52. 自从上次我跟你见面之后,你变胖了吗?(词数不限)Have you since the last time I saw you?53. (不必担心他了);he is all right now. (词数不限)54. 那似乎不是减肥的最佳办法。(词数不限)That doesnt seem to be the best way to .55. By no means (你能撒谎) before your parents. (tell)56. The news that the US will (削减) its fina

17、ncial aid to Japan has been revealed. (词数不限)57. 他遇到困难时,我们不得不帮他解决。(词数不限)We when he was in trouble.五、单项选择(共 25 小题;共 25 分)58. After graduation from college, she her living as a composer.A. earned B. brought C. did D. took59. - Lucy, whats wrong?- I want to catch the 7:00 train but this suitcase just cl

18、ose!A. neednt B. wont C. shouldnt D. mustnt60. You put the task off any longer. Remember that time wasted will never come back again.A. mightnt B. wont C. neednt D. mustnt61. - Why dont you wear your jogging shorts, Mum?- Well, my legs are too skinny, if you know.A. should B. can C. need D. must62.

19、My mother the amount of food that I eat, because she think I am too fat.A. limits B. lacks C. refuses D. supplies63. The teacher told the students that they keep silent in class all the time.A. ought to not B. ought not toC. ought not to have D. cant64. The headmaster wont have students cheating in

20、the exam.A. getting away from B. getting away withC. getting down to D. getting out of65. - Helen, will you be at the party tonight?- Yes, but I really as I have so much homework to do.A. cant B. shouldnt C. mustnt D. wont66. Low-income residents cant afford to a doctor or purchase medicines when th

21、ey get sick.A. claim B. consult C. occupy D. capture67. - Good morning. Ive got an appointment with Miss Smith in the Personnel Department.- Ah, good morning. You be Mrs. Peters.A. might B. must C. would D. can68. - Whats the matter? You didnt take much.- Now I am on diet. Im trying to lose weight.A

22、. the; a B. a; / C. a; the D. /; /69. He always tells lies, to tell you truth, I dont believe what he said at all.A. /; / B. the; the C. /; the D. the; /70. I a lot from the experience of doing part-time jobs. As a result, I got a promotion.A. discouraged B. prevented C. benefited D. awarded71. The

23、little girl was so shy that she at us when we called her.A. glared B. glanced C. stared D. gazed72. Everybody come to this school, regardless of class, race or sex.A. will B. can C. must D. should73. - How did they cure this kind of disease?- They Chinese traditional medicine with Western medicine.A

24、. abandoned B. shared C. rejected D. combined74. Youve been so kind to us that we will always be deeply .A. out of debt B. in your debt C. in trouble D. in danger75. You buy a gift, but you can if you want to.A. must B. mustnt C. have to D. dont have to76. Too many sweets and not enough exercise wil

25、l make you weight.A. put on B. put up C. get up D. get on77. Before the shooting of Chinese Kongfu movie, the actor has been doing a lot of physical exercises to build up his .A. ability B. mind C. energy D. strength78. The dark colors are by the brightness of the walls.A. balanced B. increased C. a

26、dded D. decreased79. For the Turner sisters and their classmates, taking a part-time job might their time for study.A. cut off B. cut into C. cut down D. cut away80. Ive ordered some pizza, so we worry about cooking when we get home tired.A. cant B. dare not C. neednt D. may not81. My parents have p

27、romised to come to see me before I for Africa.A. have left B. leave C. left D. will leave82. Would you please keep silent? The weather report and I want to listen.A. is broadcast B. is being broadcastC. has been broadcast D. had been broadcast六、完形填空(共 20 小题;共 30 分)Eating healthy is important to your

28、 overall health. Therefore, adding some specific food to your 83 will help you stay healthy and fit.Vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals that are 84 to find in other food. Also, vegetables generally 85 lower amounts of calories. The key 86 eating vegetables is to eat vegetables that are ric

29、h and deep in 87 like tomatoes. Generally, the deeper vegetables are in color, the 88 vitamins and minerals they contain. When choosing vegetables, be sure to 89 too many vegetables high in starch content(淀粉), such as potatoes. They can make you put on weight. However, sweet potatoes can 90 your nut

30、rition(营养). Besides, whole grain are filled with fiber 91 is important for keeping your digestive system(消化系统) 92 properly. Also, whole grain can 93 you with large amounts of energy. Whole grain can be added to meals 94 rice, bread and so on. You can also eat whole grain at 95 time in the form of po

