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1、1信托公司行业评级短剑(CRIS)体系类别(权重) 指标名称 公式 基础值 目标值 评分评价净资本(9 分)RDENCe2 亿元 100 亿元净资本/风险资本(13 分) Aca 100% 150%资本实力Capital Strength(28 分)净资本/加权信托风险项目规模(6 分) lrrrcr PPNCC%205%10mh 2 10信托项目正常清算率(16 分) pntdD98% 100%信托项目风险化解率(10 分) lrrrr LLRR20510mh 20% 50%风险管理能力 Risk Management(36 分) 固有信用风险资产不良率(10 分) criainpaIAP-

2、N5% 0%净资产收益率(7 分) 12ME2EROjjiib 5% 20%信托业务收入占比(6 分) ITFPti 50% 75%营业费用收入比(6 分) OIERci60% 20%增值能力Incremental Value(26 分)人均信托净收益(7 分)= ( +) 2 2 千万元 8 千万元社会责任Social Responsibility(10 分)社会价值贡献度(10 分) )(%20)(2033FLnDiLnATV18.5 20.51、短剑行业评分评价的分值为 100分,综合评级分数由各项评级分数总产生。2、根据基础值和目标值确定分值区间,基础值代表行业的达标水平或监管下限设置

3、为 0 分目标值代表行业的领先水平,设置为满分。界于基础值和目标值之间按线性方法取值。2注释:当年新增信托资产中运用至信托公司注册地的金额(Trust assets utilized in the place of incorporation ) 。A其中注册地范围为省、自治区、直辖市。:信托风险项目净资本覆盖率(Net capital coverage of risk)crC:年内向受益人分配的信托收益(Completed distribution of trust income of the year)Di:依据合同年内应向受益人分配的非事务管理融资类信托本金(Planned distri

4、bution of trust principal of pthe year):年内正常向受益人分配的非事务管理融资类信托本金(Timely distribution of trust principal of the nyear):年初净资产余额(Beginning balance of equity of the year)bE:年末净资产余额(Ending balance of equity of the year)ei:因增资、新发行股票、债转股等引起的净资产增加额(Equity increment)j:因现金分红等引起的净资产减少额(Equity reduction):年末缴纳的信托

5、业保障基金余额(Ending balance of trust fund of the year)F:年初员工人数(Headcounts at beginning of the year)bH:年末员工人数(Headcounts at end of the year)e:固有信用风险资产总额(Credit-risk inherent assets)crIA:信托高风险项目累计发生额(Accumulative loss of high risk trust assets)hL:信托低风险项目累计发生额(Accumulative loss of low risk trust assets)lr:信

6、托中风险项目累计发生额(Accumulative loss of medium risk trust assets)m:新增净资产下一月份起至年末的月份数(Effective months for equity increment)iM:减少净资产下一月份起至年末的月份数(Effective months for equity reduction)j:净资本(Net capital)NC:固有信用风险资产中不良资产余额(Non-performing assets in the credit-risk inherent assets )iaPA:营业费用,不含营业外支出、资产减值损失(Opera

7、ting expense)OE:营业收入(Operating income)I:净利润( Profit):高风险信托本金(High risk trust principal)rh:为固有信用风险资产计提的资产减值准备余额(Provision for credit-risk inherent assets )ia:低风险信托本金(Low risk trust principal)Pl:中风险信托本金(Medium risk trust principal)rm:信托项目正常清算率(Percentage of timely distribution of trust principal)td:信托

8、业务收入占比(Percentage of trust fee income )i:风险资本(Risk- weighted assets)RA:资本充足率(Capital adequacy ratio)ca:营业费用收入比(Cost to income ratio)i:各项风险扣除项,含各类资产的风险扣除项、或有负债的风险扣除项、中国银行业监督管理委员D会认定的其他风险扣除项(Risk deductions):信托高风险项目累计化解额(Accumulative recovery amount of high risk trust assets loss)hr:信托低风险项目累计化解额(Accum

9、ulative recovery amount of low risk trust assets loss)lR:信托中风险项目累计化解额(Accumulative recovery amount of medium risk trust assets loss)mr:固有信用风险资产不良率(Non-performing assets ratio for credit-risk inherent assets)npa:净资产收益率(Return on equity)OE:信托项目风险化解率( Trust loss recovery ratio)r:纳税额,包括营业税金及附加、所得税(Tax )T:信托业务收入( Trust fee income)FI:人均信托净收益(Trust income per staff member) PS:社会价值贡献度(Value created for society)V


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