31、pcorn and salt cookies.Getting enough 96 is also important for a healthy diet. If people 97 enough protein in their diet, they will develop more slowly, have a weaker heart and so on. 98 , regular protein is important to keep your fitness. It can also be 99 to your health to take in plant-based prot

32、eins. 100 some plant-based proteins will generally reduce your overall fat. These 101 will help to low your 102 of some conditions, such as heart disease. Plant-based proteins can be taken in at meals in the form of beans, tofu or soy products.83. A. life B. diet C. soup D. drink84. A. curious B. im

33、portant C. easy D. hard85. A. belong B. gain C. contain D. include86. A. of B. to C. on D. in87. A. amount B. area C. square D. color88. A. more B. less C. better D. longer89. A. accept B. avoid C. choose D. admit90. A. lose B. lower C. increase D. decrease91. A. which B. where C. when D. what92. A.

34、 developing B. working C. studying D. running93. A. catch B. send C. offer D. provide94. A. in the habit of B. in the middle ofC. in the charge of D. in the form of95. A. snack B. meal C. sleep D. lunch96. A. protein B. grain C. mineral D. fiber97. A. leave B. lack C. add D. achieve98. A. Therefore

35、B. However C. Meanwhile D. Besides99. A. thankful B. hopeful C. helpful D. successful100. A. Eating B. Depending C. Doubting D. Enduring101. A. nutrition B. fat C. equipment D. reductions102. A. hurt B. harm C. risk D. benefit七、阅读理解(共 14 小题;共 28 分)ALike many children, Heather studied hard, did her h

36、omework and played sports after school. During her elementary school years, she was thin, but things changed as she grew up.“My bad eating habits began during my kid years,” says Heather Davis. “In middle school, I played sports, but with a diet of hamburgers and soda for lunch. big family dinners.

37、I became overweight.” During her senior year in high school, Heather Davis, who was 5 feet 9 inches tall, weighed 200 pounds “We had a meat-and-potatoes family. We had dessert every night and I was a member of the clean your plate club. I tried my best to stop gaining weight, but it seemed impossibl

38、e.” remembers Heather Davis. “It caught up with me.” By the time she was 21 and attended college, Heather Davis weight had increased to 250 pounds. Heather Davis says it was caused by emotional eating a junk-food diet and lack of exercise.The realization that failed diets led to the physical cost of

39、 obesity(肥胖) made her decide to lose weight by taking exercise. She did gym exercise for two weeks and began changing her diet by cutting out potato chips, ice cream and pizza. Within the first two weeks, she had lost 18 pounds. Heather Davis remained determined, and over the next 12 months, with th

40、e support of her family and regular training with a gym trainer, she lost 110 pounds.“My days of treating my body badly are over,” says Heather Davis. “I focus on things I enjoy such as European trips, language classes and beach vacations.” She says even though shes lost 110 pounds, shes still the s

41、ame person outgoing, and more importantly-happy. Shes also become a good example for those who also want to lose weight. “If I can do it, anybody can do it,” says Heather Davis.103. When did Heather Davis become overweight?A. During her elementary school days.B. When she was 22 years old.C. When she

42、 was a teenager.D. During her college years.104. During Heather Davis college life, all the following led to her obesity EXCEPT that .A. she lived in a meat-and-potatoes familyB. she ate more when she was stressedC. she used to have a junk-food dietD. she seldom took part in sports105. Which of the

43、following can be the best title for this passage?A. Dropping 110 Pounds Changed a Womans LifeB. How to Lose WeightC. Stay Away From Unhealthy DietsD. Heather Davis-an Outgoing Woman106. What is Davis like?A. Forgetful. B. Talkative. C. Determined. D. Lazy.BIf drinking coffee or tea has become part o

44、f your daily routine, you might wonder what its doing to your long-term heart health. New research from Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, a journal(期刊) of the American Heart Association, found that high tea consumption and proper coffee consumption may be associated with decreased

45、rates of death from coronary heart disease ( CHD)(冠心病).The study followed more than 37,000 tea and coffee drinkers over 13 years. Participants completed food recalls to document their typical intake of tea and coffee, and were divided into groups that ranged from light to heavy consumption. Researchers accounted f


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